unjs / consola

🐨 Elegant Console Logger for Node.js and Browser
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Lack of hint or feedback for object parameter in consola.box() function #264

Open alifnuryana opened 7 months ago

alifnuryana commented 7 months ago


Version : Node : 20.9.0 Typescript (@types) : 5.3.2 (20.10.0) Consola : 3.2.3


Steps to Reproduce:

Describe the bug

I am currently using Typescript and utilizing the consola.box() function within the package. The function is intended to display a box-like structure in the console. However, when passing an object as a parameter, I've noticed that there is a lack of hints or feedback from the function.

Expected Behavior: When passing an object parameter to consola.box(), I would expect to receive hints or feedback regarding the available options or properties that can be customized within the box. However, there seems to be no indication or guidance provided.

Additional context

This lack of guidance or hint for object parameters makes it challenging to fully utilize the potential customization offered by the consola.box() function. Any enhancements in the form of improved documentation or hints for object parameters would greatly benefit users leveraging this feature.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


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