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[2018.04.18] Training a Binary Weight Object Detector by Knowledge Transfer for Autonomous Driving #167

Open unizard opened 6 years ago

unizard commented 6 years ago

From @SeokjuLee

Institute: CVC/UAB URL: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.06332.pdf Interest: 2

Classification, Detection을 위한 BinaryWeight 연구는 자리잡아가는 중

Image Retrieval을 위한 BinaryWeight 연구가 아직도 미지의 세계인 듯

unizard commented 6 years ago

FP: the full-precision model; M0, M1 and M2: the BWN with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage binarization; KT: the BWN initialized from M0 and trained with knowledge transfer

leadcain84 commented 6 years ago

상당히 흥미롭게 본 논문인데, 혹시 feature response가 정확히 어떤 것인지 아시나요?