unjs / consola

🐨 Elegant Console Logger for Node.js and Browser
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`initial` prop doesn't seem to work #274

Open warflash opened 5 months ago

warflash commented 5 months ago


node: v18.18.0 consola: 3.2.3



Describe the bug

Setting the initial prop of promps doesn't seem to work. The repro above is taken from the example code in the repo https://github.com/unjs/consola/blob/main/examples/prompt.ts

Additional context

No response


No response

peterroe commented 5 months ago

I looked hard to find out why.

I find the consola/dist/chunks/prompt.mjs file produced by the repository building and the one distributed via npm are different.

In https://www.npmjs.com/package/consola?activeTab=code file:consola/dist/chunks/prompt.mjs line: 409-425

The expected product should be:

  if (opts.type === "select") {
    return await select({
      options: opts.options.map(
        (o) => typeof o === "string" ? { value: o, label: o } : o
+     initialValue: opts.initial
  if (opts.type === "multiselect") {
    return await multiselect({
      options: opts.options.map(
        (o) => typeof o === "string" ? { value: o, label: o } : o
      required: opts.required,
+      initialValue: opts.initial

Maybe we should release a new version soon. :) cc @pi0

LekoArts commented 4 months ago

You can install from GitHub so long, (e.g. with pnpm https://pnpm.io/cli/add#install-from-git-repository). Or use https://www.npmjs.com/package/patch-package

I created a fork and added a prepare script so that the package gets built: https://github.com/LekoArts/consola/tree/prepare-script

Then with pnpm you can use:

pnpm add github:LekoArts/consola#prepare-script

@pi0 Can you release a new version please? Thanks a lot!

Winns commented 1 week ago

Can this be fixed please ?