unizard / AwesomeArxiv

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[2018.05.16] ContextNet: Exploring Context and Detail for Semantic Segmentation in Real-time #187

Open unizard opened 6 years ago

unizard commented 6 years ago

BMVC2018 submission

Institute: Toshiba Research, Cambridge URL: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.04554.pdf Keyword: Realtime Segmentation Interest: 2


We propose ContextNet, a new deep neural network architecture which builds on factorized convolution, network compression, and pyramid representations to produce competitive semantic segmentation in real-time with low memory requirements. We analyze our network in a thorough ablation study and present results on the Cityscapes dataset, achieving 66.1% accuracy at 18.2 frames per second at full (1024×2048) resolution.


Corase&Refine 단계로 나누고, 작은영상에 딥하게(coarse), 큰영상으로 쉘로우하게(Refine)

unizard commented 6 years ago

ContextNet combines a deep network at the small resolution with a shallow network at full resolution to achieve accurate and real-time semantic segmentation.



