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CORS not working #2061

Closed angel-luis closed 8 months ago

angel-luis commented 9 months ago


Node: v20.9.0 OS: MacOS (Darwin 23.2.0 arm64) Also tried with: Cloudflare Workers


bunx giget@latest nitro nitro-app bun install

Add route rules to nitro.config.ts:

routeRules: {
        "/**": {
            cors: true,
            headers: { "access-control-allow-origin": "https://google.com" },

bun dev

Describe the bug

Tested it with any API request. It will take and reply to the request. Also tried to create a route API, and point to /api/**in the routeRules, and still not working.

Also tried uploading it to Cloudflare Workers with Wrangler, and I still can make requests. Is supposed to only accept requests from Google domain.

I need to configure something else? I'm guided by the documentation, and I only have seen CORS configuration in that part. I've seen functions like appendCorsHeaders and I've think to create a plugin to use this function in every request, but then, the routeRules it has non sense.

Additional context

No response


No response

itpropro commented 8 months ago

Hi, can you please provide a minimal reproduction for example on stackblitz?

angel-luis commented 8 months ago

I've moved to another framework as I need to complete a work this week but I still have the Cloudflare code that is not working. I've learnt Nitro in one day so the reproduction is as simple as I said, I'm just applying what I saw in the docs.

Here in the code you can see how I have CORS configured for Google domain.

