Open sizsJEon opened 1 year ago
mate , do you know how to get /gazebo/model_states and /aliengo_gazebo/joint_states in a real robot ?
mate , do you know how to get /gazebo/model_states and /aliengo_gazebo/joint_states in a real robot ?
its a gazebo simulator's state. so If you want to get mode_state, maybe calculate from imu will be possible.
for joint_states, you can get joint information from robot. (by using state variable.)
Sorry , I am new to ROS . I mean , is there any possible that I can run a ros enviroment in the real robot ? And I just need to replace /gazebo/model_states
to /imu /model_states
Sorry , I am new to ROS . I mean , is there any possible that I can run a ros enviroment in the real robot ? And I just need to replace
to/imu /model_states
Yeah , thanks for reply , now I have implemented
successfully and my model walks well in ros-Gazebo by publish topics and subscribe topics . But the examples is all moved by sdk .
It is not what I imaged that I can still just publish or subscribe topics likes in gazebo.
Doos your meanings is that I just need to put the
into the
aliengo real Robot , then I can control the real robot through ros topic.
Doos your meanings is that I just need to put the
into the aliengo real Robot , then I can control the real robot through ros topic.
real robot does not have gazebo-like information. you should implement yourself it. I've already told you this.
checkout LowState and HighState. those values are only datas you can get from robot.
OK , thanks for your help. Your help save me a lot of time. I think I have fully understand the whole process from subscribe topics in c++ and public topics in python , my aliengo could move right now .
1. question about difference between position and torque command.
I'm currently testing go1's command performances, but torque control and position control is seems to be different in some way. for example,
position command (1000Hz)
torque command (1000Hz)
when sending lowlevel command to go1 with sdk, these two command's performance is somehow different. especially, knee joint ( calf_joint. FR_2 ) is oscillate rapidly. (setting lower kd, kp gain results not oscillation. but position error rises)
*2. why cmd.motorCmd[].Kd is effect to torque command?**
as far as I know, Kp and Kd should not affect to torque command. but it does. (for example, ocilliation in knee joint was removed when setting Kd=0.5) Was this intentional? If so, can you share the code or formula within the controller?