units-of-measurement / units-of-measurement-server

A small Flask server to demonstrate UCUM code to linked data conversion
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Add URL for term for each term page, below heading #3

Open jamesaoverton opened 2 years ago

jamesaoverton commented 2 years ago

I think we should follow the lead of OLS and include the URL for the term on the term page, immediately below the header with the term label. This should be easy to copy/paste, which is a common user task. OLS also includes a "copy" button to help with that, which would be nice.

Most systems make the term URL a hyperlink, but I don't think that's helpful in this case, and often makes it harder to select the text. So I'm thinking this should not be a hyperlink.

beckyjackson commented 2 years ago

Right now, the base IRI is https://w3id.org/units/, but I included an option in the ontodev-units package to change the base IRI for the unit prefix. Do we want to use https://units.ontodev.com/ as the base, or keep the fake IRIs for now? I know determining the actual IRI is a WIP.

jamesaoverton commented 2 years ago

I guess https://w3id.org/units/ for now. Thanks!

beckyjackson commented 2 years ago

OK, I've added this to ontodev-units so that the IRI appears in the HTML rendering.

I haven't added the "copy" button, because this requires a little bit of JS. We would have to include that in the HTML outputs from the ontodev-units package, which I'm not sure we want to do. Thoughts?