(() => {
  // .output/server/index.mjs
  globalThis._importMeta_ = { url: "file:///_entry.js", env: {} }, function() {
    "use strict";
    function createNotImplementedError(e2) {
      throw new Error(`[unenv] ${e2} is not implemented yet!`);
    function notImplemented(e2) {
      return Object.assign(() => {
        throw createNotImplementedError(e2);
      }, { __unenv__: true });
    const e = [], t = [], r = "undefined" == typeof Uint8Array ? Array : Uint8Array, n = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
    for (let r2 = 0, o2 = 64; r2 < o2; ++r2)
      e[r2] = n[r2], t[n.charCodeAt(r2)] = r2;
    function toByteArray(e2) {
      let n2;
      const o2 = function(e3) {
        const t2 = e3.length;
        if (t2 % 4 > 0)
          throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");
        let r2 = e3.indexOf("=");
        return -1 === r2 && (r2 = t2), [r2, r2 === t2 ? 0 : 4 - r2 % 4];
      }(e2), s2 = o2[0], i2 = o2[1], a2 = new r(function(e3, t2, r2) {
        return 3 * (t2 + r2) / 4 - r2;
      }(0, s2, i2));
      let c2 = 0;
      const u2 = i2 > 0 ? s2 - 4 : s2;
      let l2;
      for (l2 = 0; l2 < u2; l2 += 4)
        n2 = t[e2.charCodeAt(l2)] << 18 | t[e2.charCodeAt(l2 + 1)] << 12 | t[e2.charCodeAt(l2 + 2)] << 6 | t[e2.charCodeAt(l2 + 3)], a2[c2++] = n2 >> 16 & 255, a2[c2++] = n2 >> 8 & 255, a2[c2++] = 255 & n2;
      return 2 === i2 && (n2 = t[e2.charCodeAt(l2)] << 2 | t[e2.charCodeAt(l2 + 1)] >> 4, a2[c2++] = 255 & n2), 1 === i2 && (n2 = t[e2.charCodeAt(l2)] << 10 | t[e2.charCodeAt(l2 + 1)] << 4 | t[e2.charCodeAt(l2 + 2)] >> 2, a2[c2++] = n2 >> 8 & 255, a2[c2++] = 255 & n2), a2;
    function encodeChunk(t2, r2, n2) {
      let o2;
      const s2 = [];
      for (let a2 = r2; a2 < n2; a2 += 3)
        o2 = (t2[a2] << 16 & 16711680) + (t2[a2 + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (255 & t2[a2 + 2]), s2.push(e[(i2 = o2) >> 18 & 63] + e[i2 >> 12 & 63] + e[i2 >> 6 & 63] + e[63 & i2]);
      var i2;
      return s2.join("");
    function fromByteArray(t2) {
      let r2;
      const n2 = t2.length, o2 = n2 % 3, s2 = [], i2 = 16383;
      for (let e2 = 0, r3 = n2 - o2; e2 < r3; e2 += i2)
        s2.push(encodeChunk(t2, e2, e2 + i2 > r3 ? r3 : e2 + i2));
      return 1 === o2 ? (r2 = t2[n2 - 1], s2.push(e[r2 >> 2] + e[r2 << 4 & 63] + "==")) : 2 === o2 && (r2 = (t2[n2 - 2] << 8) + t2[n2 - 1], s2.push(e[r2 >> 10] + e[r2 >> 4 & 63] + e[r2 << 2 & 63] + "=")), s2.join("");
    function read(e2, t2, r2, n2, o2) {
      let s2, i2;
      const a2 = 8 * o2 - n2 - 1, c2 = (1 << a2) - 1, u2 = c2 >> 1;
      let l2 = -7, f2 = r2 ? o2 - 1 : 0;
      const p2 = r2 ? -1 : 1;
      let h2 = e2[t2 + f2];
      for (f2 += p2, s2 = h2 & (1 << -l2) - 1, h2 >>= -l2, l2 += a2; l2 > 0; )
        s2 = 256 * s2 + e2[t2 + f2], f2 += p2, l2 -= 8;
      for (i2 = s2 & (1 << -l2) - 1, s2 >>= -l2, l2 += n2; l2 > 0; )
        i2 = 256 * i2 + e2[t2 + f2], f2 += p2, l2 -= 8;
      if (0 === s2)
        s2 = 1 - u2;
      else {
        if (s2 === c2)
          return i2 ? Number.NaN : (h2 ? -1 : 1) * Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        i2 += Math.pow(2, n2), s2 -= u2;
      return (h2 ? -1 : 1) * i2 * Math.pow(2, s2 - n2);
    function write(e2, t2, r2, n2, o2, s2) {
      let i2, a2, c2, u2 = 8 * s2 - o2 - 1;
      const l2 = (1 << u2) - 1, f2 = l2 >> 1, p2 = 23 === o2 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0;
      let h2 = n2 ? 0 : s2 - 1;
      const d2 = n2 ? 1 : -1, m2 = t2 < 0 || 0 === t2 && 1 / t2 < 0 ? 1 : 0;
      for (t2 = Math.abs(t2), Number.isNaN(t2) || t2 === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? (a2 = Number.isNaN(t2) ? 1 : 0, i2 = l2) : (i2 = Math.floor(Math.log2(t2)), t2 * (c2 = Math.pow(2, -i2)) < 1 && (i2--, c2 *= 2), (t2 += i2 + f2 >= 1 ? p2 / c2 : p2 * Math.pow(2, 1 - f2)) * c2 >= 2 && (i2++, c2 /= 2), i2 + f2 >= l2 ? (a2 = 0, i2 = l2) : i2 + f2 >= 1 ? (a2 = (t2 * c2 - 1) * Math.pow(2, o2), i2 += f2) : (a2 = t2 * Math.pow(2, f2 - 1) * Math.pow(2, o2), i2 = 0)); o2 >= 8; )
        e2[r2 + h2] = 255 & a2, h2 += d2, a2 /= 256, o2 -= 8;
      for (i2 = i2 << o2 | a2, u2 += o2; u2 > 0; )
        e2[r2 + h2] = 255 & i2, h2 += d2, i2 /= 256, u2 -= 8;
      e2[r2 + h2 - d2] |= 128 * m2;
    t["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62, t["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63;
    const o = "function" == typeof Symbol && "function" == typeof Symbol.for ? Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom") : null, s = 2147483647;
    function createBuffer(e2) {
      if (e2 > s)
        throw new RangeError('The value "' + e2 + '" is invalid for option "size"');
      const t2 = new Uint8Array(e2);
      return Object.setPrototypeOf(t2, Buffer$1.prototype), t2;
    function Buffer$1(e2, t2, r2) {
      if ("number" == typeof e2) {
        if ("string" == typeof t2)
          throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number');
        return allocUnsafe(e2);
      return from(e2, t2, r2);
    function from(e2, t2, r2) {
      if ("string" == typeof e2)
        return function(e3, t3) {
          "string" == typeof t3 && "" !== t3 || (t3 = "utf8");
          if (!Buffer$1.isEncoding(t3))
            throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + t3);
          const r3 = 0 | byteLength(e3, t3);
          let n3 = createBuffer(r3);
          const o3 = n3.write(e3, t3);
          o3 !== r3 && (n3 = n3.slice(0, o3));
          return n3;
        }(e2, t2);
      if (ArrayBuffer.isView(e2))
        return function(e3) {
          if (isInstance(e3, Uint8Array)) {
            const t3 = new Uint8Array(e3);
            return fromArrayBuffer(t3.buffer, t3.byteOffset, t3.byteLength);
          return fromArrayLike(e3);
      if (null == e2)
        throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof e2);
      if (isInstance(e2, ArrayBuffer) || e2 && isInstance(e2.buffer, ArrayBuffer))
        return fromArrayBuffer(e2, t2, r2);
      if ("undefined" != typeof SharedArrayBuffer && (isInstance(e2, SharedArrayBuffer) || e2 && isInstance(e2.buffer, SharedArrayBuffer)))
        return fromArrayBuffer(e2, t2, r2);
      if ("number" == typeof e2)
        throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number');
      const n2 = e2.valueOf && e2.valueOf();
      if (null != n2 && n2 !== e2)
        return Buffer$1.from(n2, t2, r2);
      const o2 = function(e3) {
        if (Buffer$1.isBuffer(e3)) {
          const t3 = 0 | checked(e3.length), r3 = createBuffer(t3);
          return 0 === r3.length || e3.copy(r3, 0, 0, t3), r3;
        if (void 0 !== e3.length)
          return "number" != typeof e3.length || numberIsNaN(e3.length) ? createBuffer(0) : fromArrayLike(e3);
        if ("Buffer" === e3.type && Array.isArray(e3.data))
          return fromArrayLike(e3.data);
      if (o2)
        return o2;
      if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != Symbol.toPrimitive && "function" == typeof e2[Symbol.toPrimitive])
        return Buffer$1.from(e2[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"), t2, r2);
      throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof e2);
    function assertSize(e2) {
      if ("number" != typeof e2)
        throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number');
      if (e2 < 0)
        throw new RangeError('The value "' + e2 + '" is invalid for option "size"');
    function allocUnsafe(e2) {
      return assertSize(e2), createBuffer(e2 < 0 ? 0 : 0 | checked(e2));
    function fromArrayLike(e2) {
      const t2 = e2.length < 0 ? 0 : 0 | checked(e2.length), r2 = createBuffer(t2);
      for (let n2 = 0; n2 < t2; n2 += 1)
        r2[n2] = 255 & e2[n2];
      return r2;
    function fromArrayBuffer(e2, t2, r2) {
      if (t2 < 0 || e2.byteLength < t2)
        throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds');
      if (e2.byteLength < t2 + (r2 || 0))
        throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds');
      let n2;
      return n2 = void 0 === t2 && void 0 === r2 ? new Uint8Array(e2) : void 0 === r2 ? new Uint8Array(e2, t2) : new Uint8Array(e2, t2, r2), Object.setPrototypeOf(n2, Buffer$1.prototype), n2;
    function checked(e2) {
      if (e2 >= s)
        throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + s.toString(16) + " bytes");
      return 0 | e2;
    function byteLength(e2, t2) {
      if (Buffer$1.isBuffer(e2))
        return e2.length;
      if (ArrayBuffer.isView(e2) || isInstance(e2, ArrayBuffer))
        return e2.byteLength;
      if ("string" != typeof e2)
        throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof e2);
      const r2 = e2.length, n2 = arguments.length > 2 && true === arguments[2];
      if (!n2 && 0 === r2)
        return 0;
      let o2 = false;
      for (; ; )
        switch (t2) {
          case "ascii":
          case "latin1":
          case "binary":
            return r2;
          case "utf8":
          case "utf-8":
            return utf8ToBytes(e2).length;
          case "ucs2":
          case "ucs-2":
          case "utf16le":
          case "utf-16le":
            return 2 * r2;
          case "hex":
            return r2 >>> 1;
          case "base64":
            return base64ToBytes(e2).length;
            if (o2)
              return n2 ? -1 : utf8ToBytes(e2).length;
            t2 = ("" + t2).toLowerCase(), o2 = true;
    function slowToString(e2, t2, r2) {
      let n2 = false;
      if ((void 0 === t2 || t2 < 0) && (t2 = 0), t2 > this.length)
        return "";
      if ((void 0 === r2 || r2 > this.length) && (r2 = this.length), r2 <= 0)
        return "";
      if ((r2 >>>= 0) <= (t2 >>>= 0))
        return "";
      for (e2 || (e2 = "utf8"); ; )
        switch (e2) {
          case "hex":
            return hexSlice(this, t2, r2);
          case "utf8":
          case "utf-8":
            return utf8Slice(this, t2, r2);
          case "ascii":
            return asciiSlice(this, t2, r2);
          case "latin1":
          case "binary":
            return latin1Slice(this, t2, r2);
          case "base64":
            return base64Slice(this, t2, r2);
          case "ucs2":
          case "ucs-2":
          case "utf16le":
          case "utf-16le":
            return utf16leSlice(this, t2, r2);
            if (n2)
              throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + e2);
            e2 = (e2 + "").toLowerCase(), n2 = true;
    function swap(e2, t2, r2) {
      const n2 = e2[t2];
      e2[t2] = e2[r2], e2[r2] = n2;
    function bidirectionalIndexOf(e2, t2, r2, n2, o2) {
      if (0 === e2.length)
        return -1;
      if ("string" == typeof r2 ? (n2 = r2, r2 = 0) : r2 > 2147483647 ? r2 = 2147483647 : r2 < -2147483648 && (r2 = -2147483648), numberIsNaN(r2 = +r2) && (r2 = o2 ? 0 : e2.length - 1), r2 < 0 && (r2 = e2.length + r2), r2 >= e2.length) {
        if (o2)
          return -1;
        r2 = e2.length - 1;
      } else if (r2 < 0) {
        if (!o2)
          return -1;
        r2 = 0;
      if ("string" == typeof t2 && (t2 = Buffer$1.from(t2, n2)), Buffer$1.isBuffer(t2))
        return 0 === t2.length ? -1 : arrayIndexOf(e2, t2, r2, n2, o2);
      if ("number" == typeof t2)
        return t2 &= 255, "function" == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf ? o2 ? Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(e2, t2, r2) : Uint8Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(e2, t2, r2) : arrayIndexOf(e2, [t2], r2, n2, o2);
      throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer");
    function arrayIndexOf(e2, t2, r2, n2, o2) {
      let s2, i2 = 1, a2 = e2.length, c2 = t2.length;
      if (void 0 !== n2 && ("ucs2" === (n2 = String(n2).toLowerCase()) || "ucs-2" === n2 || "utf16le" === n2 || "utf-16le" === n2)) {
        if (e2.length < 2 || t2.length < 2)
          return -1;
        i2 = 2, a2 /= 2, c2 /= 2, r2 /= 2;
      function read2(e3, t3) {
        return 1 === i2 ? e3[t3] : e3.readUInt16BE(t3 * i2);
      if (o2) {
        let n3 = -1;
        for (s2 = r2; s2 < a2; s2++)
          if (read2(e2, s2) === read2(t2, -1 === n3 ? 0 : s2 - n3)) {
            if (-1 === n3 && (n3 = s2), s2 - n3 + 1 === c2)
              return n3 * i2;
          } else
            -1 !== n3 && (s2 -= s2 - n3), n3 = -1;
      } else
        for (r2 + c2 > a2 && (r2 = a2 - c2), s2 = r2; s2 >= 0; s2--) {
          let r3 = true;
          for (let n3 = 0; n3 < c2; n3++)
            if (read2(e2, s2 + n3) !== read2(t2, n3)) {
              r3 = false;
          if (r3)
            return s2;
      return -1;
    function hexWrite(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      r2 = Number(r2) || 0;
      const o2 = e2.length - r2;
      n2 ? (n2 = Number(n2)) > o2 && (n2 = o2) : n2 = o2;
      const s2 = t2.length;
      let i2;
      for (n2 > s2 / 2 && (n2 = s2 / 2), i2 = 0; i2 < n2; ++i2) {
        const n3 = Number.parseInt(t2.slice(2 * i2, 2 * i2 + 2), 16);
        if (numberIsNaN(n3))
          return i2;
        e2[r2 + i2] = n3;
      return i2;
    function utf8Write(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      return blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(t2, e2.length - r2), e2, r2, n2);
    function asciiWrite(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      return blitBuffer(function(e3) {
        const t3 = [];
        for (let r3 = 0; r3 < e3.length; ++r3)
          t3.push(255 & e3.charCodeAt(r3));
        return t3;
      }(t2), e2, r2, n2);
    function base64Write(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      return blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(t2), e2, r2, n2);
    function ucs2Write(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      return blitBuffer(function(e3, t3) {
        let r3, n3, o2;
        const s2 = [];
        for (let i2 = 0; i2 < e3.length && !((t3 -= 2) < 0); ++i2)
          r3 = e3.charCodeAt(i2), n3 = r3 >> 8, o2 = r3 % 256, s2.push(o2, n3);
        return s2;
      }(t2, e2.length - r2), e2, r2, n2);
    function base64Slice(e2, t2, r2) {
      return 0 === t2 && r2 === e2.length ? fromByteArray(e2) : fromByteArray(e2.slice(t2, r2));
    function utf8Slice(e2, t2, r2) {
      r2 = Math.min(e2.length, r2);
      const n2 = [];
      let o2 = t2;
      for (; o2 < r2; ) {
        const t3 = e2[o2];
        let s2 = null, i2 = t3 > 239 ? 4 : t3 > 223 ? 3 : t3 > 191 ? 2 : 1;
        if (o2 + i2 <= r2) {
          let r3, n3, a2, c2;
          switch (i2) {
            case 1:
              t3 < 128 && (s2 = t3);
            case 2:
