unitedworldwrestling / arena-public

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Custom Logo on pdf sheets exporting and bracket overlapping texts #91

Closed prosfygas33 closed 1 year ago

prosfygas33 commented 2 years ago

Which application you are interested about Arena

Your question Hello i would like to ask if it is possible to insert our logo in pdf sheets as the example in the photo.


And the second question how can i avoid having overlapping names due to character length on bracket pdf . See the attachment


csabavirag commented 2 years ago

Arena does not support changing the custom logo for a sport event through the web interface. Thus you can't replace the UWW one.

With regards to the bracket, there is a limited area to draw the bracket, therefore the length of the names are also limited. The original design was only considered to the 3 digit team names (which is much longer in your case), however long athlete names neither fits in even if you have a few characters long team name.

Let's keep this issue open and we will look into both questions and prioritise the development for them.

csabavirag commented 2 years ago

Hi, custom logo feature will be available in the next Arena version. You can test it by upgrading to the Beta version (make sure you do it on a test environment)