unitedworldwrestling / arena-public

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onvenue event #120

Open prosfygas33 opened 1 year ago

prosfygas33 commented 1 year ago

Which application you are interested about Arena

Your question I would like to ask if it is possible coaches and other stuff can see the upcoming matches of athletes on onvenue/sport-event/show/.... url from their mobile or tablet devices? Is the app responsive for this situation? Ofc the mobile devices should me in the same wifi network as arena.


csabavirag commented 1 year ago

Here are few things

Therefore it's not recommended to open your local network to public. You can still put the content of onvenue Start List onto a TV screen and make it accessible to anybody at the venue (can even use video splitter(s) to multiply a single video source and display it on several TV screens if necessary). The other option could be to use synchronization, so your local event is "mirrored" onto another Arena server, which is available through the Internet, prepared well for higher number of visitors and then you share that server with your audience. (I've opened a topic #41 for sharing the experiences between each other, but so far we received no interest on it)