              r3 = e2[o2 + 1], 128 == (192 & r3) && (c2 = (31 & t3) << 6 | 63 & r3, c2 > 127 && (s2 = c2));
            case 3:
              r3 = e2[o2 + 1], n3 = e2[o2 + 2], 128 == (192 & r3) && 128 == (192 & n3) && (c2 = (15 & t3) << 12 | (63 & r3) << 6 | 63 & n3, c2 > 2047 && (c2 < 55296 || c2 > 57343) && (s2 = c2));
            case 4:
              r3 = e2[o2 + 1], n3 = e2[o2 + 2], a2 = e2[o2 + 3], 128 == (192 & r3) && 128 == (192 & n3) && 128 == (192 & a2) && (c2 = (15 & t3) << 18 | (63 & r3) << 12 | (63 & n3) << 6 | 63 & a2, c2 > 65535 && c2 < 1114112 && (s2 = c2));
        null === s2 ? (s2 = 65533, i2 = 1) : s2 > 65535 && (s2 -= 65536, n2.push(s2 >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), s2 = 56320 | 1023 & s2), n2.push(s2), o2 += i2;
      return function(e3) {
        const t3 = e3.length;
        if (t3 <= i)
          return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, e3);
        let r3 = "", n3 = 0;
        for (; n3 < t3; )
          r3 += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, e3.slice(n3, n3 += i));
        return r3;
    Buffer$1.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = function() {
      try {
        const e2 = new Uint8Array(1), t2 = { foo: function() {
          return 42;
        } };
        return Object.setPrototypeOf(t2, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(e2, t2), 42 === e2.foo();
      } catch {
        return false;
    }(), Buffer$1.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || "undefined" == typeof console || "function" != typeof console.error || console.error("This environment lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support."), Object.defineProperty(Buffer$1.prototype, "parent", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
      if (Buffer$1.isBuffer(this))
        return this.buffer;
    } }), Object.defineProperty(Buffer$1.prototype, "offset", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
      if (Buffer$1.isBuffer(this))
        return this.byteOffset;
    } }), Buffer$1.poolSize = 8192, Buffer$1.from = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return from(e2, t2, r2);
    }, Object.setPrototypeOf(Buffer$1.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(Buffer$1, Uint8Array), Buffer$1.alloc = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return function(e3, t3, r3) {
        return assertSize(e3), e3 <= 0 ? createBuffer(e3) : void 0 !== t3 ? "string" == typeof r3 ? createBuffer(e3).fill(t3, r3) : createBuffer(e3).fill(t3) : createBuffer(e3);
      }(e2, t2, r2);
    }, Buffer$1.allocUnsafe = function(e2) {
      return allocUnsafe(e2);
    }, Buffer$1.allocUnsafeSlow = function(e2) {
      return allocUnsafe(e2);
    }, Buffer$1.isBuffer = function(e2) {
      return null != e2 && true === e2._isBuffer && e2 !== Buffer$1.prototype;
    }, Buffer$1.compare = function(e2, t2) {
      if (isInstance(e2, Uint8Array) && (e2 = Buffer$1.from(e2, e2.offset, e2.byteLength)), isInstance(t2, Uint8Array) && (t2 = Buffer$1.from(t2, t2.offset, t2.byteLength)), !Buffer$1.isBuffer(e2) || !Buffer$1.isBuffer(t2))
        throw new TypeError('The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array');
      if (e2 === t2)
        return 0;
      let r2 = e2.length, n2 = t2.length;
      for (let o2 = 0, s2 = Math.min(r2, n2); o2 < s2; ++o2)
        if (e2[o2] !== t2[o2]) {
          r2 = e2[o2], n2 = t2[o2];
      return r2 < n2 ? -1 : n2 < r2 ? 1 : 0;
    }, Buffer$1.isEncoding = function(e2) {
      switch (String(e2).toLowerCase()) {
        case "hex":
        case "utf8":
        case "utf-8":
        case "ascii":
        case "latin1":
        case "binary":
        case "base64":
        case "ucs2":
        case "ucs-2":
        case "utf16le":
        case "utf-16le":
          return true;
          return false;
    }, Buffer$1.concat = function(e2, t2) {
      if (!Array.isArray(e2))
        throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
      if (0 === e2.length)
        return Buffer$1.alloc(0);
      let r2;
      if (void 0 === t2)
        for (t2 = 0, r2 = 0; r2 < e2.length; ++r2)
          t2 += e2[r2].length;
      const n2 = Buffer$1.allocUnsafe(t2);
      let o2 = 0;
      for (r2 = 0; r2 < e2.length; ++r2) {
        let t3 = e2[r2];
        if (isInstance(t3, Uint8Array))
          o2 + t3.length > n2.length ? (Buffer$1.isBuffer(t3) || (t3 = Buffer$1.from(t3.buffer, t3.byteOffset, t3.byteLength)), t3.copy(n2, o2)) : Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(n2, t3, o2);
        else {
          if (!Buffer$1.isBuffer(t3))
            throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
          t3.copy(n2, o2);
        o2 += t3.length;
      return n2;
    }, Buffer$1.byteLength = byteLength, Buffer$1.prototype._isBuffer = true, Buffer$1.prototype.swap16 = function() {
      const e2 = this.length;
      if (e2 % 2 != 0)
        throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");
      for (let t2 = 0; t2 < e2; t2 += 2)
        swap(this, t2, t2 + 1);
      return this;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.swap32 = function() {
      const e2 = this.length;
      if (e2 % 4 != 0)
        throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");
      for (let t2 = 0; t2 < e2; t2 += 4)
        swap(this, t2, t2 + 3), swap(this, t2 + 1, t2 + 2);
      return this;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.swap64 = function() {
      const e2 = this.length;
      if (e2 % 8 != 0)
        throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");
      for (let t2 = 0; t2 < e2; t2 += 8)
        swap(this, t2, t2 + 7), swap(this, t2 + 1, t2 + 6), swap(this, t2 + 2, t2 + 5), swap(this, t2 + 3, t2 + 4);
      return this;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.toString = function() {
      const e2 = this.length;
      return 0 === e2 ? "" : 0 === arguments.length ? utf8Slice(this, 0, e2) : Reflect.apply(slowToString, this, arguments);
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.toLocaleString = Buffer$1.prototype.toString, Buffer$1.prototype.equals = function(e2) {
      if (!Buffer$1.isBuffer(e2))
        throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");
      return this === e2 || 0 === Buffer$1.compare(this, e2);
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.inspect = function() {
      let e2 = "";
      return e2 = this.toString("hex", 0, 50).replace(/(.{2})/g, "$1 ").trim(), this.length > 50 && (e2 += " ... "), "<Buffer " + e2 + ">";
    }, o && (Buffer$1.prototype[o] = Buffer$1.prototype.inspect), Buffer$1.prototype.compare = function(e2, t2, r2, n2, o2) {
      if (isInstance(e2, Uint8Array) && (e2 = Buffer$1.from(e2, e2.offset, e2.byteLength)), !Buffer$1.isBuffer(e2))
        throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof e2);
      if (void 0 === t2 && (t2 = 0), void 0 === r2 && (r2 = e2 ? e2.length : 0), void 0 === n2 && (n2 = 0), void 0 === o2 && (o2 = this.length), t2 < 0 || r2 > e2.length || n2 < 0 || o2 > this.length)
        throw new RangeError("out of range index");
      if (n2 >= o2 && t2 >= r2)
        return 0;
      if (n2 >= o2)
        return -1;
      if (t2 >= r2)
        return 1;
      if (this === e2)
        return 0;
      let s2 = (o2 >>>= 0) - (n2 >>>= 0), i2 = (r2 >>>= 0) - (t2 >>>= 0);
      const a2 = Math.min(s2, i2), c2 = this.slice(n2, o2), u2 = e2.slice(t2, r2);
      for (let e3 = 0; e3 < a2; ++e3)
        if (c2[e3] !== u2[e3]) {
          s2 = c2[e3], i2 = u2[e3];
      return s2 < i2 ? -1 : i2 < s2 ? 1 : 0;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.includes = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return -1 !== this.indexOf(e2, t2, r2);
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.indexOf = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, e2, t2, r2, true);
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, e2, t2, r2, false);
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.write = function(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      if (void 0 === t2)
        n2 = "utf8", r2 = this.length, t2 = 0;
      else if (void 0 === r2 && "string" == typeof t2)
        n2 = t2, r2 = this.length, t2 = 0;
      else {
        if (!Number.isFinite(t2))
          throw new TypeError("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");
        t2 >>>= 0, Number.isFinite(r2) ? (r2 >>>= 0, void 0 === n2 && (n2 = "utf8")) : (n2 = r2, r2 = void 0);
      const o2 = this.length - t2;
      if ((void 0 === r2 || r2 > o2) && (r2 = o2), e2.length > 0 && (r2 < 0 || t2 < 0) || t2 > this.length)
        throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");
      n2 || (n2 = "utf8");
      let s2 = false;
      for (; ; )
        switch (n2) {
          case "hex":
            return hexWrite(this, e2, t2, r2);
          case "utf8":
          case "utf-8":
            return utf8Write(this, e2, t2, r2);
          case "ascii":
          case "latin1":
          case "binary":
            return asciiWrite(this, e2, t2, r2);
          case "base64":
            return base64Write(this, e2, t2, r2);
          case "ucs2":
          case "ucs-2":
          case "utf16le":
          case "utf-16le":
            return ucs2Write(this, e2, t2, r2);
            if (s2)
              throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + n2);
            n2 = ("" + n2).toLowerCase(), s2 = true;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.toJSON = function() {
      return { type: "Buffer", data: Array.prototype.slice.call(this._arr || this, 0) };
    const i = 4096;
    function asciiSlice(e2, t2, r2) {
      let n2 = "";
      r2 = Math.min(e2.length, r2);
      for (let o2 = t2; o2 < r2; ++o2)
        n2 += String.fromCharCode(127 & e2[o2]);
      return n2;
    function latin1Slice(e2, t2, r2) {
      let n2 = "";
      r2 = Math.min(e2.length, r2);
      for (let o2 = t2; o2 < r2; ++o2)
        n2 += String.fromCharCode(e2[o2]);
      return n2;
    function hexSlice(e2, t2, r2) {
      const n2 = e2.length;
      (!t2 || t2 < 0) && (t2 = 0), (!r2 || r2 < 0 || r2 > n2) && (r2 = n2);
      let o2 = "";
      for (let n3 = t2; n3 < r2; ++n3)
        o2 += u[e2[n3]];
      return o2;
    function utf16leSlice(e2, t2, r2) {
      const n2 = e2.slice(t2, r2);
      let o2 = "";
      for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2.length - 1; e3 += 2)
        o2 += String.fromCharCode(n2[e3] + 256 * n2[e3 + 1]);
      return o2;
    function checkOffset(e2, t2, r2) {
      if (e2 % 1 != 0 || e2 < 0)
        throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");
      if (e2 + t2 > r2)
        throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length");
    function checkInt(e2, t2, r2, n2, o2, s2) {
      if (!Buffer$1.isBuffer(e2))
        throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');
      if (t2 > o2 || t2 < s2)
        throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');
      if (r2 + n2 > e2.length)
        throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
    function wrtBigUInt64LE(e2, t2, r2, n2, o2) {
      checkIntBI(t2, n2, o2, e2, r2, 7);
      let s2 = Number(t2 & BigInt(4294967295));
      e2[r2++] = s2, s2 >>= 8, e2[r2++] = s2, s2 >>= 8, e2[r2++] = s2, s2 >>= 8, e2[r2++] = s2;
      let i2 = Number(t2 >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295));
      return e2[r2++] = i2, i2 >>= 8, e2[r2++] = i2, i2 >>= 8, e2[r2++] = i2, i2 >>= 8, e2[r2++] = i2, r2;
    function wrtBigUInt64BE(e2, t2, r2, n2, o2) {
      checkIntBI(t2, n2, o2, e2, r2, 7);
      let s2 = Number(t2 & BigInt(4294967295));
      e2[r2 + 7] = s2, s2 >>= 8, e2[r2 + 6] = s2, s2 >>= 8, e2[r2 + 5] = s2, s2 >>= 8, e2[r2 + 4] = s2;
      let i2 = Number(t2 >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295));
      return e2[r2 + 3] = i2, i2 >>= 8, e2[r2 + 2] = i2, i2 >>= 8, e2[r2 + 1] = i2, i2 >>= 8, e2[r2] = i2, r2 + 8;
    function checkIEEE754(e2, t2, r2, n2, o2, s2) {
      if (r2 + n2 > e2.length)
        throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
      if (r2 < 0)
        throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
    function writeFloat(e2, t2, r2, n2, o2) {
      return t2 = +t2, r2 >>>= 0, o2 || checkIEEE754(e2, 0, r2, 4), write(e2, t2, r2, n2, 23, 4), r2 + 4;
    function writeDouble(e2, t2, r2, n2, o2) {
      return t2 = +t2, r2 >>>= 0, o2 || checkIEEE754(e2, 0, r2, 8), write(e2, t2, r2, n2, 52, 8), r2 + 8;
    Buffer$1.prototype.slice = function(e2, t2) {
      const r2 = this.length;
      (e2 = Math.trunc(e2)) < 0 ? (e2 += r2) < 0 && (e2 = 0) : e2 > r2 && (e2 = r2), (t2 = void 0 === t2 ? r2 : Math.trunc(t2)) < 0 ? (t2 += r2) < 0 && (t2 = 0) : t2 > r2 && (t2 = r2), t2 < e2 && (t2 = e2);
      const n2 = this.subarray(e2, t2);
      return Object.setPrototypeOf(n2, Buffer$1.prototype), n2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readUintLE = Buffer$1.prototype.readUIntLE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      e2 >>>= 0, t2 >>>= 0, r2 || checkOffset(e2, t2, this.length);
      let n2 = this[e2], o2 = 1, s2 = 0;
      for (; ++s2 < t2 && (o2 *= 256); )
        n2 += this[e2 + s2] * o2;
      return n2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readUintBE = Buffer$1.prototype.readUIntBE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      e2 >>>= 0, t2 >>>= 0, r2 || checkOffset(e2, t2, this.length);
      let n2 = this[e2 + --t2], o2 = 1;
      for (; t2 > 0 && (o2 *= 256); )
        n2 += this[e2 + --t2] * o2;
      return n2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readUint8 = Buffer$1.prototype.readUInt8 = function(e2, t2) {
      return e2 >>>= 0, t2 || checkOffset(e2, 1, this.length), this[e2];
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readUint16LE = Buffer$1.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(e2, t2) {
      return e2 >>>= 0, t2 || checkOffset(e2, 2, this.length), this[e2] | this[e2 + 1] << 8;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readUint16BE = Buffer$1.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(e2, t2) {
      return e2 >>>= 0, t2 || checkOffset(e2, 2, this.length), this[e2] << 8 | this[e2 + 1];
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readUint32LE = Buffer$1.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(e2, t2) {
      return e2 >>>= 0, t2 || checkOffset(e2, 4, this.length), (this[e2] | this[e2 + 1] << 8 | this[e2 + 2] << 16) + 16777216 * this[e2 + 3];
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readUint32BE = Buffer$1.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(e2, t2) {
