universelabs / universe.engineering

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Refactor & move client (universe.engineering) to DigitalOcean #71

Open guylepage3 opened 5 years ago

guylepage3 commented 5 years ago

Description Refactor & move client (universe.engineering) from Heroku to DigitalOcean.

Heroku requires a static IP in order to configure a root domain. We, at Universe, must configure our DNS to root as we cannot have our apps resolving to www.universe.engineering. Our DNS must resolve to universe.engineering as our TLD is so long and confusing for folks. we’ve received a lot of feedback on this issue.

The catch is that Heroku requires a static IP configuration and Heroku is the only hosting provider out there that does not work with A records for root domains.

Heroku’s solution is to use dnsimple.com for aliasing. they have worked with them to provide this service.

So technically, we need to get off DNSimple.com but since we need to resolve to a root domain, we now need to move off of Heroku.



guylepage3 commented 5 years ago

@faddat let me know if you need anything here. I am happy to walk you through Heroku.

guylepage3 commented 5 years ago

Great work on this so far @faddat.

guylepage3 commented 5 years ago

@faddat I just added Full Node.js Deployment - NGINX, SSL With Lets Encrypt to the references list. I'll go through this tutorial in the morning and apply it to the app.

guylepage3 commented 5 years ago

Taking over this issue.