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[Nitro/Unenv] cloudflare_pages build error: Could not resolve import string_decoder #1821

Open andrevandal opened 11 months ago

andrevandal commented 11 months ago



Clone the repo: https://github.com/andrevandal/ondevamos-web/tree/start-backend Build.

I tried to build it through pnpm and npm, but both got errors.

Describe the bug

When building the nuxt project, we got the error:

ℹ Building Nitro Server (preset: cloudflare_pages)                           nitro 2:18:00 PM
(node-resolve plugin) Could not resolve import "unenv/runtime/node/string_decoder/index/" in /Users/andre.vandal/projects/github.com/andrevandal/ondevamos-web/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js using exports defined in /Users/andre.vandal/projects/github.com/andrevandal/ondevamos-web/node_modules/unenv/package.json.

[nitro 2:18:03 PM]  ERROR  Error: Cannot resolve "unenv/runtime/node/string_decoder/index/" from "/Users/andre.vandal/projects/github.com/andrevandal/ondevamos-web/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js" and externals are not allowed!


[2:18:03 PM]  ERROR  Cannot resolve "unenv/runtime/node/string_decoder/index/" from "/Users/andre.vandal/projects/github.com/andrevandal/ondevamos-web/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js" and externals are not allowed!

  at Object.resolveId (node_modules/nuxt/node_modules/nitropack/dist/shared/nitro.0093b44c.mjs:1879:17)
  at async PluginDriver.hookFirstAndGetPlugin (node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:25444:28)
  at async resolveId (node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:24117:26)
  at async ModuleLoader.resolveId (node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:24531:15)
  at async PluginDriver.hookFirstAndGetPlugin (node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:25444:28)
  at async resolveId (node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:24117:26)
  at async ModuleLoader.resolveId (node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:24531:15)
  at async node_modules/@rollup/plugin-commonjs/dist/es/index.js:781:16
  at async Promise.all (index 10)
  at async node_modules/@rollup/plugin-commonjs/dist/es/index.js:773:32

Additional context

Related issues:


No response

DHartenfels commented 11 months ago

I've got the same error with "vercel-edge" Preset:

ℹ Building Nitro Server (preset: vercel-edge)                                    nitro 21:32:11
(node-resolve plugin) Could not resolve import "unenv/runtime/node/string_decoder/index/" in D:\BisschenProggen\shopifyInspector\node_modules\lambdafs\node_modules\tar-stream\node_modules\readable-stream\lib\_stream_readable.js using exports defined in D:\BisschenProggen\shopifyInspector\node_modules\unenv\package.json.

[nitro 21:32:13]  ERROR  Error: Cannot resolve "unenv/runtime/node/string_decoder/index/" from "D:\\BisschenProggen\\shopifyInspector\\node_modules\\lambdafs\\node_modules\\tar-stream\\node_modules\\readable-stream\\lib\\_stream_readable.js" and externals are not allowed!


[21:32:13]  ERROR  Cannot resolve "unenv/runtime/node/string_decoder/index/" from "D:\\BisschenProggen\\shopifyInspector\\node_modules\\lambdafs\\node_modules\\tar-stream\\node_modules\\readable-stream\\lib\\_stream_readable.js" and externals are not allowed!

  at Object.resolveId (/D:/BisschenProggen/shopifyInspector/node_modules/nitropack/dist/shared/nitro.0093b44c.mjs:1879:17)
  at async PluginDriver.hookFirstAndGetPlugin (/D:/BisschenProggen/shopifyInspector/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:25444:28)
  at async resolveId (/D:/BisschenProggen/shopifyInspector/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:24117:26)
  at async ModuleLoader.resolveId (/D:/BisschenProggen/shopifyInspector/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:24531:15)
  at async PluginDriver.hookFirstAndGetPlugin (/D:/BisschenProggen/shopifyInspector/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:25444:28)
  at async resolveId (/D:/BisschenProggen/shopifyInspector/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:24117:26)
  at async ModuleLoader.resolveId (/D:/BisschenProggen/shopifyInspector/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:24531:15)
  at async /D:/BisschenProggen/shopifyInspector/node_modules/@rollup/plugin-commonjs/dist/es/index.js:781:16
  at async Promise.all (index 10)
  at async /D:/BisschenProggen/shopifyInspector/node_modules/@rollup/plugin-commonjs/dist/es/index.js:773:32

[21:32:13]  ERROR  Cannot resolve "unenv/runtime/node/string_decoder/index/" from "D:\\BisschenProggen\\shopifyInspector\\node_modules\\lambdafs\\node_modules\\tar-stream\\node_modules\\readable-stream\\lib\\_stream_readable.js" and externals are not allowed!