      return e2 >>>= 0, t2 || checkOffset(e2, 4, this.length), 16777216 * this[e2] + (this[e2 + 1] << 16 | this[e2 + 2] << 8 | this[e2 + 3]);
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readBigUInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function(e2) {
      validateNumber(e2 >>>= 0, "offset");
      const t2 = this[e2], r2 = this[e2 + 7];
      void 0 !== t2 && void 0 !== r2 || boundsError(e2, this.length - 8);
      const n2 = t2 + 256 * this[++e2] + 65536 * this[++e2] + this[++e2] * 2 ** 24, o2 = this[++e2] + 256 * this[++e2] + 65536 * this[++e2] + r2 * 2 ** 24;
      return BigInt(n2) + (BigInt(o2) << BigInt(32));
    }), Buffer$1.prototype.readBigUInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function(e2) {
      validateNumber(e2 >>>= 0, "offset");
      const t2 = this[e2], r2 = this[e2 + 7];
      void 0 !== t2 && void 0 !== r2 || boundsError(e2, this.length - 8);
      const n2 = t2 * 2 ** 24 + 65536 * this[++e2] + 256 * this[++e2] + this[++e2], o2 = this[++e2] * 2 ** 24 + 65536 * this[++e2] + 256 * this[++e2] + r2;
      return (BigInt(n2) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(o2);
    }), Buffer$1.prototype.readIntLE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      e2 >>>= 0, t2 >>>= 0, r2 || checkOffset(e2, t2, this.length);
      let n2 = this[e2], o2 = 1, s2 = 0;
      for (; ++s2 < t2 && (o2 *= 256); )
        n2 += this[e2 + s2] * o2;
      return o2 *= 128, n2 >= o2 && (n2 -= Math.pow(2, 8 * t2)), n2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readIntBE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      e2 >>>= 0, t2 >>>= 0, r2 || checkOffset(e2, t2, this.length);
      let n2 = t2, o2 = 1, s2 = this[e2 + --n2];
      for (; n2 > 0 && (o2 *= 256); )
        s2 += this[e2 + --n2] * o2;
      return o2 *= 128, s2 >= o2 && (s2 -= Math.pow(2, 8 * t2)), s2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readInt8 = function(e2, t2) {
      return e2 >>>= 0, t2 || checkOffset(e2, 1, this.length), 128 & this[e2] ? -1 * (255 - this[e2] + 1) : this[e2];
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readInt16LE = function(e2, t2) {
      e2 >>>= 0, t2 || checkOffset(e2, 2, this.length);
      const r2 = this[e2] | this[e2 + 1] << 8;
      return 32768 & r2 ? 4294901760 | r2 : r2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readInt16BE = function(e2, t2) {
      e2 >>>= 0, t2 || checkOffset(e2, 2, this.length);
      const r2 = this[e2 + 1] | this[e2] << 8;
      return 32768 & r2 ? 4294901760 | r2 : r2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readInt32LE = function(e2, t2) {
      return e2 >>>= 0, t2 || checkOffset(e2, 4, this.length), this[e2] | this[e2 + 1] << 8 | this[e2 + 2] << 16 | this[e2 + 3] << 24;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readInt32BE = function(e2, t2) {
      return e2 >>>= 0, t2 || checkOffset(e2, 4, this.length), this[e2] << 24 | this[e2 + 1] << 16 | this[e2 + 2] << 8 | this[e2 + 3];
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readBigInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function(e2) {
      validateNumber(e2 >>>= 0, "offset");
      const t2 = this[e2], r2 = this[e2 + 7];
      void 0 !== t2 && void 0 !== r2 || boundsError(e2, this.length - 8);
      const n2 = this[e2 + 4] + 256 * this[e2 + 5] + 65536 * this[e2 + 6] + (r2 << 24);
      return (BigInt(n2) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(t2 + 256 * this[++e2] + 65536 * this[++e2] + this[++e2] * 2 ** 24);
    }), Buffer$1.prototype.readBigInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function(e2) {
      validateNumber(e2 >>>= 0, "offset");
      const t2 = this[e2], r2 = this[e2 + 7];
      void 0 !== t2 && void 0 !== r2 || boundsError(e2, this.length - 8);
      const n2 = (t2 << 24) + 65536 * this[++e2] + 256 * this[++e2] + this[++e2];
      return (BigInt(n2) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(this[++e2] * 2 ** 24 + 65536 * this[++e2] + 256 * this[++e2] + r2);
    }), Buffer$1.prototype.readFloatLE = function(e2, t2) {
      return e2 >>>= 0, t2 || checkOffset(e2, 4, this.length), read(this, e2, true, 23, 4);
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readFloatBE = function(e2, t2) {
      return e2 >>>= 0, t2 || checkOffset(e2, 4, this.length), read(this, e2, false, 23, 4);
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(e2, t2) {
      return e2 >>>= 0, t2 || checkOffset(e2, 8, this.length), read(this, e2, true, 52, 8);
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(e2, t2) {
      return e2 >>>= 0, t2 || checkOffset(e2, 8, this.length), read(this, e2, false, 52, 8);
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeUintLE = Buffer$1.prototype.writeUIntLE = function(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      if (e2 = +e2, t2 >>>= 0, r2 >>>= 0, !n2) {
        checkInt(this, e2, t2, r2, Math.pow(2, 8 * r2) - 1, 0);
      let o2 = 1, s2 = 0;
      for (this[t2] = 255 & e2; ++s2 < r2 && (o2 *= 256); )
        this[t2 + s2] = e2 / o2 & 255;
      return t2 + r2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeUintBE = Buffer$1.prototype.writeUIntBE = function(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      if (e2 = +e2, t2 >>>= 0, r2 >>>= 0, !n2) {
        checkInt(this, e2, t2, r2, Math.pow(2, 8 * r2) - 1, 0);
      let o2 = r2 - 1, s2 = 1;
      for (this[t2 + o2] = 255 & e2; --o2 >= 0 && (s2 *= 256); )
        this[t2 + o2] = e2 / s2 & 255;
      return t2 + r2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeUint8 = Buffer$1.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return e2 = +e2, t2 >>>= 0, r2 || checkInt(this, e2, t2, 1, 255, 0), this[t2] = 255 & e2, t2 + 1;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeUint16LE = Buffer$1.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return e2 = +e2, t2 >>>= 0, r2 || checkInt(this, e2, t2, 2, 65535, 0), this[t2] = 255 & e2, this[t2 + 1] = e2 >>> 8, t2 + 2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeUint16BE = Buffer$1.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return e2 = +e2, t2 >>>= 0, r2 || checkInt(this, e2, t2, 2, 65535, 0), this[t2] = e2 >>> 8, this[t2 + 1] = 255 & e2, t2 + 2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeUint32LE = Buffer$1.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return e2 = +e2, t2 >>>= 0, r2 || checkInt(this, e2, t2, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[t2 + 3] = e2 >>> 24, this[t2 + 2] = e2 >>> 16, this[t2 + 1] = e2 >>> 8, this[t2] = 255 & e2, t2 + 4;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeUint32BE = Buffer$1.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return e2 = +e2, t2 >>>= 0, r2 || checkInt(this, e2, t2, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[t2] = e2 >>> 24, this[t2 + 1] = e2 >>> 16, this[t2 + 2] = e2 >>> 8, this[t2 + 3] = 255 & e2, t2 + 4;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeBigUInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function(e2, t2 = 0) {
      return wrtBigUInt64LE(this, e2, t2, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"));
    }), Buffer$1.prototype.writeBigUInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function(e2, t2 = 0) {
      return wrtBigUInt64BE(this, e2, t2, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"));
    }), Buffer$1.prototype.writeIntLE = function(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      if (e2 = +e2, t2 >>>= 0, !n2) {
        const n3 = Math.pow(2, 8 * r2 - 1);
        checkInt(this, e2, t2, r2, n3 - 1, -n3);
      let o2 = 0, s2 = 1, i2 = 0;
      for (this[t2] = 255 & e2; ++o2 < r2 && (s2 *= 256); )
        e2 < 0 && 0 === i2 && 0 !== this[t2 + o2 - 1] && (i2 = 1), this[t2 + o2] = Math.trunc(e2 / s2) - i2 & 255;
      return t2 + r2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeIntBE = function(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      if (e2 = +e2, t2 >>>= 0, !n2) {
        const n3 = Math.pow(2, 8 * r2 - 1);
        checkInt(this, e2, t2, r2, n3 - 1, -n3);
      let o2 = r2 - 1, s2 = 1, i2 = 0;
      for (this[t2 + o2] = 255 & e2; --o2 >= 0 && (s2 *= 256); )
        e2 < 0 && 0 === i2 && 0 !== this[t2 + o2 + 1] && (i2 = 1), this[t2 + o2] = Math.trunc(e2 / s2) - i2 & 255;
      return t2 + r2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeInt8 = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return e2 = +e2, t2 >>>= 0, r2 || checkInt(this, e2, t2, 1, 127, -128), e2 < 0 && (e2 = 255 + e2 + 1), this[t2] = 255 & e2, t2 + 1;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return e2 = +e2, t2 >>>= 0, r2 || checkInt(this, e2, t2, 2, 32767, -32768), this[t2] = 255 & e2, this[t2 + 1] = e2 >>> 8, t2 + 2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return e2 = +e2, t2 >>>= 0, r2 || checkInt(this, e2, t2, 2, 32767, -32768), this[t2] = e2 >>> 8, this[t2 + 1] = 255 & e2, t2 + 2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return e2 = +e2, t2 >>>= 0, r2 || checkInt(this, e2, t2, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), this[t2] = 255 & e2, this[t2 + 1] = e2 >>> 8, this[t2 + 2] = e2 >>> 16, this[t2 + 3] = e2 >>> 24, t2 + 4;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return e2 = +e2, t2 >>>= 0, r2 || checkInt(this, e2, t2, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), e2 < 0 && (e2 = 4294967295 + e2 + 1), this[t2] = e2 >>> 24, this[t2 + 1] = e2 >>> 16, this[t2 + 2] = e2 >>> 8, this[t2 + 3] = 255 & e2, t2 + 4;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeBigInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function(e2, t2 = 0) {
      return wrtBigUInt64LE(this, e2, t2, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"));
    }), Buffer$1.prototype.writeBigInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function(e2, t2 = 0) {
      return wrtBigUInt64BE(this, e2, t2, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"));
    }), Buffer$1.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return writeFloat(this, e2, t2, true, r2);
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return writeFloat(this, e2, t2, false, r2);
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return writeDouble(this, e2, t2, true, r2);
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(e2, t2, r2) {
      return writeDouble(this, e2, t2, false, r2);
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.copy = function(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      if (!Buffer$1.isBuffer(e2))
        throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer");
      if (r2 || (r2 = 0), n2 || 0 === n2 || (n2 = this.length), t2 >= e2.length && (t2 = e2.length), t2 || (t2 = 0), n2 > 0 && n2 < r2 && (n2 = r2), n2 === r2)
        return 0;
      if (0 === e2.length || 0 === this.length)
        return 0;
      if (t2 < 0)
        throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");
      if (r2 < 0 || r2 >= this.length)
        throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
      if (n2 < 0)
        throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");
      n2 > this.length && (n2 = this.length), e2.length - t2 < n2 - r2 && (n2 = e2.length - t2 + r2);
      const o2 = n2 - r2;
      return this === e2 && "function" == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin ? this.copyWithin(t2, r2, n2) : Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(e2, this.subarray(r2, n2), t2), o2;
    }, Buffer$1.prototype.fill = function(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      if ("string" == typeof e2) {
        if ("string" == typeof t2 ? (n2 = t2, t2 = 0, r2 = this.length) : "string" == typeof r2 && (n2 = r2, r2 = this.length), void 0 !== n2 && "string" != typeof n2)
          throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");
        if ("string" == typeof n2 && !Buffer$1.isEncoding(n2))
          throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + n2);
        if (1 === e2.length) {
          const t3 = e2.charCodeAt(0);
          ("utf8" === n2 && t3 < 128 || "latin1" === n2) && (e2 = t3);
      } else
        "number" == typeof e2 ? e2 &= 255 : "boolean" == typeof e2 && (e2 = Number(e2));
      if (t2 < 0 || this.length < t2 || this.length < r2)
        throw new RangeError("Out of range index");
      if (r2 <= t2)
        return this;
      let o2;
      if (t2 >>>= 0, r2 = void 0 === r2 ? this.length : r2 >>> 0, e2 || (e2 = 0), "number" == typeof e2)
        for (o2 = t2; o2 < r2; ++o2)
          this[o2] = e2;
      else {
        const s2 = Buffer$1.isBuffer(e2) ? e2 : Buffer$1.from(e2, n2), i2 = s2.length;
        if (0 === i2)
          throw new TypeError('The value "' + e2 + '" is invalid for argument "value"');
        for (o2 = 0; o2 < r2 - t2; ++o2)
          this[o2 + t2] = s2[o2 % i2];
      return this;
    const a = {};
    function E(e2, t2, r2) {
      a[e2] = class extends r2 {
        constructor() {
          super(), Object.defineProperty(this, "message", { value: Reflect.apply(t2, this, arguments), writable: true, configurable: true }), this.name = `${this.name} [${e2}]`, this.stack, delete this.name;
        get code() {
          return e2;
        set code(e3) {
          Object.defineProperty(this, "code", { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: e3, writable: true });
        toString() {
          return `${this.name} [${e2}]: ${this.message}`;
    function addNumericalSeparator(e2) {
      let t2 = "", r2 = e2.length;
      const n2 = "-" === e2[0] ? 1 : 0;
      for (; r2 >= n2 + 4; r2 -= 3)
        t2 = `_${e2.slice(r2 - 3, r2)}${t2}`;
      return `${e2.slice(0, r2)}${t2}`;
    function checkIntBI(e2, t2, r2, n2, o2, s2) {
      if (e2 > r2 || e2 < t2) {
        const n3 = "bigint" == typeof t2 ? "n" : "";
        let o3;
        throw o3 = s2 > 3 ? 0 === t2 || t2 === BigInt(0) ? `>= 0${n3} and < 2${n3} ** ${8 * (s2 + 1)}${n3}` : `>= -(2${n3} ** ${8 * (s2 + 1) - 1}${n3}) and < 2 ** ${8 * (s2 + 1) - 1}${n3}` : `>= ${t2}${n3} and <= ${r2}${n3}`, new a.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE("value", o3, e2);
      !function(e3, t3, r3) {
        validateNumber(t3, "offset"), void 0 !== e3[t3] && void 0 !== e3[t3 + r3] || boundsError(t3, e3.length - (r3 + 1));
      }(n2, o2, s2);
    function validateNumber(e2, t2) {
      if ("number" != typeof e2)
        throw new a.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(t2, "number", e2);
    function boundsError(e2, t2, r2) {
      if (Math.floor(e2) !== e2)
        throw validateNumber(e2, r2), new a.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(r2 || "offset", "an integer", e2);
      if (t2 < 0)
