ObjectScript, OS for short, is a new programming language. It's free, cross-platform, lightweight, embeddable and open-source. It combines the benefits of multiple languages, including: JavaScript, Lua, Ruby, Python and PHP. OS features the syntax of Javascripts, the "multiple results" feature from lua, syntactic shugar from Ruby as well as magic methods from PHP and Ruby - and even more!
Is there a way to make the Mysql stuff optional? I want to try OS, but I do not want to install MySQL rightnow (I am running it in a different version under MAMP and am using that version from the command line).
Is there a way to make the Mysql stuff optional? I want to try OS, but I do not want to install MySQL rightnow (I am running it in a different version under MAMP and am using that version from the command line).
Kind regards, Ingwie