This is my package.json file:

  "name": "nuxt-app",
  "private": true,
  "type": "module",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "nuxt build",
    "dev": "nuxt dev",
    "generate": "nuxt generate",
    "preview": "nuxt preview",
    "postinstall": "nuxt prepare"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@nuxt/devtools": "latest",
    "@nuxtjs/tailwindcss": "^6.8.0",
    "nuxt": "^3.7.4",
    "unenv": "^1.7.4",
    "vue": "^3.3.4",
    "vue-router": "^4.2.5"
  "dependencies": {
    "chrome-aws-lambda": "^10.1.0",
    "puppeteer": "^10.1.0",
    "puppeteer-core": "^10.4.0"

Building on

Building Nitro Server (preset: node-server)   

is fine without any problems

Gruce commented 10 months ago

Same but a different module:

[error] [nitro] Error: Cannot resolve "bufferutil" from "/opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/.pnpm/ws@8.11.0/node_modules/ws/lib/buffer-util.js" and externals are not allowed!
vptill commented 10 months ago

Having the same issue

[error] Cannot resolve "unenv/runtime/node/string_decoder/index/" from "/opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/imap/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js" and externals are not allowed!

ManasMadrecha commented 10 months ago

Any solution to this? I am currently on firebase preset (with no error) and want to try cloudflare. Changing the preset to cloudflare-pages gives this error.

aw-0 commented 8 months ago

Currently trying to build via the deployment guide for cloudflare and getting this exact same error. Any updates on this?

megatheikal commented 8 months ago

Same but a different module:

[error] [nitro] Error: Cannot resolve "bufferutil" from "/opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/.pnpm/ws@8.11.0/node_modules/ws/lib/buffer-util.js" and externals are not allowed!

try yarn add bufferutil utf-8-validate. it worked for me

Gruce commented 8 months ago

Same but a different module:

[error] [nitro] Error: Cannot resolve "bufferutil" from "/opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/.pnpm/ws@8.11.0/node_modules/ws/lib/buffer-util.js" and externals are not allowed!

try yarn add bufferutil utf-8-validate. it worked for me

This workaround confirmed.

But it may cause another bug on cloudflare: image

Thank you.

zakarialounes commented 8 months ago

In my nuxt.config.ts file I have this, if it helps

    rollupConfig: {
      external: ["bufferutil", "utf-8-validate"],
      output: {
        generatedCode: {
          symbols: true,
HassanKadhim commented 7 months ago

In my nuxt.config.ts file I have this, if it helps

    rollupConfig: {
      external: ["bufferutil", "utf-8-validate"],
      output: {
        generatedCode: {
          symbols: true,

Same problem, nothing changed.

andrevandal commented 7 months ago

the problem is that unenv ins't converting JavaScript code to Cloudflare compatible code.

adding modules to external (https://github.com/unjs/nitro/issues/1821#issuecomment-1884060776) just says to rollup this module will be available in runtime, which isn't (https://github.com/unjs/nitro/issues/1821#issuecomment-1884683426).

this is the map table of how unenv convert some modules: https://github.com/unjs/unenv?tab=readme-ov-file#built-in-nodejs-modules

elliotjarnit commented 7 months ago

Was a solution ever found to @andrevandal's problem? It seems like him and many others are experiencing the same issue with no luck.

devbrains-com commented 7 months ago

Same issue here unfortunately.

larify commented 7 months ago

Same issue here, if anyone fix this, @ me pls

pi0 commented 7 months ago

Hi. We are aware and this issue is under the track.

The issue is that you are using a library that is designed for Node.js and when trying to deploy to Cloudflare pages, Nitro (while trying to fix this with unenv) is not covering some subpath compatibility.

I should spend more time investigating what exact library is incompatible and a minimal (nitro only with only problematic dependency) could help to speed this up.

milindanath commented 7 months ago

I got the exact same issue when importing firebase-admin inside a nitro plugin. But I figured out that it was the import that was incorrect. A minimal reproduction can be found at https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-znntty

The incorrect version was

import admin from 'firebase-admin';

export default defineNitroPlugin((nitro) => {
  const test = admin.initializeApp;

The errors disappeared after correcting the code to the following.

import { initializeApp } from 'firebase-admin/app';

export default defineNitroPlugin((nitro) => {
  const test = initializeApp;
kylebuxton commented 7 months ago

I got the exact same issue when importing firebase-admin inside a nitro plugin. But I figured out that it was the import that was incorrect. A minimal reproduction can be found at https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-znntty

The incorrect version was

import admin from 'firebase-admin';

export default defineNitroPlugin((nitro) => {
  const test = admin.initializeApp;

The errors disappeared after correcting the code to the following.

import { initializeApp } from 'firebase-admin/app';

export default defineNitroPlugin((nitro) => {
  const test = initializeApp;

I made this change but it didn't work on my end, I'm still getting the same error "Cannot resolve "unenv/runtime/node/string_decoder/index/""

elliotjarnit commented 6 months ago

after some research the problem seems to be with import {getFirestore} from "firebase-admin/firestore"; as when I remove this import, building works perfectly.