        throw new a.ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS();
      throw new a.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(r2 || "offset", `>= ${r2 ? 1 : 0} and <= ${t2}`, e2);
    E("ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS", function(e2) {
      return e2 ? `${e2} is outside of buffer bounds` : "Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds";
    }, RangeError), E("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(e2, t2) {
      return `The "${e2}" argument must be of type number. Received type ${typeof t2}`;
    }, TypeError), E("ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE", function(e2, t2, r2) {
      let n2 = `The value of "${e2}" is out of range.`, o2 = r2;
      return Number.isInteger(r2) && Math.abs(r2) > 2 ** 32 ? o2 = addNumericalSeparator(String(r2)) : "bigint" == typeof r2 && (o2 = String(r2), (r2 > BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32) || r2 < -(BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32))) && (o2 = addNumericalSeparator(o2)), o2 += "n"), n2 += ` It must be ${t2}. Received ${o2}`, n2;
    }, RangeError);
    const c = /[^\w+/-]/g;
    function utf8ToBytes(e2, t2) {
      let r2;
      t2 = t2 || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
      const n2 = e2.length;
      let o2 = null;
      const s2 = [];
      for (let i2 = 0; i2 < n2; ++i2) {
        if (r2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2), r2 > 55295 && r2 < 57344) {
          if (!o2) {
            if (r2 > 56319) {
              (t2 -= 3) > -1 && s2.push(239, 191, 189);
            if (i2 + 1 === n2) {
              (t2 -= 3) > -1 && s2.push(239, 191, 189);
            o2 = r2;
          if (r2 < 56320) {
            (t2 -= 3) > -1 && s2.push(239, 191, 189), o2 = r2;
          r2 = 65536 + (o2 - 55296 << 10 | r2 - 56320);
        } else
          o2 && (t2 -= 3) > -1 && s2.push(239, 191, 189);
        if (o2 = null, r2 < 128) {
          if ((t2 -= 1) < 0)
        } else if (r2 < 2048) {
          if ((t2 -= 2) < 0)
          s2.push(r2 >> 6 | 192, 63 & r2 | 128);
        } else if (r2 < 65536) {
          if ((t2 -= 3) < 0)
          s2.push(r2 >> 12 | 224, r2 >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & r2 | 128);
        } else {
          if (!(r2 < 1114112))
            throw new Error("Invalid code point");
          if ((t2 -= 4) < 0)
          s2.push(r2 >> 18 | 240, r2 >> 12 & 63 | 128, r2 >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & r2 | 128);
      return s2;
    function base64ToBytes(e2) {
      return toByteArray(function(e3) {
        if ((e3 = (e3 = e3.split("=")[0]).trim().replace(c, "")).length < 2)
          return "";
        for (; e3.length % 4 != 0; )
          e3 += "=";
        return e3;
    function blitBuffer(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      let o2;
      for (o2 = 0; o2 < n2 && !(o2 + r2 >= t2.length || o2 >= e2.length); ++o2)
        t2[o2 + r2] = e2[o2];
      return o2;
    function isInstance(e2, t2) {
      return e2 instanceof t2 || null != e2 && null != e2.constructor && null != e2.constructor.name && e2.constructor.name === t2.name;
    function numberIsNaN(e2) {
      return e2 != e2;
    const u = function() {
      const e2 = "0123456789abcdef", t2 = Array.from({ length: 256 });
      for (let r2 = 0; r2 < 16; ++r2) {
        const n2 = 16 * r2;
        for (let o2 = 0; o2 < 16; ++o2)
          t2[n2 + o2] = e2[r2] + e2[o2];
      return t2;
    function defineBigIntMethod(e2) {
      return "undefined" == typeof BigInt ? BufferBigIntNotDefined : e2;
    function BufferBigIntNotDefined() {
      throw new Error("BigInt not supported");
    const l = globalThis.Buffer || Buffer$1;
    notImplemented("buffer.resolveObjectURL"), notImplemented("buffer.transcode"), notImplemented("buffer.isUtf8"), notImplemented("buffer.isAscii");
    const f = {};
    let p, h;
    function defaultSetTimeout() {
      throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined");
    function defaultClearTimeout() {
      throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined");
    function runTimeout(e2) {
      if (p === setTimeout)
        return setTimeout(e2, 0);
      if ((p === defaultSetTimeout || !p) && setTimeout)
        return p = setTimeout, setTimeout(e2, 0);
      try {
        return p(e2, 0);
      } catch {
        try {
          return p.call(null, e2, 0);
        } catch {
          return p.call(this, e2, 0);
    !function() {
      try {
        p = "function" == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : defaultSetTimeout;
      } catch {
        p = defaultSetTimeout;
      try {
        h = "function" == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : defaultClearTimeout;
      } catch {
        h = defaultClearTimeout;
    let d, m = [], g = false, y = -1;
    function cleanUpNextTick() {
      g && d && (g = false, d.length > 0 ? m = [...d, ...m] : y = -1, m.length > 0 && drainQueue());
    function drainQueue() {
      if (g)
      const e2 = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);
      g = true;
      let t2 = m.length;
      for (; t2; ) {
        for (d = m, m = []; ++y < t2; )
          d && d[y].run();
        y = -1, t2 = m.length;
      d = null, g = false, function(e3) {
        if (h === clearTimeout)
          return clearTimeout(e3);
        if ((h === defaultClearTimeout || !h) && clearTimeout)
          return h = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(e3);
        try {
          return h(e3);
        } catch {
          try {
            return h.call(null, e3);
          } catch {
            return h.call(this, e3);
    function Item(e2, t2) {
      this.fun = e2, this.array = t2;
    f.nextTick = function(e2) {
      const t2 = Array.from({ length: arguments.length - 1 });
      if (arguments.length > 1)
        for (let e3 = 1; e3 < arguments.length; e3++)
          t2[e3 - 1] = arguments[e3];
      m.push(new Item(e2, t2)), 1 !== m.length || g || runTimeout(drainQueue);
    }, Item.prototype.run = function() {
      this.fun.apply(null, this.array);
    }, f.title = "unenv";
    const w = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), b = globalThis.process?.env, _getEnv$1 = (e2) => b || globalThis.__env__ || (e2 ? w : globalThis);
    function noop$1() {
      return f;
    f.env = new Proxy(w, { get: (e2, t2) => _getEnv$1()[t2] ?? w[t2], has: (e2, t2) => t2 in _getEnv$1() || t2 in w, set: (e2, t2, r2) => (_getEnv$1(true)[t2] = r2, true), deleteProperty(e2, t2) {
      delete _getEnv$1(true)[t2];
    }, ownKeys() {
      const e2 = _getEnv$1();
      return Object.keys(e2);
    } }), f.argv = [], f.version = "", f.versions = {}, f.on = noop$1, f.addListener = noop$1, f.once = noop$1, f.off = noop$1, f.removeListener = noop$1, f.removeAllListeners = noop$1, f.emit = noop$1, f.prependListener = noop$1, f.prependOnceListener = noop$1, f.listeners = function(e2) {
      return [];
    }, f.binding = function(e2) {
      throw new Error("[unenv] process.binding is not supported");
    let v = "/";
    f.cwd = function() {
      return v;
    }, f.chdir = function(e2) {
      v = e2;
    }, f.umask = function() {
      return 0;
    const x = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : {};
    x.process = x.process || f;
    const _ = x.process;
    var B = {}, k = { exports: {} };
    function Mime$1() {
      this._types = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._extensions = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
      for (let e2 = 0; e2 < arguments.length; e2++)
      this.define = this.define.bind(this), this.getType = this.getType.bind(this), this.getExtension = this.getExtension.bind(this);
    Mime$1.prototype.define = function(e2, t2) {
      for (let r2 in e2) {
        let n2 = e2[r2].map(function(e3) {
          return e3.toLowerCase();
        r2 = r2.toLowerCase();
        for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2.length; e3++) {
          const o2 = n2[e3];
          if ("*" !== o2[0]) {
            if (!t2 && o2 in this._types)
              throw new Error('Attempt to change mapping for "' + o2 + '" extension from "' + this._types[o2] + '" to "' + r2 + '". Pass `force=true` to allow this, otherwise remove "' + o2 + '" from the list of extensions for "' + r2 + '".');
            this._types[o2] = r2;
        if (t2 || !this._extensions[r2]) {
          const e3 = n2[0];
          this._extensions[r2] = "*" !== e3[0] ? e3 : e3.substr(1);
    }, Mime$1.prototype.getType = function(e2) {
      let t2 = (e2 = String(e2)).replace(/^.*[/\\]/, "").toLowerCase(), r2 = t2.replace(/^.*\./, "").toLowerCase(), n2 = t2.length < e2.length;
      return (r2.length < t2.length - 1 || !n2) && this._types[r2] || null;
    }, Mime$1.prototype.getExtension = function(e2) {
      return (e2 = /^\s*([^;\s]*)/.test(e2) && RegExp.$1) && this._extensions[e2.toLowerCase()] || null;
    var I, R = new Mime$1({ "application/andrew-inset": ["ez"], "application/applixware": ["aw"], "application/atom+xml": ["atom"], "application/atomcat+xml": ["atomcat"], "application/atomdeleted+xml": ["atomdeleted"], "application/atomsvc+xml": ["atomsvc"], "application/atsc-dwd+xml": ["dwd"], "application/atsc-held+xml": ["held"], "application/atsc-rsat+xml": ["rsat"], "application/bdoc": ["bdoc"], "application/calendar+xml": ["xcs"], "application/ccxml+xml": ["ccxml"], "application/cdfx+xml": ["cdfx"], "application/cdmi-capability": ["cdmia"], "application/cdmi-container": ["cdmic"], "application/cdmi-domain": ["cdmid"], "application/cdmi-object": ["cdmio"], "application/cdmi-queue": ["cdmiq"], "application/cu-seeme": ["cu"], "application/dash+xml": ["mpd"], "application/davmount+xml": ["davmount"], "application/docbook+xml": ["dbk"], "application/dssc+der": ["dssc"], "application/dssc+xml": ["xdssc"], "application/ecmascript": ["es", "ecma"], "application/emma+xml": ["emma"], "application/emotionml+xml": ["emotionml"], "application/epub+zip": ["epub"], "application/exi": ["exi"], "application/express": ["exp"], "application/fdt+xml": ["fdt"], "application/font-tdpfr": ["pfr"], "application/geo+json": ["geojson"], "application/gml+xml": ["gml"], "application/gpx+xml": ["gpx"], "application/gxf": ["gxf"], "application/gzip": ["gz"], "application/hjson": ["hjson"], "application/hyperstudio": ["stk"], "application/inkml+xml": ["ink", "inkml"], "application/ipfix": ["ipfix"], "application/its+xml": ["its"], "application/java-archive": ["jar", "war", "ear"], "application/java-serialized-object": ["ser"], "application/java-vm": ["class"], "application/javascript": ["js", "mjs"], "application/json": ["json", "map"], "application/json5": ["json5"], "application/jsonml+json": ["jsonml"], "application/ld+json": ["jsonld"], "application/lgr+xml": ["lgr"], "application/lost+xml": ["lostxml"], "application/mac-binhex40": ["hqx"], "application/mac-compactpro": ["cpt"], "application/mads+xml": ["mads"], "application/manifest+json": ["webmanifest"], "application/marc": ["mrc"], "application/marcxml+xml": ["mrcx"], "application/mathematica": ["ma", "nb", "mb"], "application/mathml+xml": ["mathml"], "application/mbox": ["mbox"], "application/mediaservercontrol+xml": ["mscml"], "application/metalink+xml": ["metalink"], "application/metalink4+xml": ["meta4"], "application/mets+xml": ["mets"], "application/mmt-aei+xml": ["maei"], "application/mmt-usd+xml": ["musd"], "application/mods+xml": ["mods"], "application/mp21": ["m21", "mp21"], "application/mp4": ["mp4s", "m4p"], "application/msword": ["doc", "dot"], "application/mxf": ["mxf"], "application/n-quads": ["nq"], "application/n-triples": ["nt"], "application/node": ["cjs"], "application/octet-stream": ["bin", "dms", "lrf", "mar", "so", "dist", "distz", "pkg", "bpk", "dump", "elc", "deploy", "exe", "dll", "deb", "dmg", "iso", "img", "msi", "msp", "msm", "buffer"], "application/oda": ["oda"], "application/oebps-package+xml": ["opf"], "application/ogg": ["ogx"], "application/omdoc+xml": ["omdoc"], "application/onenote": ["onetoc", "onetoc2", "onetmp", "onepkg"], "application/oxps": ["oxps"], "application/p2p-overlay+xml": ["relo"], "application/patch-ops-error+xml": ["xer"], "application/pdf": ["pdf"], "application/pgp-encrypted": ["pgp"], "application/pgp-signature": ["asc", "sig"], "application/pics-rules": ["prf"], "application/pkcs10": ["p10"], "application/pkcs7-mime": ["p7m", "p7c"], "application/pkcs7-signature": ["p7s"], "application/pkcs8": ["p8"], "application/pkix-attr-cert": ["ac"], "application/pkix-cert": ["cer"], "application/pkix-crl": ["crl"], "application/pkix-pkipath": ["pkipath"], "application/pkixcmp": ["pki"], "application/pls+xml": ["pls"], "application/postscript": ["ai", "eps", "ps"], "application/provenance+xml": ["provx"], "application/pskc+xml": ["pskcxml"], "application/raml+yaml": ["raml"], "application/rdf+xml": ["rdf", "owl"], "application/reginfo+xml": ["rif"], "application/relax-ng-compact-syntax": ["rnc"], "application/resource-lists+xml": ["rl"], "application/resource-lists-diff+xml": ["rld"], "application/rls-services+xml": ["rs"], "application/route-apd+xml": ["rapd"], "application/route-s-tsid+xml": ["sls"], "application/route-usd+xml": ["rusd"], "application/rpki-ghostbusters": ["gbr"], "application/rpki-manifest": ["mft"], "application/rpki-roa": ["roa"], "application/rsd+xml": ["rsd"], "application/rss+xml": ["rss"], "application/rtf": ["rtf"], "application/sbml+xml": ["sbml"], "application/scvp-cv-request": ["scq"], "application/scvp-cv-response": ["scs"], "application/scvp-vp-request": ["spq"], "application/scvp-vp-response": ["spp"], "application/sdp": ["sdp"], "application/senml+xml": ["senmlx"], "application/sensml+xml": ["sensmlx"], "application/set-payment-initiation": ["setpay"], "application/set-registration-initiation": ["setreg"], "application/shf+xml": ["shf"], "application/sieve": ["siv", "sieve"], "application/smil+xml": ["smi", "smil"], "application/sparql-query": ["rq"], "application/sparql-results+xml": ["srx"], "application/srgs": ["gram"], "application/srgs+xml": ["grxml"], "application/sru+xml": ["sru"], "application/ssdl+xml": ["ssdl"], "application/ssml+xml": ["ssml"], "application/swid+xml": ["swidtag"], "application/tei+xml": ["tei", "teicorpus"], "application/thraud+xml": ["tfi"], "application/timestamped-data": ["tsd"], "application/toml": ["toml"], "application/trig": ["trig"], "application/ttml+xml": ["ttml"], "application/ubjson": ["ubj"], "application/urc-ressheet+xml": ["rsheet"], "application/urc-targetdesc+xml": ["td"], "application/voicexml+xml": ["vxml"], "application/wasm": ["wasm"