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Generify function to convert case class to Map[String, String] in EventMetadata for serialization #4

Open fsarradin opened 6 years ago

fsarradin commented 6 years ago

getCCParams2 is currently using runtime reflection in order to convert case class into Map[String, String].

There should be a better, using Shapeless or Magnolia, in a view to make its analysis at compile-time.

ahoy-jon commented 6 years ago

It doesn't work with Magnolia for the following case class :

case class SimpleCaseClass(field: String)
case class WithOption(field:String,opt:Option[String],opt2:Option[SimpleCaseClass])

=> Updating Shapeless !

fsarradin commented 6 years ago

Time to add JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness). 4 benchmarks to do:

fsarradin commented 6 years ago

Result of the bench

[info] # Run complete. Total time: 00:25:07
[info] Benchmark                          Mode  Cnt        Score        Error  Units
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_byHand_baseline  thrpt   25   393064.803 ±   2652.298  ops/s
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_javaReflection   thrpt   25   631668.980 ±   5091.875  ops/s
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_shapeless        thrpt   25  2362843.487 ± 174641.869  ops/s

Note: I've some problems with the Magnolia version due to implicit resolution

ToMapBench.scala:41:10: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type sandbox.ToMap[zoom.bench.sandbox.Level1CC]
fsarradin commented 6 years ago

Updated bench

[info] Benchmark                          Mode  Cnt        Score        Error  Units
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_byHand_baseline  thrpt   25  5780259.775 ±  40263.865  ops/s
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_javaReflection   thrpt   25   890603.361 ±  13304.667  ops/s
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_shapeless        thrpt   25  2362843.487 ± 174641.869  ops/s
fsarradin commented 6 years ago

Last results

[info] ToMapBench.toMap_byHand2          thrpt   25  218146598.332 ± 11540543.920  ops/s
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_byHand_baseline  thrpt   25    5873689.543 ±    56151.495  ops/s
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_javaReflection   thrpt   25     989298.519 ±    45815.272  ops/s
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_magniola         thrpt   25     852163.410 ±    13319.356  ops/s
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_shapeless        thrpt   25    3759700.042 ±   228861.262  ops/s
fsarradin commented 6 years ago

And with magnolia 2

[info] Benchmark                          Mode  Cnt          Score         Error  Units
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_byHand2          thrpt   25  220553937.130 ± 3735241.241  ops/s
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_byHand_baseline  thrpt   25    5766268.744 ±   44173.483  ops/s
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_shapeless        thrpt   25    3583706.298 ±   76165.337  ops/s
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_Magniola2        thrpt   25    1272567.203 ±   40474.024  ops/s
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_javaReflection   thrpt   25     972149.288 ±   34727.019  ops/s
[info] ToMapBench.toMap_magniola         thrpt   25     816225.914 ±   12217.223  ops/s
fsarradin commented 5 years ago

Final strategy: