univrsal / spectralizer

Audio visualizer plugin for obs-studio
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Visualizer not reacting to sound #21

Open treierxyz opened 4 years ago

treierxyz commented 4 years ago

Can't get the visualizer to work. Logs: 2020-05-24 23-19-54.txt


univrsal commented 4 years ago

Does it work with other audio sources? Maybe try changing back and forth in between audio sources

treierxyz commented 4 years ago

Changing audio sources didn't work.

univrsal commented 4 years ago

Can you try adding a media or vlc source and see if it works with those?

treierxyz commented 4 years ago

I will try tomorrow.

treierxyz commented 4 years ago

Media and VLC Source work fine. Also tried JACK Input Client, but that didn't work.

treierxyz commented 4 years ago

Also Audio Capture Device (ALSA) works.

univrsal commented 4 years ago

I really don't know what's causing this.

treierxyz commented 4 years ago

This actually started a while ago but I didn't get around to making a report and then I didn't use OBS for a while so I forgot about it.

treierxyz commented 3 years ago

Still having this problem, but a fresh VM had no problems, so it must be something with my OS installation. I could try to find out what is causing this but it's just much simpler to reinstall the OS, which I might probably do by the end of the year.

univrsal commented 3 years ago

I really can't help you with this much, I haven't had issues with either JACK or Pulseaudio. I'm rewriting the spectrum code (or at least have started) so maybe that'll fix it.

treierxyz commented 3 years ago

I reinstalled my OS and that didn't help, it's a problem with Pulseaudio and JACK. I can get the spectralizer working by: 1) opening OBS 2) restarting JACK 3) setting desktop audio to Default

I have no problems when Pulseaudio only is used, but Pulse and JACK together don't mix well. It might also depend on if you use JACK1 or JACK2, which of I am using the latter.

But if you're already working on a rewrite, then I think this bug doesn't matter anymore.

mikelupe commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm having the same issue. A local media file is handled correctly, but any routed Jack source first shortly triggers some signal being displayed, and then basically immediately mutes. I'm on Debian 11 btw. and I'm routing with Jack from MIXXX to OBS.

Do you have any new insights about this? Thanks. (great plugin)

univrsal commented 3 years ago


Hitrate commented 3 years ago

Yes, no reaction to any audio. What a bummer. Hopefully you fix the app someday.

remixmabix commented 3 years ago

Same here

LeonHartwig commented 3 years ago

Jack users: as a test, try increasing your frames/period setting in your Jack setup. Make sure to restart Jack for the change to take effect. I normally use 256 and the visualizer doesn't react and spams the obs --verbose log with 'No Data in circle buffer' messages. However, if I configure Jack for 512 or 1024 frames/period, then the visualizer works. Could be some faulty assumptions in the visualizer regarding how much audio data to expect (and when) from an audio source.

remixmabix commented 3 years ago

Leon is on point, strange behaviour also because with Ardour if I go change the frames period from 512 to 64 it still visualize.

But if I change source again then it makes an error. Seems like the problem is in the initialisation of the plugin.

Thank you

lcalder commented 3 years ago

If I set my asio device to 512 samples it works fine. If I change the sample size to anything less than 512 samples, it will not react at all even though OBS audio meters show sound. If I switch back to 512 samples, spectralizer springs back to life.

treierxyz commented 3 years ago

Jack users: as a test, try increasing your frames/period setting in your Jack setup. Make sure to restart Jack for the change to take effect. I normally use 256 and the visualizer doesn't react and spams the obs --verbose log with 'No Data in circle buffer' messages. However, if I configure Jack for 512 or 1024 frames/period, then the visualizer works. Could be some faulty assumptions in the visualizer regarding how much audio data to expect (and when) from an audio source.

Sorry, but sadly changing buffer size or periods/buffer didn't help, still no response. Sample rate also didn't have any effect. I don't get any "No Data in circle buffer" errors in logs so that could be a different issue?

TheBlackParrot commented 3 years ago

Getting this issue with Pipewire's JACK interface on Linux as well. I start OBS and the bars are always full with the Monstercat filter, and empty with any other filter. Never can get it to react. I get similar issues on the Windows side too, my old layout had multiple Spectralizer sources and there was usually 1 out of the 3 that would initialize with full bars and never react. Swapping scene collections back and forth would usually re-init them.

void-ghast commented 2 years ago

This issue with the sample rate less than 512 not showing up is a huge bummer. Shouldn't be too difficult to fix on the developer's end right?