unity3d-jp / MeshSync

A package for synchronizing meshes/models editing in DCC tools into Unity in real time.
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Blender version issue #89

Closed i-saint closed 4 years ago

i-saint commented 4 years ago

this issue treats Blender version compatibility issues. note: MeshSync supports only major releases of Blenders ( https://www.blender.org/download/ ). non-major releases of Blenders ( https://builder.blender.org/download/ ) are not supported. in some cases it works, but usually not.

Blender のバージョン絡みの問題はこの issue に集約します。 前提として、メジャーリリース以外の Blender はサポートしません。メジャーリリースとは https://www.blender.org/download/ からダウンロードできるバージョンです。https://builder.blender.org/download/ からダウンロードできるものはメジャーリリースではなく、動作することもありますが、大抵は動作しません。

i-saint commented 4 years ago

the current release of MeshSync (Release 20190423) doesn't work with Blender 2.80. I'm working on it.

現行の MeshSync (Release 20190423) は Blender 2.80 では機能しません。現在対応中です。

sasa42 commented 4 years ago

Is there a way i can manually repair the workspace visibility or is this a bigger issues?

i-saint commented 4 years ago

you can try to build the plugin from dev branch. there are some remaining issues, but meshes can sync.

sasa42 commented 4 years ago

after building \MeshSync.MeshSync\Plugin\build_blender.bat

i get


/MeshSyncClientBlender-2.79 /MeshSyncClientBlender-2.80 MeshSync.lib MeshUtils.lib


.MeshSync\Plugin_out\x64_Release\MeshSyncClientBlender-2.80 MeshSyncClientBlender.exp MeshSyncClientBlender.lib MeshSyncClientBlender.pdb MeshSyncClientBlender.pyd

I did not managed to install these as Blender addon. I tried to .zip serveral versions but had have no sucesss installing these .zips as Blender Addon. Do you have any tip how can i pack these for the Install Add-on from File?

i-saint commented 4 years ago

Release 20190902 supports Blender 2.8 https://github.com/unity3d-jp/MeshSync/releases/