unjournal / unjournaldata

Unjournal evaluations, meta-analysis, and meta-science: data analysis and presentation
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Categories (e.g. status, cause) should be shorter and consistently formatted #22

Open hughjonesd opened 1 month ago

hughjonesd commented 1 month ago

The problem:

research$main_cause_cat %>% unique()
 [1] NA                                                                                                                                                                
 [2] "Development Economics"                                                                                                                                           
 [3] "Economic development & governance (LMICs)"                                                                                                                       
 [4] "The Environment: Harm to human health, biodiversity, risks and climate change"                                                                                   
 [5] "Emerging technologies: social and economic impacts (focus: AI)"                                                                                                  
 [6] "Health and well-being (global, including wealthy countries)"                                                                                                     
 [7] "Empirical methods"                                                                                                                                               
 [8] "Innovation, meta-science, and research"                                                                                                                          
 [9] "Catastrophic and existential risks,  the long-term future, forecasting"                                                                                          
[10] "Other: Economics/welfare, growth, policy, global markets and population"                                                                                         
[11] "Markets for products with large externalities (focus: animal agriculture)"                                                                                       
[12] "Attitudes and behaviors (Altruism, moral circles, animal consumption, effectiveness, political attitudes, etc.) [Psychology/behavioral economics adjacent group]"
[13] "Global health; “Health & well-being in low-income countries”"                                                                                                    
[14] "Other: Theory and philosophy, artificial intelligence, natural science, etc."                                                                                    
[15] "Communicable diseases, bio-security and pandemic preparedness, biological risks"                                                                                 
[16] "Beliefs and misinformation"                                                                                                                                      
[17] "International cooperation and conflict, behavior of large governments; authoritarianism"                        


research$status %>% unique()
 [1] NA                                                                          
 [2] "01_Needs prioritization/assessor rating"                                   
 [3] "deprioritized -- low ratings"                                              
 [4] "02_final consideration needed"                                             
 [5] "30_contacting/awaiting_authors_response_to_evaluation"                     
 [6] "de-prioritized bc. of journal-publication status, authors permission, etc."
 [7] "50_published evaluations (on PubPub, by Unjournal)"                        
 [8] "999_Other"                                                                 
 [9] "Not a paper/project"                                                       
[10] "20_awaiting_evaluations"                                                   
[11] "authors rejected/blocked us"                                               
[12] "10_seeking_(more)_evaluators"                                              
[13] "21_need evaluator followup"                                                
[14] "04_selected_choose_evaluation_manager"                                     
[15] "03_awaiting authors' consent (where needed) or imminent update"   
davitUJ commented 1 month ago

I suggest this (to be consulted with David):

[2] "1. To assess"
[3] "Deprio"
[4] "2. Final Cons"
[5] "30. Author eval response"
[6] Let's merge this with "Deprio" [7] "50. Evals Published"
[8] "999. Other"
[9] "Not a paper/project"
[10] "20. Awaiting Evals"
[11] "Author Reject"
[12] "10. Seeking Evaluators"
[13] "21. Followup with evaluators"
[14] "4. Seeking Eval Manager"
[15] "3. Author consent/update"

davitUJ commented 1 month ago

Re: research fields, should we just align them completely with the FS groupings?

hughjonesd commented 1 month ago

What are the FS groupings? Is there a reason only some statuses have numbers?