], "application/widget": ["wgt"], "application/winhlp": ["hlp"], "application/wsdl+xml": ["wsdl"], "application/wspolicy+xml": ["wspolicy"], "application/xaml+xml": ["xaml"], "application/xcap-att+xml": ["xav"], "application/xcap-caps+xml": ["xca"], "application/xcap-diff+xml": ["xdf"], "application/xcap-el+xml": ["xel"], "application/xcap-ns+xml": ["xns"], "application/xenc+xml": ["xenc"], "application/xhtml+xml": ["xhtml", "xht"], "application/xliff+xml": ["xlf"], "application/xml": ["xml", "xsl", "xsd", "rng"], "application/xml-dtd": ["dtd"], "application/xop+xml": ["xop"], "application/xproc+xml": ["xpl"], "application/xslt+xml": ["*xsl", "xslt"], "application/xspf+xml": ["xspf"], "application/xv+xml": ["mxml", "xhvml", "xvml", "xvm"], "application/yang": ["yang"], "application/yin+xml": ["yin"], "application/zip": ["zip"], "audio/3gpp": ["*3gpp"], "audio/adpcm": ["adp"], "audio/amr": ["amr"], "audio/basic": ["au", "snd"], "audio/midi": ["mid", "midi", "kar", "rmi"], "audio/mobile-xmf": ["mxmf"], "audio/mp3": ["*mp3"], "audio/mp4": ["m4a", "mp4a"], "audio/mpeg": ["mpga", "mp2", "mp2a", "mp3", "m2a", "m3a"], "audio/ogg": ["oga", "ogg", "spx", "opus"], "audio/s3m": ["s3m"], "audio/silk": ["sil"], "audio/wav": ["wav"], "audio/wave": ["*wav"], "audio/webm": ["weba"], "audio/xm": ["xm"], "font/collection": ["ttc"], "font/otf": ["otf"], "font/ttf": ["ttf"], "font/woff": ["woff"], "font/woff2": ["woff2"], "image/aces": ["exr"], "image/apng": ["apng"], "image/avif": ["avif"], "image/bmp": ["bmp"], "image/cgm": ["cgm"], "image/dicom-rle": ["drle"], "image/emf": ["emf"], "image/fits": ["fits"], "image/g3fax": ["g3"], "image/gif": ["gif"], "image/heic": ["heic"], "image/heic-sequence": ["heics"], "image/heif": ["heif"], "image/heif-sequence": ["heifs"], "image/hej2k": ["hej2"], "image/hsj2": ["hsj2"], "image/ief": ["ief"], "image/jls": ["jls"], "image/jp2": ["jp2", "jpg2"], "image/jpeg": ["jpeg", "jpg", "jpe"], "image/jph": ["jph"], "image/jphc": ["jhc"], "image/jpm": ["jpm"], "image/jpx": ["jpx", "jpf"], "image/jxr": ["jxr"], "image/jxra": ["jxra"], "image/jxrs": ["jxrs"], "image/jxs": ["jxs"], "image/jxsc": ["jxsc"], "image/jxsi": ["jxsi"], "image/jxss": ["jxss"], "image/ktx": ["ktx"], "image/ktx2": ["ktx2"], "image/png": ["png"], "image/sgi": ["sgi"], "image/svg+xml": ["svg", "svgz"], "image/t38": ["t38"], "image/tiff": ["tif", "tiff"], "image/tiff-fx": ["tfx"], "image/webp": ["webp"], "image/wmf": ["wmf"], "message/disposition-notification": ["disposition-notification"], "message/global": ["u8msg"], "message/global-delivery-status": ["u8dsn"], "message/global-disposition-notification": ["u8mdn"], "message/global-headers": ["u8hdr"], "message/rfc822": ["eml", "mime"], "model/3mf": ["3mf"], "model/gltf+json": ["gltf"], "model/gltf-binary": ["glb"], "model/iges": ["igs", "iges"], "model/mesh": ["msh", "mesh", "silo"], "model/mtl": ["mtl"], "model/obj": ["obj"], "model/step+xml": ["stpx"], "model/step+zip": ["stpz"], "model/step-xml+zip": ["stpxz"], "model/stl": ["stl"], "model/vrml": ["wrl", "vrml"], "model/x3d+binary": ["*x3db", "x3dbz"], "model/x3d+fastinfoset": ["x3db"], "model/x3d+vrml": ["*x3dv", "x3dvz"], "model/x3d+xml": ["x3d", "x3dz"], "model/x3d-vrml": ["x3dv"], "text/cache-manifest": ["appcache", "manifest"], "text/calendar": ["ics", "ifb"], "text/coffeescript": ["coffee", "litcoffee"], "text/css": ["css"], "text/csv": ["csv"], "text/html": ["html", "htm", "shtml"], "text/jade": ["jade"], "text/jsx": ["jsx"], "text/less": ["less"], "text/markdown": ["markdown", "md"], "text/mathml": ["mml"], "text/mdx": ["mdx"], "text/n3": ["n3"], "text/plain": ["txt", "text", "conf", "def", "list", "log", "in", "ini"], "text/richtext": ["rtx"], "text/rtf": ["*rtf"], "text/sgml": ["sgml", "sgm"], "text/shex": ["shex"], "text/slim": ["slim", "slm"], "text/spdx": ["spdx"], "text/stylus": ["stylus", "styl"], "text/tab-separated-values": ["tsv"], "text/troff": ["t", "tr", "roff", "man", "me", "ms"], "text/turtle": ["ttl"], "text/uri-list": ["uri", "uris", "urls"], "text/vcard": ["vcard"], "text/vtt": ["vtt"], "text/xml": ["*xml"], "text/yaml": ["yaml", "yml"], "video/3gpp": ["3gp", "3gpp"], "video/3gpp2": ["3g2"], "video/h261": ["h261"], "video/h263": ["h263"], "video/h264": ["h264"], "video/iso.segment": ["m4s"], "video/jpeg": ["jpgv"], "video/jpm": ["*jpm", "jpgm"], "video/mj2": ["mj2", "mjp2"], "video/mp2t": ["ts"], "video/mp4": ["mp4", "mp4v", "mpg4"], "video/mpeg": ["mpeg", "mpg", "mpe", "m1v", "m2v"], "video/ogg": ["ogv"], "video/quicktime": ["qt", "mov"], "video/webm": ["webm"] }), A = k.exports;
    Object.defineProperty(A, "__esModule", { value: true });
    const T = { ...((I = R) && I.__esModule ? I : { default: I }).default };
    T.lookup = T.getType, T.extension = T.getExtension;
    const noop = () => {
    T.define = noop, T.load = noop, T.default_type = "application/octet-stream", T.charsets = { lookup: () => "UTF-8" }, k.exports = T;
    var $ = k.exports, C = {};
    Object.defineProperty(C, "__esModule", { value: true }), C.InternalError = C.NotFoundError = C.MethodNotAllowedError = C.KVError = void 0;
    class KVError extends Error {
      constructor(e2, t2 = 500) {
        super(e2), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, new.target.prototype), this.name = KVError.name, this.status = t2;
    C.KVError = KVError;
    C.MethodNotAllowedError = class extends KVError {
      constructor(e2 = "Not a valid request method", t2 = 405) {
        super(e2, t2);
    C.NotFoundError = class extends KVError {
      constructor(e2 = "Not Found", t2 = 404) {
        super(e2, t2);
    C.InternalError = class extends KVError {
      constructor(e2 = "Internal Error in KV Asset Handler", t2 = 500) {
        super(e2, t2);
    }, function(e2) {
      Object.defineProperty(e2, "__esModule", { value: true }), e2.InternalError = e2.NotFoundError = e2.MethodNotAllowedError = e2.serveSinglePageApp = e2.mapRequestToAsset = e2.getAssetFromKV = void 0;
      const t2 = $, r2 = C;
      Object.defineProperty(e2, "MethodNotAllowedError", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
        return r2.MethodNotAllowedError;
      } }), Object.defineProperty(e2, "NotFoundError", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
        return r2.NotFoundError;
      } }), Object.defineProperty(e2, "InternalError", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
        return r2.InternalError;
      } });
      const n2 = { browserTTL: null, edgeTTL: 172800, bypassCache: false }, parseStringAsObject = (e3) => "string" == typeof e3 ? JSON.parse(e3) : e3, o2 = { ASSET_NAMESPACE: "undefined" != typeof __STATIC_CONTENT ? __STATIC_CONTENT : void 0, ASSET_MANIFEST: "undefined" != typeof __STATIC_CONTENT_MANIFEST ? parseStringAsObject(__STATIC_CONTENT_MANIFEST) : {}, cacheControl: n2, defaultMimeType: "text/plain", defaultDocument: "index.html", pathIsEncoded: false, defaultETag: "strong" };
      function assignOptions(e3) {
        return Object.assign({}, o2, e3);
      const mapRequestToAsset = (e3, r3) => {
        r3 = assignOptions(r3);
        const n3 = new URL(e3.url);
        let o3 = n3.pathname;
        return o3.endsWith("/") ? o3 = o3.concat(r3.defaultDocument) : t2.getType(o3) || (o3 = o3.concat("/" + r3.defaultDocument)), n3.pathname = o3, new Request(n3.toString(), e3);
      e2.mapRequestToAsset = mapRequestToAsset, e2.serveSinglePageApp = function(e3, t3) {
        t3 = assignOptions(t3), e3 = mapRequestToAsset(e3, t3);
        const r3 = new URL(e3.url);
        return r3.pathname.endsWith(".html") ? new Request(`${r3.origin}/${t3.defaultDocument}`, e3) : e3;
      e2.getAssetFromKV = async (e3, o3) => {
        o3 = assignOptions(o3);
        const s2 = e3.request, i2 = o3.ASSET_NAMESPACE, a2 = parseStringAsObject(o3.ASSET_MANIFEST);
        if (void 0 === i2)
          throw new r2.InternalError("there is no KV namespace bound to the script");
        const c2 = new URL(s2.url).pathname.replace(/^\/+/, "");
        let u2, l2 = o3.pathIsEncoded;
        if (o3.mapRequestToAsset)
          u2 = o3.mapRequestToAsset(s2);
        else if (a2[c2])
          u2 = s2;
        else if (a2[decodeURIComponent(c2)])
          l2 = true, u2 = s2;
        else {
          const e4 = mapRequestToAsset(s2), t3 = new URL(e4.url).pathname.replace(/^\/+/, "");
          a2[decodeURIComponent(t3)] ? (l2 = true, u2 = e4) : u2 = mapRequestToAsset(s2, o3);
        if (!["GET", "HEAD"].includes(u2.method))
          throw new r2.MethodNotAllowedError(`${u2.method} is not a valid request method`);
        const f2 = new URL(u2.url);
        let p2 = (l2 ? decodeURIComponent(f2.pathname) : f2.pathname).replace(/^\/+/, "");
        const h2 = caches.default;
        let d2 = t2.getType(p2) || o3.defaultMimeType;
        (d2.startsWith("text") || "application/javascript" === d2) && (d2 += "; charset=utf-8");
        let m2 = false;
        void 0 !== a2 && a2[p2] && (p2 = a2[p2], m2 = true);
        let g2 = new Request(`${f2.origin}/${p2}`, s2);
        const y2 = (() => {
          switch (typeof o3.cacheControl) {
            case "function":
              return o3.cacheControl(s2);
            case "object":
              return o3.cacheControl;
              return n2;
        })(), formatETag = (e4 = p2, t3 = o3.defaultETag) => {
          if (!e4)
            return "";
          switch (t3) {
            case "weak":
              return e4.startsWith("W/") ? e4 : e4.startsWith('"') && e4.endsWith('"') ? `W/${e4}` : `W/"${e4}"`;
            case "strong":
              return e4.startsWith('W/"') && (e4 = e4.replace("W/", "")), e4.endsWith('"') || (e4 = `"${e4}"`), e4;
              return "";
        o3.cacheControl = Object.assign({}, n2, y2), (o3.cacheControl.bypassCache || null === o3.cacheControl.edgeTTL || "HEAD" == s2.method) && (m2 = false);
        const w2 = "number" == typeof o3.cacheControl.browserTTL;
        let b2 = null;
        if (m2 && (b2 = await h2.match(g2)), b2)
          if (b2.status > 300 && b2.status < 400)
            b2.body && "cancel" in Object.getPrototypeOf(b2.body) && b2.body.cancel(), b2 = new Response(null, b2);
          else {
            let e4 = { headers: new Headers(b2.headers), status: 0, statusText: "" };
            e4.headers.set("cf-cache-status", "HIT"), b2.status ? (e4.status = b2.status, e4.statusText = b2.statusText) : e4.headers.has("Content-Range") ? (e4.status = 206, e4.statusText = "Partial Content") : (e4.status = 200, e4.statusText = "OK"), b2 = new Response(b2.body, e4);
        else {
          const t3 = await i2.get(p2, "arrayBuffer");
          if (null === t3)
            throw new r2.NotFoundError(`could not find ${p2} in your content namespace`);
          b2 = new Response(t3), m2 && (b2.headers.set("Accept-Ranges", "bytes"), b2.headers.set("Content-Length", String(t3.byteLength)), b2.headers.has("etag") || b2.headers.set("etag", formatETag(p2)), b2.headers.set("Cache-Control", `max-age=${o3.cacheControl.edgeTTL}`), e3.waitUntil(h2.put(g2, b2.clone())), b2.headers.set("CF-Cache-Status", "MISS"));
        if (b2.headers.set("Content-Type", d2), 304 === b2.status) {
          let e4 = formatETag(b2.headers.get("etag")), t3 = g2.headers.get("if-none-match"), r3 = b2.headers.get("CF-Cache-Status");
          e4 && (t3 && t3 === e4 && "MISS" === r3 ? b2.headers.set("CF-Cache-Status", "EXPIRED") : b2.headers.set("CF-Cache-Status", "REVALIDATED"), b2.headers.set("etag", formatETag(e4, "weak")));
        return w2 ? b2.headers.set("Cache-Control", `max-age=${o3.cacheControl.browserTTL}`) : b2.headers.delete("Cache-Control"), b2;
    const S = /#/g, j = /&/g, O = /=/g, N = /\+/g, L = /%5e/gi, M = /%60/gi, P = /%7c/gi, U = /%20/gi;
    function encodeQueryValue(e2) {
      return (t2 = "string" == typeof e2 ? e2 : JSON.stringify(e2), encodeURI("" + t2).replace(P, "|")).replace(N, "%2B").replace(U, "+").replace(S, "%23").replace(j, "%26").replace(M, "`").replace(L, "^");
      var t2;
    function encodeQueryKey(e2) {
      return encodeQueryValue(e2).replace(O, "%3D");
    function decode(e2 = "") {
      try {
        return decodeURIComponent("" + e2);
      } catch {
        return "" + e2;
    function decodeQueryValue(e2) {
      return decode(e2.replace(N, " "));
    function parseQuery(e2 = "") {
      const t2 = {};
      "?" === e2[0] && (e2 = e2.slice(1));
      for (const r2 of e2.split("&")) {
        const e3 = r2.match(/([^=]+)=?(.*)/) || [];
        if (e3.length < 2)
        const n2 = decode(e3[1].replace(N, " "));
        if ("__proto__" === n2 || "constructor" === n2)
        const o2 = decodeQueryValue(e3[2] || "");
        void 0 === t2[n2] ? t2[n2] = o2 : Array.isArray(t2[n2]) ? t2[n2].push(o2) : t2[n2] = [t2[n2], o2];
      return t2;
    function stringifyQuery(e2) {
      return Object.keys(e2).filter((t2) => void 0 !== e2[t2]).map((t2) => {
        return r2 = t2, "number" != typeof (n2 = e2[t2]) && "boolean" != typeof n2 || (n2 = String(n2)), n2 ? Array.isArray(n2) ? n2.map((e3) => `${encodeQueryKey(r2)}=${encodeQueryValue(e3)}`).join("&") : `${encodeQueryKey(r2)}=${encodeQueryValue(n2)}` : encodeQueryKey(r2);
        var r2, n2;
    const H = /^[\s\w\0+.-]{2,}:([/\\]{1,2})/, q = /^[\s\w\0+.-]{2,}:([/\\]{2})?/, z = /^([/\\]\s*){2,}[^/\\]/;
    function hasProtocol(e2, t2 = {}) {
      return "boolean" == typeof t2 && (t2 = { acceptRelative: t2 }), t2.strict ? H.test(e2) : q.test(e2) || !!t2.acceptRelative && z.test(e2);
    const W = /\/$|\/\?|\/#/;
    function hasTrailingSlash(e2 = "", t2) {
      return t2 ? W.test(e2) : e2.endsWith("/");
    function withoutTrailingSlash(e2 = "", t2) {
      if (!t2)
        return (hasTrailingSlash(e2) ? e2.slice(0, -1) : e2) || "/";
      if (!hasTrailingSlash(e2, true))
        return e2 || "/";
      let r2 = e2, n2 = "";
      const o2 = e2.indexOf("#");
      o2 >= 0 && (r2 = e2.slice(0, o2), n2 = e2.slice(o2));
      const [s2, ...i2] = r2.split("?");
      return (s2.slice(0, -1) || "/") + (i2.length > 0 ? `?${i2.join("?")}` : "") + n2;
    function withTrailingSlash(e2 = "", t2) {
      if (!t2)
        return e2.endsWith("/") ? e2 : e2 + "/";
      if (hasTrailingSlash(e2, true))
        return e2 || "/";
      let r2 = e2, n2 = "";
      const o2 = e2.indexOf("#");
      if (o2 >= 0 && (r2 = e2.slice(0, o2), n2 = e2.slice(o2), !r2))
        return n2;
      const [s2, ...i2] = r2.split("?");
      return s2 + "/" + (i2.length > 0 ? `?${i2.join("?")}` : "") + n2;
    function withoutBase(e2, t2) {
      if (isEmptyURL(t2))
        return e2;
      const r2 = withoutTrailingSlash(t2);
      if (!e2.startsWith(r2))
        return e2;
