units-of-measurement / units-of-measurement-server

A small Flask server to demonstrate UCUM code to linked data conversion
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URL for Hartree energy #10

Open kulnor opened 2 years ago

kulnor commented 2 years ago

I'm working on a CODATA constants related project and trying to associate a UOM URL with all units.
Is there a value or entry for the a.u. of energy, hartree (Hartree energy)? many thanks!

kaiiam commented 2 years ago

Thanks @kulnor for reaching out.

Our main goal with UOM is to provide a semantic web representation of UCUM codes. As such the plan is for the service to be automated and not will not need to manage new term requests. Rather it take inputs in the form of UCUM codes (which cover most scientific unit use cases) and provides urls with annotations and mappings based on the UCUM inputs. The other main goal for UOM is be the mapping hub for the various semantic web ontologies in existence to function as a hub for unit interoperability.

Regarding scientific constants, UCUM has some of them in their base units which the system currently represents e.g. speed of light in a vacuum c which we represent in UOM e.g. https://units-of-measurement.org/%5Bc%5D. For the full list of constants in UCUM see https://ucum.org/ucum.html#const. We are currently working on implementing UCUM annotations which allow for free text inputs as ucum codes e.g. {cells} as well as other UCUM grammer functionality such as numbers. Once we have that working it will be possible for UOM to link to things like scientific constants which are not in the UCUM base code set. If for example CODATA were to host it's own semantic web terms aka have URLs for concepts like the Hartree energy constant we could maintain a mapping which relates that to it's UCUM code which would then get a processable IRI from UOM.

This could be done either with a UCUM annotation such as {Hartree} or it could be done with a standard UCUM code, which if my understanding is correct that H=27.21 eV, then the UCUM code could be (2721/100).eV. Either way putting these valid ucum codes into our system will generate IRIs for them which can be used by project such as CODATA.

Hope this helps, Happy to discuss more Kai

kaiiam commented 2 years ago

Also the issue tracker for the other repository https://github.com/units-of-measurement/units-of-measurement/issues would be a better place for this thread :).

kulnor commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the quick feedback, much appreciated.

kaiiam commented 2 years ago

I'll be presenting UOM at the SciDataCon 2021 meeting Oct 20th. Perhaps we can pickup this discussion there if @kulnor you are in attendance.

Cheers Kai