unizard / AwesomeArxiv

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Follow Up Google AI Perception Team #180

Open unizard opened 6 years ago

unizard commented 6 years ago

IT포탈에서컴퓨터비전 #인식팀은무엇을하나요 #궁금한가요 #그럼이쪽히스토리를보심됨요


Google AI Perception
[Jasper R. R. Uijlings]() V. Ferrari S. Popov

Uijlings, Ferrari 가 같이 들어간 논문이 팀업무 흐름으로 보여짐


Title Publication Relevance
We don't need no bounding-boxes: Training object class detectors using only human verification CVPR2016 O
How hard can it be? Estimating the difficulty of visual search in an image CVPR2016 X
Training object class detectors with click supervision [ProjectPage] (http://calvin.inf.ed.ac.uk/datasets/center-click-annotations/) , Video, podcast CVPR2017 O
Extreme clicking for efficient object annotation Supp, Code ICCV2017 O
COCO-Stuff: Thing and Stuff Classes in Context CVPR2018 X
Learning Intelligent Dialogs for Bounding Box Annotation CVPR2018 O
Revisiting knowledge transfer for training object class detectors CVPR2018 O