unity3d-jp / UnityChanToonShaderVer2_Project

UnityChanToonShaderVer2 Project / v.2.0.9 Release
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srp batcher compitable? #49

Closed mdm123 closed 2 years ago

mdm123 commented 4 years ago

I have checked urp branch.unfortunately,it doesn't support srp batcher now.Do you have a plan for this?

daotianxianyu commented 4 years ago

Look forward to SRP batcher's support

H3idi-X commented 3 years ago

I don't believe SRP batcher can be ignored inside shader. Can you elaborate that?

Kulgann commented 3 years ago

I don't believe SRP batcher can be ignored inside shader. Can you elaborate that?

The properties used in the shader are not put in the correct CBUFFERS thus making the shader not compatible with the SRP batcher. Im currently atempting to put all properties from the body part of the shader in the right buffers. Will update if I manage to get it to work.

Edit: End of the day I did manage to get the shader to be compatible with the SRP batcher, but the outline pass had to be dropped and it required a significant rewrite of some of the files Mainly droping the LitInput includes and moving everything to a new ToonInput

H3idi-X commented 3 years ago

Hi, Apology for my misunderstanding. We've succeed to make Unity Toon Shader compatible with SRP Batcher. We'll back port it to Universal Toon Shader as soon as possible.

H3idi-X commented 2 years ago

Hi, We released Universal Toon Shader 2.3.0, which is compatible with SRP Batcher. There are some you might want to keep in mind:

Thanks, UTS Team.