      const n2 = e2.slice(r2.length);
      return "/" === n2[0] ? n2 : "/" + n2;
    function withQuery(e2, t2) {
      const r2 = parseURL(e2), n2 = { ...parseQuery(r2.search), ...t2 };
      return r2.search = stringifyQuery(n2), function(e3) {
        const t3 = e3.pathname || "", r3 = e3.search ? (e3.search.startsWith("?") ? "" : "?") + e3.search : "", n3 = e3.hash || "", o2 = e3.auth ? e3.auth + "@" : "", s2 = e3.host || "", i2 = e3.protocol ? e3.protocol + "//" : "";
        return i2 + o2 + s2 + t3 + r3 + n3;
    function isEmptyURL(e2) {
      return !e2 || "/" === e2;
    const F = /^\.?\//;
    function joinURL(e2, ...t2) {
      let r2 = e2 || "";
      for (const e3 of t2.filter((e4) => function(e5) {
        return e5 && "/" !== e5;
        if (r2) {
          const t3 = e3.replace(F, "");
          r2 = withTrailingSlash(r2) + t3;
        } else
          r2 = e3;
      return r2;
    function parseURL(e2 = "", t2) {
      const r2 = e2.match(/^[\s\0]*(blob:|data:|javascript:|vbscript:)(.*)/i);
      if (r2) {
        const [, e3, t3 = ""] = r2;
        return { protocol: e3.toLowerCase(), pathname: t3, href: e3 + t3, auth: "", host: "", search: "", hash: "" };
      if (!hasProtocol(e2, { acceptRelative: true }))
        return t2 ? parseURL(t2 + e2) : parsePath(e2);
      const [, n2 = "", o2, s2 = ""] = e2.replace(/\\/g, "/").match(/^[\s\0]*([\w+.-]{2,}:)?\/\/([^/@]+@)?(.*)/) || [], [, i2 = "", a2 = ""] = s2.match(/([^#/?]*)(.*)?/) || [], { pathname: c2, search: u2, hash: l2 } = parsePath(a2.replace(/\/(?=[A-Za-z]:)/, ""));
      return { protocol: n2.toLowerCase(), auth: o2 ? o2.slice(0, Math.max(0, o2.length - 1)) : "", host: i2, pathname: c2, search: u2, hash: l2 };
    function parsePath(e2 = "") {
      const [t2 = "", r2 = "", n2 = ""] = (e2.match(/([^#?]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?/) || []).splice(1);
      return { pathname: t2, search: r2, hash: n2 };
    const D = { NORMAL: 0, WILDCARD: 1, PLACEHOLDER: 2 };
    function createRouter$1(e2 = {}) {
      const t2 = { options: e2, rootNode: createRadixNode(), staticRoutesMap: {} }, normalizeTrailingSlash = (t3) => e2.strictTrailingSlash ? t3 : t3.replace(/\/$/, "") || "/";
      if (e2.routes)
        for (const r2 in e2.routes)
          insert(t2, normalizeTrailingSlash(r2), e2.routes[r2]);
      return { ctx: t2, lookup: (e3) => function(e4, t3) {
        const r2 = e4.staticRoutesMap[t3];
        if (r2)
          return r2.data;
        const n2 = t3.split("/"), o2 = {};
        let s2 = false, i2 = null, a2 = e4.rootNode, c2 = null;
        for (let e5 = 0; e5 < n2.length; e5++) {
          const t4 = n2[e5];
          null !== a2.wildcardChildNode && (i2 = a2.wildcardChildNode, c2 = n2.slice(e5).join("/"));
          const r3 = a2.children.get(t4);
          if (void 0 !== r3)
            a2 = r3;
          else {
            if (a2 = a2.placeholderChildNode, null === a2)
            o2[a2.paramName] = t4, s2 = true;
        null !== a2 && null !== a2.data || null === i2 || (a2 = i2, o2[a2.paramName || "_"] = c2, s2 = true);
        if (!a2)
          return null;
        if (s2)
          return { ...a2.data, params: s2 ? o2 : void 0 };
        return a2.data;
      }(t2, normalizeTrailingSlash(e3)), insert: (e3, r2) => insert(t2, normalizeTrailingSlash(e3), r2), remove: (e3) => function(e4, t3) {
        let r2 = false;
        const n2 = t3.split("/");
        let o2 = e4.rootNode;
        for (const e5 of n2)
          if (o2 = o2.children.get(e5), !o2)
            return r2;
        if (o2.data) {
          const e5 = n2[n2.length - 1];
          if (o2.data = null, 0 === Object.keys(o2.children).length) {
            const t4 = o2.parent;
            t4.children.delete(e5), t4.wildcardChildNode = null, t4.placeholderChildNode = null;
          r2 = true;
        return r2;
      }(t2, normalizeTrailingSlash(e3)) };
    function insert(e2, t2, r2) {
      let n2 = true;
      const o2 = t2.split("/");
      let s2 = e2.rootNode, i2 = 0;
      for (const e3 of o2) {
        let t3;
        if (t3 = s2.children.get(e3))
          s2 = t3;
        else {
          const r3 = getNodeType(e3);
          t3 = createRadixNode({ type: r3, parent: s2 }), s2.children.set(e3, t3), r3 === D.PLACEHOLDER ? (t3.paramName = "*" === e3 ? "_" + i2++ : e3.slice(1), s2.placeholderChildNode = t3, n2 = false) : r3 === D.WILDCARD && (s2.wildcardChildNode = t3, t3.paramName = e3.slice(3) || "_", n2 = false), s2 = t3;
      return s2.data = r2, true === n2 && (e2.staticRoutesMap[t2] = s2), s2;
    function createRadixNode(e2 = {}) {
      return { type: e2.type || D.NORMAL, parent: e2.parent || null, children: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), data: e2.data || null, paramName: e2.paramName || null, wildcardChildNode: null, placeholderChildNode: null };
    function getNodeType(e2) {
      return e2.startsWith("**") ? D.WILDCARD : ":" === e2[0] || "*" === e2 ? D.PLACEHOLDER : D.NORMAL;
    function toRouteMatcher(e2) {
      return function(e3) {
        return { ctx: { table: e3 }, matchAll: (t2) => _matchRoutes(t2, e3) };
      }(_routerNodeToTable("", e2.ctx.rootNode));
    function _matchRoutes(e2, t2) {
      const r2 = [];
      for (const [n3, o2] of _sortRoutesMap(t2.wildcard))
        e2.startsWith(n3) && r2.push(o2);
      for (const [n3, o2] of _sortRoutesMap(t2.dynamic))
        if (e2.startsWith(n3 + "/")) {
          const t3 = "/" + e2.slice(n3.length).split("/").splice(2).join("/");
          r2.push(..._matchRoutes(t3, o2));
      const n2 = t2.static.get(e2);
      return n2 && r2.push(n2), r2.filter(Boolean);
    function _sortRoutesMap(e2) {
      return [...e2.entries()].sort((e3, t2) => e3[0].length - t2[0].length);
    function _routerNodeToTable(e2, t2) {
      const r2 = { static: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), wildcard: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), dynamic: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() };
      return function _addNode(e3, t3) {
        if (e3)
          if (t3.type !== D.NORMAL || e3.includes("*") || e3.includes(":")) {
            if (t3.type === D.WILDCARD)
              r2.wildcard.set(e3.replace("/**", ""), t3.data);
            else if (t3.type === D.PLACEHOLDER) {
              const n2 = _routerNodeToTable("", t3);
              return t3.data && n2.static.set("/", t3.data), void r2.dynamic.set(e3.replace(/\/\*|\/:\w+/, ""), n2);
          } else
            r2.static.set(e3, t3.data);
        for (const [r3, n2] of t3.children.entries())
          _addNode(`${e3}/${r3}`.replace("//", "/"), n2);
      }(e2, t2), r2;
    const K = /"(?:_|\\u0{2}5[Ff]){2}(?:p|\\u0{2}70)(?:r|\\u0{2}72)(?:o|\\u0{2}6[Ff])(?:t|\\u0{2}74)(?:o|\\u0{2}6[Ff])(?:_|\\u0{2}5[Ff]){2}"\s*:/, V = /"(?:c|\\u0063)(?:o|\\u006[Ff])(?:n|\\u006[Ee])(?:s|\\u0073)(?:t|\\u0074)(?:r|\\u0072)(?:u|\\u0075)(?:c|\\u0063)(?:t|\\u0074)(?:o|\\u006[Ff])(?:r|\\u0072)"\s*:/, J = /^\s*["[{]|^\s*-?\d{1,16}(\.\d{1,17})?([Ee][+-]?\d+)?\s*$/;
    function jsonParseTransform(e2, t2) {
      if (!("__proto__" === e2 || "constructor" === e2 && t2 && "object" == typeof t2 && "prototype" in t2))
        return t2;
      !function(e3) {
        console.warn(`[destr] Dropping "${e3}" key to prevent prototype pollution.`);
    function destr(e2, t2 = {}) {
      if ("string" != typeof e2)
        return e2;
      const r2 = e2.trim();
      if ('"' === e2[0] && '"' === e2.at(-1) && !e2.includes("\\"))
        return r2.slice(1, -1);
      if (r2.length <= 9) {
        const e3 = r2.toLowerCase();
        if ("true" === e3)
          return true;
        if ("false" === e3)
          return false;
        if ("undefined" === e3)
        if ("null" === e3)
          return null;
        if ("nan" === e3)
          return Number.NaN;
        if ("infinity" === e3)
          return Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        if ("-infinity" === e3)
          return Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
      if (!J.test(e2)) {
        if (t2.strict)
          throw new SyntaxError("[destr] Invalid JSON");
        return e2;
      try {
        if (K.test(e2) || V.test(e2)) {
          if (t2.strict)
            throw new Error("[destr] Possible prototype pollution");
          return JSON.parse(e2, jsonParseTransform);
        return JSON.parse(e2);
      } catch (r3) {
        if (t2.strict)
          throw r3;
        return e2;
    function isPlainObject(e2) {
      if (null === e2 || "object" != typeof e2)
        return false;
      const t2 = Object.getPrototypeOf(e2);
      return (null === t2 || t2 === Object.prototype || null === Object.getPrototypeOf(t2)) && (!(Symbol.iterator in e2) && (!(Symbol.toStringTag in e2) || "[object Module]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e2)));
    function _defu(e2, t2, r2 = ".", n2) {
      if (!isPlainObject(t2))
        return _defu(e2, {}, r2, n2);
      const o2 = Object.assign({}, t2);
      for (const t3 in e2) {
        if ("__proto__" === t3 || "constructor" === t3)
        const s2 = e2[t3];
        null != s2 && (n2 && n2(o2, t3, s2, r2) || (Array.isArray(s2) && Array.isArray(o2[t3]) ? o2[t3] = [...s2, ...o2[t3]] : isPlainObject(s2) && isPlainObject(o2[t3]) ? o2[t3] = _defu(s2, o2[t3], (r2 ? `${r2}.` : "") + t3.toString(), n2) : o2[t3] = s2));
      return o2;
    function createDefu(e2) {
      return (...t2) => t2.reduce((t3, r2) => _defu(t3, r2, "", e2), {});
    const Q = createDefu(), G = createDefu((e2, t2, r2) => {
      if (void 0 !== e2[t2] && "function" == typeof r2)
        return e2[t2] = r2(e2[t2]), true;
    let Y = 10, X = class {
      __unenv__ = true;
      _events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
      static get defaultMaxListeners() {
        return Y;
      static set defaultMaxListeners(e2) {
        if ("number" != typeof e2 || e2 < 0 || Number.isNaN(e2))
          throw new RangeError('The value of "defaultMaxListeners" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + e2 + ".");
        Y = e2;
      setMaxListeners(e2) {
        if ("number" != typeof e2 || e2 < 0 || Number.isNaN(e2))
          throw new RangeError('The value of "n" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + e2 + ".");
        return this._maxListeners = e2, this;
      getMaxListeners() {
        return _getMaxListeners(this);
      emit(e2, ...t2) {
        if (!this._events[e2] || 0 === this._events[e2].length)
          return false;
        if ("error" === e2) {
          let e3;
          if (t2.length > 0 && (e3 = t2[0]), e3 instanceof Error)
            throw e3;
          const r2 = new Error("Unhandled error." + (e3 ? " (" + e3.message + ")" : ""));
          throw r2.context = e3, r2;
        for (const r2 of this._events[e2])
          (r2.listener || r2).apply(this, t2);
        return true;
      addListener(e2, t2) {
        return _addListener(this, e2, t2, false);
      on(e2, t2) {
        return _addListener(this, e2, t2, false);
      prependListener(e2, t2) {
        return _addListener(this, e2, t2, true);
      once(e2, t2) {
        return this.on(e2, _wrapOnce(this, e2, t2));
      prependOnceListener(e2, t2) {
        return this.prependListener(e2, _wrapOnce(this, e2, t2));
      removeListener(e2, t2) {
        return function(e3, t3, r2) {
          if (_checkListener(r2), !e3._events[t3] || 0 === e3._events[t3].length)
            return e3;
          const n2 = e3._events[t3].length;
          if (e3._events[t3] = e3._events[t3].filter((e4) => e4 !== r2), n2 === e3._events[t3].length)
            return e3;
          e3._events.removeListener && e3.emit("removeListener", t3, r2.listener || r2);
          0 === e3._events[t3].length && delete e3._events[t3];
          return e3;
        }(this, e2, t2);
      off(e2, t2) {
        return this.removeListener(e2, t2);
      removeAllListeners(e2) {
        return function(e3, t2) {
          if (!e3._events[t2] || 0 === e3._events[t2].length)
            return e3;
          if (e3._events.removeListener)
            for (const r2 of e3._events[t2])
              e3.emit("removeListener", t2, r2.listener || r2);
          return delete e3._events[t2], e3;
        }(this, e2);
      listeners(e2) {
        return _listeners(this, e2, true);
      rawListeners(e2) {
        return _listeners(this, e2, false);
      listenerCount(e2) {
        return this.rawListeners(e2).length;
      eventNames() {
        return Object.keys(this._events);
    function _addListener(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      _checkListener(r2), void 0 !== e2._events.newListener && e2.emit("newListener", t2, r2.listener || r2), e2._events[t2] || (e2._events[t2] = []), n2 ? e2._events[t2].unshift(r2) : e2._events[t2].push(r2);
      const o2 = _getMaxListeners(e2);
      if (o2 > 0 && e2._events[t2].length > o2 && !e2._events[t2].warned) {
        e2._events[t2].warned = true;
        const r3 = new Error(`[unenv] Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. ${e2._events[t2].length} ${t2} listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit`);
        r3.name = "MaxListenersExceededWarning", r3.emitter = e2, r3.type = t2, r3.count = e2._events[t2]?.length, console.warn(r3);
      return e2;
    function _wrapOnce(e2, t2, r2) {
      let n2 = false;
      const wrapper = (...o2) => {
        if (!n2)
          return e2.removeListener(t2, wrapper), n2 = true, 0 === o2.length ? r2.call(e2) : r2.apply(e2, o2);
      return wrapper.listener = r2, wrapper;
    function _getMaxListeners(e2) {
      return e2._maxListeners ?? X.defaultMaxListeners;
    function _listeners(e2, t2, r2) {
      let n2 = e2._events[t2];
      return "function" == typeof n2 && (n2 = [n2]), r2 ? n2.map((e3) => e3.listener || e3) : n2;
    function _checkListener(e2) {
      if ("function" != typeof e2)
        throw new TypeError('The "listener" argument must be of type Function. Received type ' + typeof e2);
    const Z = globalThis.EventEmitter || X;
    class _Readable extends Z {
      __unenv__ = true;
      readableEncoding = null;
      readableEnded = true;
      readableFlowing = false;
      readableHighWaterMark = 0;
      readableLength = 0;
      readableObjectMode = false;
      readableAborted = false;
      readableDidRead = false;
      closed = false;
      errored = null;
      readable = false;
      destroyed = false;
      static from(e2, t2) {
        return new _Readable(t2);
      constructor(e2) {
      _read(e2) {
      read(e2) {
      setEncoding(e2) {
        return this;
      pause() {
        return this;
      resume() {
