unitpoint / objectscript

ObjectScript, OS for short, is a new programming language. It's free, cross-platform, lightweight, embeddable and open-source. It combines the benefits of multiple languages, including: JavaScript, Lua, Ruby, Python and PHP. OS features the syntax of Javascripts, the "multiple results" feature from lua, syntactic shugar from Ruby as well as magic methods from PHP and Ruby - and even more!
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Make MySQL optional #33

Closed IngwiePhoenix closed 10 years ago

IngwiePhoenix commented 10 years ago


Is there a way to make the Mysql stuff optional? I want to try OS, but I do not want to install MySQL rightnow (I am running it in a different version under MAMP and am using that version from the command line).

Kind regards, Ingwie

unitpoint commented 10 years ago

Hi, the mysql stuff is optional. Use objectscript.h, objectscript.cpp, os-heap.h, os-heap.cpp, os-binder.h to compile OS min version.