unixcharles / refinerycms-blog

Blog plugin for RefineryCMS. Currently out-of-sync with RefineryCMS, see i.resolve blog plugin meanwhile, or send me a pull request.
MIT License
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Problem with install plugin #8

Closed rusllonrails closed 13 years ago

rusllonrails commented 13 years ago


I use Rails 3. I installed refinerycms-blog plugin: 1.) rake db:setupand rake db:migrate; 2.) added line to Gemfile: gem "acts-as-taggable-on" gem "fattr" and then bundle install; 3.) rails plugin install git://github.com/unixcharles/refinerycms-blog.git 4.) rake refinery:blog:install 5.) And when I try to do rake db:migrate, I see this errors list: ruslan@ruslan:~/projects/test-blog/test-blog$ rake db:migrate (in /home/ruslan/projects/test-blog/test-blog)

* DEPRECATION WARNING * You cannot use plugin.title anymore. Titles will be internationalized by the I18n api.

See http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/refinerycms/core/engines.md#readme Section: 'The Structure of a Plugin'

Called from: "/home/ruslan/projects/test-blog/test-blog/vendor/plugins/refinerycms-blog/rails/init.rb:2"

* DEPRECATION WARNING * You cannot use plugin.description anymore. Descriptions will be internationalized by the I18n api.

See http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms/blob/master/vendor/refinerycms/core/engines.md#readme Section: 'The Structure of a Plugin'

Called from: "/home/ruslan/projects/test-blog/test-blog/vendor/plugins/refinerycms-blog/rails/init.rb:3"

rake aborted! A plugin MUST have a name!: #<Refinery::Plugin:0x9ced4a8 @pathname=#<Pathname:/home/ruslan/projects/test-blog/test-blog/vendor/plugins/refinerycms-blog>, @menu_match=/admin\/(blog|comments|blog_comments)/, @plugin_activity=[#<Refinery::Activity:0x9b62e58 @created_image="add.png", @order="updated_at DESC", @limit=7, @url_prefix="edit", @class=Blog(Table doesn't exist), @updated_image="edit.png", @conditions=nil, @title="title", @nested_with=[], @url=nil>], @version=1.0>

(See full trace by running task with --trace)

What can I do to install plugin correctly?

unixcharles commented 13 years ago

Yes, this plugin is not sync with the current version of Refinery.

Its working with rails 2 versions of Refinery, I didn't had time to upgrade it.

Meanwhile, you can still use the refinerycms-blog plugin from i.resolve. I'll have to upgrade this plugin, because I have some site to upgrade to Rails 3 that depend on it, but its not going to be done in a short future since I don't have time to dedicate to this task.