unitedworldwrestling / arena-public

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Update and backup in Docker #144

Closed mostafaaghayari closed 9 months ago

mostafaaghayari commented 9 months ago

Hello Dear Casba If possible, please guide how to update and backup in Docker. Thanks


csabavirag commented 9 months ago

Have you tried to follow the "Upgrading to a newer version" section at https://github.com/unitedworldwrestling/arena-public/discussions/133 ?

I close this question here. If you still experience problem, please submit it under the discussion https://github.com/unitedworldwrestling/arena-public/discussions/133

mostafaaghayari commented 9 months ago

Hello, Mr. csaba Thank you very much for your guidance. If possible, please also advise on how to make a backup.

csabavirag commented 9 months ago

See my answer to your backup question under https://github.com/unitedworldwrestling/arena-public/discussions/133

mostafaaghayari commented 9 months ago

thank you very much