unit8co / darts

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Parallelise `backtest()` & `historical_forecasts()` #631

Open hrzn opened 2 years ago

FBruzzesi commented 1 year ago

Hey @hrzn, I would happy to give it a try.

Just to be clear, I imagine we can parallelise the iterate and forecast part, i.e. the cycle at line 472:

for _counter, pred_time in enumerate(iterator):

However, while this is almost straightforward when retrain=False, I wouldn't be sure how to approach it if a retrain is involved due to the fact that a certain trained model should predict only until the next retrain.

hrzn commented 1 year ago

Hi @FBruzzesi, thanks for the proposal!

If you want to take a stab at it, you can checkout how parallelisation is done in gridsearch() with num_jobs. For historical_forecasts(), we could follow a similar approach. There are two iterators now; an "outer" one here over the time series and an "inner" one here iterating over the train/validation splits. I think we could probably refactor this a bit in order to have the two for loops inside a generator, producing the right elements for each iteration step (e.g. yielding the right split index of the train/val sub-series). We could also extract the processing logic inside an inner function, which would be called from _parallel_apply(), so something like:

results = _parallel_apply(iterator, _train_and_forecast, n_jobs, ...)

where the _train_and_forecast() contains the logic to optionally re-train the model and obtain the forecast.

JanFidor commented 1 year ago

Hi @hrzn , I think the issue's stale if that's the case I'd love to pick it up. As for the code itself, I've been browsing it and retrain param definitely raises complexity. My current rough implementation overview for making both loops async:

  1. If retrain is bool -> We either always retrain a new model or train it once, either way implementation is straightforward
  2. Otherwise:
    • Find the subsequences where the model doesn't need to be retrained
    • Assign each of them a unique id which will be shared among its elements ex. (time_series_index, subsequence_index)
    • Fit a model for each id and save it in a dictionary, indexed by that id (might be memory intensive, but I don't have a better idea)
    • Iterate over time_series asynchronously, get their ids either by bisect -> each TimeSeries has a list holding indexes when the model is retrained, or by iterating over zip(time_series_sequences, time_series_sequence_ids)
    • Create a list where each entry has id (time_series_index, prediction_index) and then create final forecasts from it

Let me know if this makes sense, btw. with the university winter break ending and this issue being harder than what I'm used to it might take me a while (1-2 months) to put the code together (1-2 months)

hrzn commented 1 year ago

@JanFidor we currently have some plans to refactor historical_forecasts() for Torch models and RegressionModels, in order to make better use of batching and vectorization, which should bring drastic speedups, and would also allow more efficient use of multiple CPU cores. Now, there might still be some value in parallelizing cmputation for the other models (typically the "non-ML" models where things cannot really be vectorized easily). However my suggestion would be to wait that we first implement the vectorized approaches for ML models. That might bring quite a lot of changes to this function, and we will see more clearly afterwards what remains to be done. Ping @dennisbader

JanFidor commented 1 year ago

@hrzn Sure thing! Changing anything in historical_forecasts() just before a major refactor would definitely be a waste of time, I'll stay put for now and revisit the topic if there's an actual usecase for parallelisation after the refactor is merged

m-o-leary commented 5 months ago

Hey folks - what's the latest on this?

wojnarabc commented 2 months ago

Hey, any further plans for this one ?

dennisbader commented 2 months ago

The latest updates:

The only parallelization left to do (which I'm not even 100% sure it will work with all models) is for: