univ-of-utah-marriott-library-apple / python-jamf

`python-jamf` is a library for connecting to a Jamf Server. It maps Jamf Pro records to a Record class. It is the basis for the `jctl` tool to automate patch management & packages and many other items.
MIT License
54 stars 16 forks source link

Added subcommands: packages view_included and scripts script_contents #49

Closed magnusviri closed 3 years ago

magnusviri commented 3 years ago

Output looks like this.

./jctl packages -S view_included

BBEdit-13.5.5.pkg Policies Install Bare Bones BBEdit PatchSoftwareTitles Bare Bones BBEdit - 13.5.5 PatchPolicies 13.5.5 SS


Xcode-11.3.1.pkg Policies Install Xcode 11.3 (macOS 10.15) ComputerGroups 02 - Needs Xcode-11.3.1.pkg (Staff, Student, Opt-In, 10.15)

Zoom- Policies Install Zoom Client for Meetings

./jctl scripts -S script_contents

!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

print "Hi mom";

magnusviri commented 3 years ago

New commit: Reworked ClassicSwagger and swagger, fixed _post_templates, added _swagger_fixes and post_template; Moved Record init to new, modified new to create a new record if it's called with 0 as the first argument; added Records createNewRecord that calls the singular class with a 0 first argument; Added error catching in set_path; Added subcommands: PatchPolicies set_version, PatchSoftwareTitles patchpolicies, packages, set_package_for_version, set_all_packages; Removed category.py.