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chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies #279

Closed renovate[bot] closed 3 months ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 months ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
@clack/core (source) ^0.3.3 -> ^0.3.4 age adoption passing confidence
@types/node (source) ^20.11.5 -> ^20.11.24 age adoption passing confidence
eslint (source) ^8.56.0 -> ^8.57.0 age adoption passing confidence
pnpm (source) 8.14.3 -> 8.15.4 age adoption passing confidence
prettier (source) ^3.2.4 -> ^3.2.5 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

natemoo-re/clack (@​clack/core) ### [`v0.3.4`](https://togithub.com/natemoo-re/clack/blob/HEAD/packages/core/CHANGELOG.md#034) ##### Patch Changes - [`a04e418`](https://togithub.com/natemoo-re/clack/commit/a04e418): fix([@​clack/core](https://togithub.com/clack/core)): keyboard input not working after await in spinner - [`4f6fcf5`](https://togithub.com/natemoo-re/clack/commit/4f6fcf5): feat([@​clack/core](https://togithub.com/clack/core)): allow tab completion for placeholders
eslint/eslint (eslint) ### [`v8.57.0`](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/releases/tag/v8.57.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/compare/v8.56.0...v8.57.0) #### Features - [`1120b9b`](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/commit/1120b9b7b97f10f059d8b7ede19de2572f892366) feat: Add loadESLint() API method for v8 ([#​18098](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/issues/18098)) (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`dca7d0f`](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/commit/dca7d0f1c262bc72310147bcefe1d04ecf60acbc) feat: Enable `eslint.config.mjs` and `eslint.config.cjs` ([#​18066](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/issues/18066)) (Nitin Kumar) #### Bug Fixes - [`2196d97`](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/commit/2196d97094ba94d6d750828879a29538d1600de5) fix: handle absolute file paths in `FlatRuleTester` ([#​18064](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/issues/18064)) (Nitin Kumar) - [`69dd1d1`](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/commit/69dd1d1387b7b53617548d1f9f2c149f179e6e17) fix: Ensure config keys are printed for config errors ([#​18067](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/issues/18067)) (Nitin Kumar) - [`9852a31`](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/commit/9852a31edcf054bd5d15753ef18e2ad3216b1b71) fix: deep merge behavior in flat config ([#​18065](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/issues/18065)) (Nitin Kumar) - [`4c7e9b0`](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/commit/4c7e9b0b539ba879ac1799e81f3b6add2eed4b2f) fix: allow circular references in config ([#​18056](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/issues/18056)) (Milos Djermanovic) #### Documentation - [`84922d0`](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/commit/84922d0bfa10689a34a447ab8e55975ff1c1c708) docs: Show prerelease version in dropdown ([#​18139](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/issues/18139)) (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`5b8c363`](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/commit/5b8c3636a3d7536535a6878eca0e5b773e4829d4) docs: Switch to Ethical Ads ([#​18117](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/issues/18117)) (Milos Djermanovic) - [`77dbfd9`](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/commit/77dbfd9887b201a46fc68631cbde50c08e1a8dbf) docs: show NEXT in version selectors ([#​18052](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/issues/18052)) (Milos Djermanovic) #### Chores - [`1813aec`](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/commit/1813aecc4660582b0678cf32ba466eb9674266c4) chore: upgrade [@​eslint/js](https://togithub.com/eslint/js)[@​8](https://togithub.com/8).57.0 ([#​18143](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/issues/18143)) (Milos Djermanovic) - [`5c356bb`](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/commit/5c356bb0c6f53c570224f8e9f02c4baca8fc6d2f) chore: package.json update for [@​eslint/js](https://togithub.com/eslint/js) release (Jenkins) - [`f4a1fe2`](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/commit/f4a1fe2e45aa1089fe775290bf530de82f34bf16) test: add more tests for ignoring files and directories ([#​18068](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/issues/18068)) (Nitin Kumar) - [`42c0aef`](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/commit/42c0aefaf6ea8b998b1c6db61906a79c046d301a) ci: Enable CI for `v8.x` branch ([#​18047](https://togithub.com/eslint/eslint/issues/18047)) (Milos Djermanovic)
pnpm/pnpm (pnpm) ### [`v8.15.4`](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/compare/v8.15.3...v8.15.4) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/compare/v8.15.3...v8.15.4) ### [`v8.15.3`](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/releases/tag/v8.15.3) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/compare/v8.15.2...v8.15.3) #### Patch Changes - Remove vulnerable "ip" package from the dependencies [#​7652](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/issues/7652). #### Platinum Sponsors
#### Gold Sponsors
#### Our Silver Sponsors
### [`v8.15.2`](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/releases/tag/v8.15.2) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/compare/v8.15.1...v8.15.2) #### Patch Changes - When purging multiple `node_modules` directories, pnpm will no longer print multiple prompts simultaneously. - Don't print an unnecessary warning when adding new dependencies to a project that uses hoisted `node_modules`. - Linking globally the command of a package that has no name in `package.json` [#​4761](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/issues/4761). - Installation should work with lockfile created by pnpm v9.0.0-alpha.4 #### Platinum Sponsors
#### Gold Sponsors
#### Our Silver Sponsors
### [`v8.15.1`](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/releases/tag/v8.15.1) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/compare/v8.15.0...v8.15.1) #### Patch Changes - Use the `object-hash` library instead of `node-object-hash` for hashing keys of side-effects cache [#​7591](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/pull/7591). - `bundledDependencies` should never be added to the lockfile with `false` as the value [#​7576](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/issues/7576). #### Platinum Sponsors
#### Gold Sponsors
#### Our Silver Sponsors
### [`v8.15.0`](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/releases/tag/v8.15.0) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/compare/v8.14.3...v8.15.0) #### Minor Changes - When the license field does not exist in `package.json` but a license file exists, try to match and extract the license name [#​7530](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/pull/7530). #### Patch Changes - Running `pnpm update -r --latest` will no longer downgrade prerelease dependencies [#​7436](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/issues/7436). - `--aggregate-output` should work on scripts executed from the same project [#​7556](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/issues/7556). - Prefer hard links over reflinks on Windows as they perform better [#​7564](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/pull/7564). - Reduce the length of the side-effects cache key. Instead of saving a stringified object composed from the dependency versions of the package, use the hash calculated from the said object [#​7563](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/pull/7563). - Throw an error if `pnpm update --latest` runs with arguments containing versions specs. For instance, `pnpm update --latest foo@next` is not allowed [#​7567](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/pull/7567). - Don't fail in Windows CoW if the file already exists [#​7554](https://togithub.com/pnpm/pnpm/issues/7554). #### Platinum Sponsors
#### Gold Sponsors
#### Our Silver Sponsors
prettier/prettier (prettier) ### [`v3.2.5`](https://togithub.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#325) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.2.4...3.2.5) [diff](https://togithub.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.2.4...3.2.5) ##### Support Angular inline styles as single template literal ([#​15968](https://togithub.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15968) by [@​sosukesuzuki](https://togithub.com/sosukesuzuki)) [Angular v17](https://blog.angular.io/introducing-angular-v17-4d7033312e4b) supports single string inline styles. ```ts // Input @​Component({ template: `
`, styles: `h1 { color: blue; }`, }) export class AppComponent {} // Prettier 3.2.4 @​Component({ template: `
`, styles: `h1 { color: blue; }`, }) export class AppComponent {} // Prettier 3.2.5 @​Component({ template: `
`, styles: ` h1 { color: blue; } `, }) export class AppComponent {} ``` ##### Unexpected embedded formatting for Angular template ([#​15969](https://togithub.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15969) by [@​JounQin](https://togithub.com/JounQin)) Computed template should not be considered as Angular component template ```ts // Input const template = "foobar"; @​Component({ [template]: `