I don't know why this could be but I will keep looking.

AmirMechouk commented 5 months ago

Can add the following library also to the issue list [nitro] Error: Cannot resolve "aws-sdk" from "/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/@opensearch-project/opensearch/lib/aws/AwsSigv4Signer.js" and externals are not allowed!

Mgoeloe commented 4 months ago

Same with KnexJS

[error] [nitro] Error: Cannot resolve "pg" from "/opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/knex/lib/dialects/redshift/index.js" and externals are not allowed!

mrbubbaz commented 4 months ago

Same with String_decoder (?)

[error] Cannot resolve "unenv/runtime/node/string_decoder/index/" from "/opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js" and externals are not allowed!

chuckntaylor commented 4 months ago

Any chance you have set an env variable like NODE_ENV=production?

If you did, then it is possible that the development dependencies are not being installed by Cloudflare before the build phase. For my purposes, I did want to set NODE_ENV for my development and production builds and so I had to make sure that development dependencies were installed.

npm install --include=dev

If you are trying to run different commands for different branches, I would recommend the following:

  1. Create separate build scripts in your package.json. Could be something like:

    "scripts": {
    "build": "vite build",
    "build:dev": "vite build --mode development",
  2. Create a new file at your project root build.sh - Make sure to update if CF_PAGES_BRANCH statements with the name of your git branches. I am using branches prod and dev in my example.

    # !/bin/bash

if [ "$CF_PAGES_BRANCH" == "prod" ]; then

Run the "production" script in package.json on the "prod" branch

"prod" should be replaced with the name of your Production branch

echo "In Production - make sure dev dependencies are installed" npm install --include=dev echo "Building for Production" npm run build

elif [ "$CF_PAGES_BRANCH" == "dev" ]; then

Run the "dev" script in package.json on the "dev" branch

"dev" should be replaced with the name of your specific branch

echo "Building for Development" npm run build:dev


Else run the dev script

echo "Unrecognized Branch: $CF_PAGES_BRANCH" npm run build:dev fi

3. Lastly, in your Cloudflare dashboard for the project, make sure you specify the build command to be `bash build.sh`

This will make sure that your branch `prod` in my example is running `npm install --include=dev` before the build, and is installing all the packages.
CodyBontecou commented 2 months ago

Hi. We are aware and this issue is under the track.

The issue is that you are using a library that is designed for Node.js and when trying to deploy to Cloudflare pages, Nitro (while trying to fix this with unenv) is not covering some subpath compatibility.

I should spend more time investigating what exact library is incompatible and a minimal (nitro only with only problematic dependency) could help to speed this up.

This ended up being the issue. My specific dependency was node-telegram-bot-api. After removing it, the build was successful.

Something worth noting - this error was happening even during my local build, not specific to cloudflare.

provok-me commented 2 months ago

Same with Netlify (netlify_edge) and Sharp:

[error] [nitro] Error: Cannot resolve "@img/sharp-wasm32/versions" from "/opt/build/repo/node_modules/.pnpm/sharp@0.33.4/node_modules/sharp/lib/utility.js" and externals are not allowed!
zou-yu commented 2 months ago

Any updates? I'am facing same problem with argon2:

[error] [nitro] Error: Cannot resolve "./argon2.win32-x64-msvc.node" from "/opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/.pnpm/@node-rs+argon2@1.7.0/node_modules/@node-rs/argon2/index.js" and externals are not allowed!
Pachara commented 1 month ago

No body sloved this issue ? I got exactly same error

[info] [nitro] Building Nuxt Nitro server (preset: cloudflare-pages)

19:06:13.652 | [plugin node-resolve] Could not resolve import "unenv/runtime/node/string_decoder/index/" in /opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js using exports defined in /opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/unenv/package.json.

Mgoeloe commented 1 month ago

No body sloved this issue ? I got exactly same error

[info] [nitro] Building Nuxt Nitro server (preset: cloudflare-pages)

19:06:13.652 | [plugin node-resolve] Could not resolve import "unenv/runtime/node/string_decoder/index/" in /opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js using exports defined in /opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/unenv/package.json.

Using polyfills might work.

