unitedworldwrestling / arena-public

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Custom localization and UI translations #122

Closed delros closed 1 year ago

delros commented 1 year ago

Which application you are interested about Arena, Scoreboard, LGTV, etc

Hi team,

Is there any possibility to contribute to a simplistic, but crucial area for usability level - localization and translation of the UI? As far as I understood, the solution is not opes-sourced, so it is not obvious if the community can help with this. Any feedback will be highly appreciated

Thanks, Ernesto

csabavirag commented 1 year ago

Hi Ernesto,

Arena already supports localization, it has several (more or less) complete translation to different languages. In terms of UWWTiming (Scoreboard), it's on our backlog. If you would like to participate in extending Arena language support with a non-existing one, drop a mail to it@ mailbox please.

delros commented 1 year ago

@csabavirag, will do, thanks a lot for the feedback