{{ hello }}

`, }) export class AppComponent {} // Prettier 3.2.4 const template = "foobar"; @​Component({ [template]: `

{{ hello }}

`, }) export class AppComponent {} // Prettier 3.2.5 const template = "foobar"; @​Component({ [template]: `

{{ hello }}

`, }) export class AppComponent {} ``` ##### Use `"json"` parser for `tsconfig.json` by default ([#​16012](https://togithub.com/prettier/prettier/pull/16012) by [@​sosukesuzuki](https://togithub.com/sosukesuzuki)) In [v2.3.0](https://prettier.io/blog/2024/01/12/3.2.0#new-jsonc-parser-added-15831httpsgithubcomprettierprettierpull15831-by-fiskerhttpsgithubcomfisker), we introduced `"jsonc"` parser which adds trialing comma **by default**. When adding a new parser we also define how it will be used based on the [`linguist-languages`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/linguist-languages) data. `tsconfig.json` is a special file used by [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html#using-tsconfigjson-or-jsconfigjson), it uses `.json` file extension, but it actually uses the [JSON with Comments](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/json#\_json-with-comments) syntax. However, we found that there are many third-party tools not recognize it correctly because of the confusing `.json` file extension. We decide to treat it as a JSON file for now to avoid the extra configuration step. To keep using the `"jsonc"` parser for your `tsconfig.json` files, add the following to your `.pretterrc` file ```json { "overrides": [ { "files": ["tsconfig.json", "jsconfig.json"], "options": { "parser": "jsonc" } } ] } ``` ``` ```


šŸ“… Schedule: Branch creation - "after 2am and before 3am" (UTC), Automerge - "after 1am and before 2am" (UTC).

šŸš¦ Automerge: Enabled.

ā™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

šŸ‘» Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

codecov[bot] commented 3 months ago

Codecov Report

All modified and coverable lines are covered by tests :white_check_mark:

Project coverage is 61.08%. Comparing base (ed96c13) to head (e9e75fd).

Additional details and impacted files ```diff @@ Coverage Diff @@ ## main #279 +/- ## ======================================= Coverage 61.08% 61.08% ======================================= Files 13 13 Lines 1380 1380 Branches 58 58 ======================================= Hits 843 843 Misses 537 537 ```

:umbrella: View full report in Codecov by Sentry.
:loudspeaker: Have feedback on the report? Share it here.