"Simulate the algorithm developer experience across different service areas. This needs to be a cross team effort between UIUX, SPS, and ADS.
As an algorithm developer, i can build my [emit] algorithm using the app-pack-gen service, deploy it via OGC register commands to my airflow environment, and execute it through the OGC endpoint and the airflow UI.
Document the end to end workflow
EMIT team follows this documentation
SITC team follows this documentaition
Update OGC creation, airflow DAG reliance, and app-package generation to work for the above
Major User Stories:
As a user, I can follow the MDPS documentation to get started writing my algorothm
As a user, i want to test my algorithm in a unity jupyter envionrment using the input types i will be working with when running in the SPS (e.g. STAC inputs)
STAC inputs: where do these come from? how does a user generate STAC to simulate this? Do they need to?
As an algorithm developer, i want to package my algorithm into a unity-application-package so that i can test this at scale against some known data products - where are the instructions for this? Can i do this through unity-py? Are these deployed to the various environments?
As an algorithm developer, I want to deploy and run my applicaiton in airflow: Do i need to write a dag? if so, how is that done? what goes on here? is this all done through OGC or do i need to do airflow?
As a user, i want to view the data products I generated so i can validate them using my own methods
At PI: Figure out how this collaboration will work. Weekly/bi-weekly team meetings? Objective specific stand-ups?At PI: Figure out how we'll embed users in this effort. We want to get their feedback pretty early on."
Acceptance Criteria
Acceptance criteria required to implement the epic
App-pack-gen system is upgraded to the most recent stage-in/stage-out templates (7.4.0?) auto archiving)
App-pack-gen services can provided status updates during and after builds with error information where applicable.
Application packages built are able to be deployed (if necessary) and executed in the SPS
End to End test cases are identified (existing or ones with some gaps)
Execution of test case can be triggered by @brianlee731 @rtapella or @mike-gangl
Documentation is prepared and given to EMIT, SITC teams
Work Tickets
Link to work tickets required to implement the epic
[ ] TBC (to be created)
Other epics or outside tickets required for this to work
Round Trip Algorithm Development Improvements
"Simulate the algorithm developer experience across different service areas. This needs to be a cross team effort between UIUX, SPS, and ADS.
As an algorithm developer, i can build my [emit] algorithm using the app-pack-gen service, deploy it via OGC register commands to my airflow environment, and execute it through the OGC endpoint and the airflow UI.
Major User Stories:
As a user, I can follow the MDPS documentation to get started writing my algorothm
As a user, i want to test my algorithm in a unity jupyter envionrment using the input types i will be working with when running in the SPS (e.g. STAC inputs)
As an algorithm developer, i want to package my algorithm into a unity-application-package so that i can test this at scale against some known data products - where are the instructions for this? Can i do this through unity-py? Are these deployed to the various environments?
As an algorithm developer, I want to deploy and run my applicaiton in airflow: Do i need to write a dag? if so, how is that done? what goes on here? is this all done through OGC or do i need to do airflow?
As a user, i want to view the data products I generated so i can validate them using my own methods
At PI: Figure out how this collaboration will work. Weekly/bi-weekly team meetings? Objective specific stand-ups? At PI: Figure out how we'll embed users in this effort. We want to get their feedback pretty early on."
Acceptance Criteria
Acceptance criteria required to implement the epic
Work Tickets
Link to work tickets required to implement the epic
Other epics or outside tickets required for this to work
Associated Risks
links to risk issues associated with this epic