As an Algorithm developer, i want to make updates to an existing algorithm
As an Algorithm developer, i want to test my algorithm in a unity jupyter envionrment
As an Algorithm developer, i want to package my algorithm into a unity-application-pacakge
As an Algorithm developer, i want to run my algorithm against a set 200 known data products as a regression
For the last one, we want to run the processes against a known set of data products that are used for validation. We can import these into the unity system as a collection. We will want to ensure it's simple to run that regression test against all 200 items. How would a project set that up (e.g. in airflow via a DAG? command line calls?)
Acceptance Criteria
Acceptance criteria required to implement the epic
Emit Venue set up {project: emit, venue: dev}
Emit Venue is set up including: Jupyter, Airflow, databucket and APIGateway integrations
Cognito user groups for emit users
Data Services - Ingest/catalog 200 data products for validation data. Ideally we have a mechansism to let suers do this on their own.
Process assistance for running the 200 datasets from the processing system (e.g. how-to guide, code samples, etc).
Work Tickets
Link to work tickets required to implement the epic
Support for EMIT
Following use cases
As an Algorithm developer, i want to make updates to an existing algorithm As an Algorithm developer, i want to test my algorithm in a unity jupyter envionrment As an Algorithm developer, i want to package my algorithm into a unity-application-pacakge As an Algorithm developer, i want to run my algorithm against a set 200 known data products as a regression
For the last one, we want to run the processes against a known set of data products that are used for validation. We can import these into the unity system as a collection. We will want to ensure it's simple to run that regression test against all 200 items. How would a project set that up (e.g. in airflow via a DAG? command line calls?)
Acceptance Criteria
Acceptance criteria required to implement the epic
{project: emit, venue: dev}
Work Tickets
Link to work tickets required to implement the epic
Other epics or outside tickets required for this to work
Associated Risks
links to risk issues associated with this epic