Pachara commented 1 month ago

No body sloved this issue ? I got exactly same error

[info] [nitro] Building Nuxt Nitro server (preset: cloudflare-pages)

19:06:13.652 | [plugin node-resolve] Could not resolve import "unenv/runtime/node/string_decoder/index/" in /opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js using exports defined in /opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/unenv/package.json.

Using polyfills might work.

I try, It not working. No mater what we try to by pass, it not working

ryoid commented 1 month ago

Hi. We are aware and this issue is under the track.

The issue is that you are using a library that is designed for Node.js and when trying to deploy to Cloudflare pages, Nitro (while trying to fix this with unenv) is not covering some subpath compatibility.

I should spend more time investigating what exact library is incompatible and a minimal (nitro only with only problematic dependency) could help to speed this up.

Encountered similar issue, was not sure if I should comment here so I made a new issue with minimal repro. https://github.com/unjs/nitro/issues/2631

Dmytro-Tihunov commented 1 month ago

faced with same, is there any updates?

clopezpro commented 3 weeks ago

Same with Netlify (netlify_edge) and Sharp:

[error] [nitro] Error: Cannot resolve "@img/sharp-wasm32/versions" from "/opt/build/repo/node_modules/.pnpm/sharp@0.33.4/node_modules/sharp/lib/utility.js" and externals are not allowed!

Maybe it's because I use NuxtImg

14:10:46.355 | [info] .nuxt/dist/server/server.mjs                                          395.63 kB │ map: 880.46 kB
-- | --
14:10:46.356 | [info] ✓ built in 13.29s
14:10:46.358 | [success] Server built in 13306ms
14:10:46.472 | [success] [nitro] Generated public dist
14:10:46.512 | [info] [nitro] Building Nuxt Nitro server (preset: `cloudflare-pages`)
14:11:03.363 | [error] [nitro] Error: Cannot resolve "@img/sharp-wasm32/versions" from "/opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/sharp/lib/utility.js" and externals are not allowed!
14:11:03.363 |  
14:11:03.363 |  
14:11:03.363 | undefined
14:11:03.367 | [error] Cannot resolve "@img/sharp-wasm32/versions" from "/opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/sharp/lib/utility.js" and externals are not allowed!
14:11:03.367 | at Object.resolveId (node_modules/nitropack/dist/nitro.mjs:1970:17)
14:11:03.368 | at async PluginDriver.hookFirstAndGetPlugin (node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:19674:28)
14:11:03.368 | at async resolveId (node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:18355:26)
14:11:03.368 | at async ModuleLoader.resolveId (node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:18758:15)
14:11:03.368 | at async node_modules/@rollup/plugin-commonjs/dist/es/index.js:785:16
14:11:03.368 | at async Promise.all (index 5)
14:11:03.368 | at async node_modules/@rollup/plugin-commonjs/dist/es/index.js:777:32
14:11:03.369 | at async rewriteRequireExpressionsAndGetImportBlock (node_modules/@rollup/plugin-commonjs/dist/es/index.js:1354:28)
14:11:03.369 | at async transformCommonjs (node_modules/@rollup/plugin-commonjs/dist/es/index.js:1933:23)
14:11:03.370 | at async transform (node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:18676:16)
14:11:03.371 |  
14:11:03.371 | [error] Cannot resolve "@img/sharp-wasm32/versions" from "/opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/sharp/lib/utility.js" and externals are not allowed!
14:11:03.599 | Failed: Error while executing user command. Exited with error code: 1
14:11:03.610 | Failed: build command exited with code: 1
14:11:05.352 | Failed: error occurred while running build command

alexis-fresard commented 3 weeks ago

Solution found !

Hello everyone, I found a solution to this problem that worked for me.

In my project folder. I went to the file nuxt.config.ts and I added the following lines

export default {
  alias: {
    'string_decoder': 'string_decoder/',

Then I built the project and now it works perfectly for me.

timpulver commented 2 weeks ago

Same issue with vue3-moveable on NuxtHub (cloudflare-pages preset):

[info] [nitro] Building Nuxt Nitro server (preset: cloudflare-pages) [error] [nitro] Error: Cannot resolve "vue3-moveable" from "/opt/buildhome/repo/.nuxt/dist/server/_nuxt/id.client-BV76-_Rs.js" and externals are not allowed!

This happens with default exports, as well as named exports.

Are there any workarounds or ways how to find out which sub-dependencies are causing the problem?

brendonmatos commented 1 week ago

alias: { 'string_decoder': 'string_decoder/', },

Solved my issue! Thanks

paulvonber commented 1 week ago

all the solutions provided didn't help. Is there anything else not posted here yet that could help?