unitedworldwrestling / arena-public

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Backup events from the server-delete multiple athletes #100

Open prosfygas33 opened 1 year ago

prosfygas33 commented 1 year ago

Which application you are interested about Arena

Hello , i would like to ask if it is possible to export all the events (xml etc) which i have in the production server so i can have a backup from the competition schedule of this year. And also if it possible to delete specific people (athletes)in the arena with bulk move or something like this because i have many athletes with wrong name or print id.

Thanks in advance.

csabavirag commented 1 year ago

There is no such a capability of converting the internal data to other format and export from Arena apart from creating the final book for each and every event you have in the system and archive the PDF files at a desired location.

But you always have 2 options to backup your data:

  1. Use the "Export Appliance" function of VirtualBox, which takes a backup of the current state of your Arena virtual machine. You can secure it somewhere and if it is required, you can re-import this image into VirtualBox and boot up the application to get access to the saved state and its historical data (even on another computer)
  2. You can use the Settings->Operations menu a chose the "Export Database" option to create a dump of the database only. At the moment there is no option to load this data back through the user interface though (this function is developed for support requests mainly)

If your goal is to archive every year and then start the new year with an "empty" Arena then I would recommend to chose option 1. It's also recommended to use the most recent version of Arena Virtual Machine image (this is not the same as Arena version you use!), because the recent VM image always contains updates and old VM versions might have upgrade incompatibility issues.

If you start with an "empty" Arena every year, then no athletes will be there, so you can build up your athlete list again. By using the XLS based Athlete Import functionality, it simplifies the process of adding athletes to the system, also allows you to check typos, invalid IDs before loading the athlete list into Arena. If you have already used this practice, then you may know how easy to setup an event this way.

For bulk operations which are not available through the UI, you can alway use the API interface to interact with Arena. Just take a look on http://localhost:8080/api/doc where you can find all the capabilities (and don't forget to watch the Webinar for API :) ) With some programming experience, it's relatively easy to walk through all the Person entries of Arena and decide if you want to update any of them.