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Add radiosonde decoders #21

Open pit711 opened 6 years ago

pit711 commented 6 years ago

and plot data to a map application or pipe gps data out. https://github.com/rs1729/RS

RS41 is mostly used in Europe.

unixpunk commented 6 years ago

Interesting idea. Which decoder would be the easiest/quickest for you to test in the field? This will take some time as I've never tracked these before and haven't researched what's in use in the US here yet. I have verified that at least the rs41 decoder does cross-compile fine and does execute on the pluto without issue. Just haven't tried piping in the sample wav file or anything yet. I may just have to do some testing with transmitting the example wav files from my hackrf and receiving them with rx_fm piped to rs41 binary on the pluto to see if it works in a lab setting.

Also, I've never interfaced with a map api before, so not sure how I'd accomplish that just yet. I might be able to take a queue from dump1090 though. Any examples you know of would help as well.

pit711 commented 6 years ago

i have RS41 and DFM available for testing.

After a weather probe has landed you search for the landing place with the GPS data. Currently I do it so that I evaluate the GPS data with a laptop and then enter them into a map application. It would be ideal if you could connect the Pluto via OTG to a smartphone and then read the decoded GPS data of the probe on the smartphone directly in a map application.

Europe uses 400 to 406 for weather probes, USA i think 1680 Mhz.

I think easiest way is to fork this project to PLUTO https://github.com/projecthorus/radiosonde_auto_rx

unixpunk commented 6 years ago

OK sounds good. I can't port an rtl app for the pluto, I'm not a developer. If there's an app that natively supports the pluto radio then I could easily implement that.

I don't get any sign that my phone or the pluto support each other when I use an OTG cable on the phone (android) to connect the pluto. RTL's work fine in this use-case but I think because the pluto also supports OTG, they might be bumping heads. I envision the pluto serving up the map via wifi instead, then any device will work since you'd just need a web browser. (like dump1090 works today)

unixpunk commented 5 years ago

@ImDroided you want to see if you can figure out how to get one of these RS apps to plot on a map like dump1090? Maybe with something other than google maps api unless its that easy to just snag what they did on dump1090, I'm fine with that too.

That can be done just on your pc and should then work the same on the pluto with the pluto binaries. I'll try to get some of these bins cross-compiled and added to the image this week then the web testing is easy.

RS41 and DFM, plus any others that anyone suggests in the short-term are the ones I'll start with. Will also check and add the ones common in the US, if not the same.

ImDroided commented 5 years ago

Ill be in Indiana all next week for work so I should have some time to play with this at my hotel. Not sure how easy or hard it will be but I dont think it could be that hard. I plan on working on the web side too.

unixpunk commented 5 years ago

@pit711 Can you tell me specifically which binaries you'd like on the image? At least you could maybe test just via cmd line to at least know if that portion of things works as expected?

pit711 commented 5 years ago

@unixpunk i did some testing on my raspberry. i think the best solution is to add dxlAPRS. https://github.com/oe5hpm/dxlAPRS

just add the whole dxlAPRS toolchain. im not good at coding, i tried to get a decoder run but failed.

unixpunk commented 5 years ago

That looks doable and already has a map, size is becoming an issue now, so I'll have to see if it 1, cross-compiles and 2, if it keeps the image small enough to not fail a dfu upload.

unixpunk commented 5 years ago

Current issue here is space...I'm working to shrink things down now, this new suggestion is much larger than the last few binaries. :)

pit711 commented 5 years ago

without the POI.txt dxlAPRS should not be bigger then this:

pi@kxyTrack:/opt$ du -hs dxlAPRS/ 2.6M dxlAPRS/

unixpunk commented 5 years ago

I'll need some notes on how to get from the 50mb after git clone to the 2.6mb you have. I was able to cross-compile almost all of the different bins for the different types manually, but even then still not sure what I need to bring across into the image.

unixpunk commented 5 years ago

@pit711 any advice on building, etc? Should have room to fit that size. Thanks!