I couldn't compile the project and experienced the following error:
pio/lib/Sender/Sender.cpp:499:31: error: no matching function for call to 'ArduinoJson6200_F1::JsonVariant::is<char*>()'
I browsed ArduinoJson's documentation and came upon the following line on the page documenting the JsonVariant::is() function:
bool is<char*>() const; // ⚠️ deprecated since 6.18
After applying the change you will find in this PR, I was able to compile the project and upload it to a NodeMCU but I couldn't fully test the iSpindel as I am missing some sensors at the moment.
I couldn't compile the project and experienced the following error:
pio/lib/Sender/Sender.cpp:499:31: error: no matching function for call to 'ArduinoJson6200_F1::JsonVariant::is<char*>()'
I browsed ArduinoJson's documentation and came upon the following line on the page documenting the JsonVariant::is() function:
bool is<char*>() const; // ⚠️ deprecated since 6.18
After applying the change you will find in this PR, I was able to compile the project and upload it to a NodeMCU but I couldn't fully test the iSpindel as I am missing some sensors at the moment.