        return this;
      isPaused() {
        return true;
      unpipe(e2) {
        return this;
      unshift(e2, t2) {
      wrap(e2) {
        return this;
      push(e2, t2) {
        return false;
      _destroy(e2, t2) {
      destroy(e2) {
        return this.destroyed = true, this._destroy(e2), this;
      pipe(e2, t2) {
        return {};
      compose(e2, t2) {
        throw new Error("[unenv] Method not implemented.");
      [Symbol.asyncDispose]() {
        return this.destroy(), Promise.resolve();
      async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.asyncIterator");
      iterator(e2) {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.iterator");
      map(e2, t2) {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.map");
      filter(e2, t2) {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.filter");
      forEach(e2, t2) {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.forEach");
      reduce(e2, t2, r2) {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.reduce");
      find(e2, t2) {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.find");
      findIndex(e2, t2) {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.findIndex");
      some(e2, t2) {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.some");
      toArray(e2) {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.toArray");
      every(e2, t2) {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.every");
      flatMap(e2, t2) {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.flatMap");
      drop(e2, t2) {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.drop");
      take(e2, t2) {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.take");
      asIndexedPairs(e2) {
        throw createNotImplementedError("Readable.asIndexedPairs");
    const ee = globalThis.Readable || _Readable;
    const te = globalThis.Writable || class extends Z {
      __unenv__ = true;
      writable = true;
      writableEnded = false;
      writableFinished = false;
      writableHighWaterMark = 0;
      writableLength = 0;
      writableObjectMode = false;
      writableCorked = 0;
      closed = false;
      errored = null;
      writableNeedDrain = false;
      destroyed = false;
      _encoding = "utf-8";
      constructor(e2) {
      pipe(e2, t2) {
        return {};
      _write(e2, t2, r2) {
        if (this.writableEnded)
          r2 && r2();
        else {
          if (void 0 === this._data)
            this._data = e2;
          else {
            const r3 = "string" == typeof this._data ? l.from(this._data, this._encoding || t2 || "utf8") : this._data, n2 = "string" == typeof e2 ? l.from(e2, t2 || this._encoding || "utf8") : e2;
            this._data = l.concat([r3, n2]);
          this._encoding = t2, r2 && r2();
      _writev(e2, t2) {
      _destroy(e2, t2) {
      _final(e2) {
      write(e2, t2, r2) {
        const n2 = "string" == typeof t2 ? this._encoding : "utf-8", o2 = "function" == typeof t2 ? t2 : "function" == typeof r2 ? r2 : void 0;
        return this._write(e2, n2, o2), true;
      setDefaultEncoding(e2) {
        return this;
      end(e2, t2, r2) {
        const n2 = "function" == typeof e2 ? e2 : "function" == typeof t2 ? t2 : "function" == typeof r2 ? r2 : void 0;
        if (this.writableEnded)
          return n2 && n2(), this;
        const o2 = e2 === n2 ? void 0 : e2;
        if (o2) {
          const e3 = t2 === n2 ? void 0 : t2;
          this.write(o2, e3, n2);
        return this.writableEnded = true, this.writableFinished = true, this.emit("close"), this.emit("finish"), this;
      cork() {
      uncork() {
      destroy(e2) {
        return this.destroyed = true, delete this._data, this.removeAllListeners(), this;
      compose(e2, t2) {
        throw new Error("[h3] Method not implemented.");
    }, re = class {
      allowHalfOpen = true;
      constructor(e2 = new ee(), t2 = new te()) {
        Object.assign(this, e2), Object.assign(this, t2), this._destroy = function(...e3) {
          return function(...t3) {
            for (const r2 of e3)
        }(e2._destroy, t2._destroy);
    function getDuplex() {
      return Object.assign(re.prototype, ee.prototype), Object.assign(re.prototype, te.prototype), re;
    const ne = getDuplex(), oe = globalThis.Duplex || ne;
    class Socket extends oe {
      __unenv__ = true;
      bufferSize = 0;
      bytesRead = 0;
      bytesWritten = 0;
      connecting = false;
      destroyed = false;
      pending = false;
      localAddress = "";
      localPort = 0;
      remoteAddress = "";
      remoteFamily = "";
      remotePort = 0;
      autoSelectFamilyAttemptedAddresses = [];
      readyState = "readOnly";
      constructor(e2) {
      write(e2, t2, r2) {
        return false;
      connect(e2, t2, r2) {
        return this;
      end(e2, t2, r2) {
        return this;
      setEncoding(e2) {
        return this;
      pause() {
        return this;
      resume() {
        return this;
      setTimeout(e2, t2) {
        return this;
      setNoDelay(e2) {
        return this;
      setKeepAlive(e2, t2) {
        return this;
      address() {
        return {};
      unref() {
        return this;
      ref() {
        return this;
      destroySoon() {
      resetAndDestroy() {
        const e2 = new Error("ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED");
        return e2.code = "ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED", this.destroy(e2), this;
    class IncomingMessage extends ee {
      __unenv__ = {};
      aborted = false;
      httpVersion = "1.1";
      httpVersionMajor = 1;
      httpVersionMinor = 1;
      complete = true;
      headers = {};
      trailers = {};
      method = "GET";
      url = "/";
      statusCode = 200;
      statusMessage = "";
      closed = false;
      errored = null;
      readable = false;
      constructor(e2) {
        super(), this.socket = this.connection = e2 || new Socket();
      get rawHeaders() {
        return function(e2) {
          const t2 = [];
          for (const r2 in e2)
            if (Array.isArray(e2[r2]))
              for (const n2 of e2[r2])
                t2.push(r2, n2);
              t2.push(r2, e2[r2]);
          return t2;
      get rawTrailers() {
        return [];
      setTimeout(e2, t2) {
        return this;
      get headersDistinct() {
        return _distinct(this.headers);
      get trailersDistinct() {
        return _distinct(this.trailers);
    function _distinct(e2) {
      const t2 = {};
      for (const [r2, n2] of Object.entries(e2))
        r2 && (t2[r2] = (Array.isArray(n2) ? n2 : [n2]).filter(Boolean));
      return t2;
    class ServerResponse extends te {
      __unenv__ = true;
      statusCode = 200;
      statusMessage = "";
      upgrading = false;
      chunkedEncoding = false;
      shouldKeepAlive = false;
      useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false;
      sendDate = false;
      finished = false;
      headersSent = false;
      strictContentLength = false;
      connection = null;
      socket = null;
      _headers = {};
      constructor(e2) {
        super(), this.req = e2;
      assignSocket(e2) {
        e2._httpMessage = this, this.socket = e2, this.connection = e2, this.emit("socket", e2), this._flush();
      _flush() {
      detachSocket(e2) {
      writeContinue(e2) {
      writeHead(e2, t2, r2) {
        e2 && (this.statusCode = e2), "string" == typeof t2 && (this.statusMessage = t2, t2 = void 0);
        const n2 = r2 || t2;
        if (n2)
          if (Array.isArray(n2))
            for (const e3 in n2)
              this.setHeader(e3, n2[e3]);
        return this.headersSent = true, this;
      writeProcessing() {
      setTimeout(e2, t2) {
        return this;
      appendHeader(e2, t2) {
        e2 = e2.toLowerCase();
        const r2 = this._headers[e2], n2 = [...Array.isArray(r2) ? r2 : [r2], ...Array.isArray(t2) ? t2 : [t2]].filter(Boolean);
        return this._headers[e2] = n2.length > 1 ? n2 : n2[0], this;
      setHeader(e2, t2) {
        return this._headers[e2.toLowerCase()] = t2, this;
      getHeader(e2) {
        return this._headers[e2.toLowerCase()];
      getHeaders() {
        return this._headers;
      getHeaderNames() {
        return Object.keys(this._headers);
      hasHeader(e2) {
        return e2.toLowerCase() in this._headers;
      removeHeader(e2) {
        delete this._headers[e2.toLowerCase()];
      addTrailers(e2) {
      flushHeaders() {
      writeEarlyHints(e2, t2) {
        "function" == typeof t2 && t2();
    function hasProp(e2, t2) {
      try {
        return t2 in e2;
      } catch {
        return false;
    var se = Object.defineProperty, __publicField$1 = (e2, t2, r2) => (((e3, t3, r3) => {
      t3 in e3 ? se(e3, t3, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: r3 }) : e3[t3] = r3;
    })(e2, "symbol" != typeof t2 ? t2 + "" : t2, r2), r2);
    class H3Error extends Error {
      constructor(e2, t2 = {}) {
        super(e2, t2), __publicField$1(this, "statusCode", 500), __publicField$1(this, "fatal", false), __publicField$1(this, "unhandled", false), __publicField$1(this, "statusMessage"), __publicField$1(this, "data"), __publicField$1(this, "cause"), t2.cause && !this.cause && (this.cause = t2.cause);
      toJSON() {
        const e2 = { message: this.message, statusCode: sanitizeStatusCode(this.statusCode, 500) };
        return this.statusMessage && (e2.statusMessage = sanitizeStatusMessage(this.statusMessage)), void 0 !== this.data && (e2.data = this.data), e2;
    function createError(e2) {
      if ("string" == typeof e2)
        return new H3Error(e2);
      if (isError(e2))
        return e2;
      const t2 = new H3Error(e2.message ?? e2.statusMessage ?? "", { cause: e2.cause || e2 });
      if (hasProp(e2, "stack"))
        try {
          Object.defineProperty(t2, "stack", { get: () => e2.stack });
        } catch {
          try {
            t2.stack = e2.stack;
          } catch {
      if (e2.data && (t2.data = e2.data), e2.statusCode ? t2.statusCode = sanitizeStatusCode(e2.statusCode, t2.statusCode) : e2.status && (t2.statusCode = sanitizeStatusCode(e2.status, t2.statusCode)), e2.statusMessage ? t2.statusMessage = e2.statusMessage : e2.statusText && (t2.statusMessage = e2.statusText), t2.statusMessage) {
        const e3 = t2.statusMessage;
        sanitizeStatusMessage(t2.statusMessage) !== e3 && console.warn("[h3] Please prefer using `message` for longer error messages instead of `statusMessage`. In the future, `statusMessage` will be sanitized by default.");
      return void 0 !== e2.fatal && (t2.fatal = e2.fatal), void 0 !== e2.unhandled && (t2.unhandled = e2.unhandled), t2;
    function isError(e2) {
      return true === e2?.constructor?.__h3_error__;
    function getRequestHeaders(e2) {
      const t2 = {};
      for (const r2 in e2.node.req.headers) {
        const n2 = e2.node.req.headers[r2];
        t2[r2] = Array.isArray(n2) ? n2.filter(Boolean).join(", ") : n2;
      return t2;
    __publicField$1(H3Error, "__h3_error__", true);
    const ie = Symbol.for("h3RawBody"), ae = Symbol.for("h3ParsedBody"), ce = ["PATCH", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"];
    function readRawBody(e2, t2 = "utf8") {
      !function(e3, t3, r3) {
        if (!function(e4, t4, r4) {
          if (r4 && "HEAD" === e4.method)
            return true;
          if ("string" == typeof t4) {
            if (e4.method === t4)
              return true;
          } else if (t4.includes(e4.method))
            return true;
          return false;
        }(e3, t3, r3))
          throw createError({ statusCode: 405, statusMessage: "HTTP method is not allowed." });
      }(e2, ce);
      const r2 = e2._requestBody || e2.web?.request?.body || e2.node.req[ie] || e2.node.req.rawBody || e2.node.req.body;
      if (r2) {
        const e3 = Promise.resolve(r2).then((e4) => l.isBuffer(e4) ? e4 : "function" == typeof e4.pipeTo ? new Promise((t3, r3) => {
          const n3 = [];
          e4.pipeTo(new WritableStream({ write(e5) {
          }, close() {
          }, abort(e5) {
          } })).catch(r3);
        }) : "function" == typeof e4.pipe ? new Promise((t3, r3) => {
          const n3 = [];
          e4.on("data", (e5) => {
          }).on("end", () => {
          }).on("error", r3);
        }) : e4.constructor === Object ? l.from(JSON.stringify(e4)) : l.from(e4));
        return t2 ? e3.then((e4) => e4.toString(t2)) : e3;
      if (!Number.parseInt(e2.node.req.headers["content-length"] || ""))
        return Promise.resolve(void 0);
      const n2 = e2.node.req[ie] = new Promise((t3, r3) => {
        const n3 = [];
        e2.node.req.on("error", (e3) => {
        }).on("data", (e3) => {
        }).on("end", () => {
      return t2 ? n2.then((e3) => e3.toString(t2)) : n2;
    async function readBody(e2, t2 = {}) {
      const r2 = e2.node.req;
      if (hasProp(r2, ae))
        return r2[ae];
      const n2 = r2.headers["content-type"] || "", o2 = await readRawBody(e2);
      let s2;
      return s2 = "application/json" === n2 ? _parseJSON(o2, t2.strict ?? true) : n2.startsWith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") ? function(e3) {
        const t3 = new URLSearchParams(e3), r3 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
        for (const [e4, n3] of t3.entries())
          hasProp(r3, e4) ? (Array.isArray(r3[e4]) || (r3[e4] = [r3[e4]]), r3[e4].push(n3)) : r3[e4] = n3;
        return r3;
      }(o2) : n2.startsWith("text/") ? o2 : _parseJSON(o2, t2.strict ?? false), r2[ae] = s2, s2;
    function _parseJSON(e2 = "", t2) {
      if (e2)
        try {
          return destr(e2, { strict: t2 });
        } catch {
          throw createError({ statusCode: 400, statusMessage: "Bad Request", message: "Invalid JSON body" });
    function handleCacheHeaders(e2, t2) {
      const r2 = ["public", ...t2.cacheControls || []];
      let n2 = false;
      if (void 0 !== t2.maxAge && r2.push("max-age=" + +t2.maxAge, "s-maxage=" + +t2.maxAge), t2.modifiedTime) {
        const r3 = new Date(t2.modifiedTime), o2 = e2.node.req.headers["if-modified-since"];
        e2.node.res.setHeader("last-modified", r3.toUTCString()), o2 && new Date(o2) >= t2.modifiedTime && (n2 = true);
      if (t2.etag) {
        e2.node.res.setHeader("etag", t2.etag);
        e2.node.req.headers["if-none-match"] === t2.etag && (n2 = true);
      return e2.node.res.setHeader("cache-control", r2.join(", ")), !!n2 && (e2.node.res.statusCode = 304, e2.handled || e2.node.res.end(), true);
    const ue = { html: "text/html", json: "application/json" }, le = /[^\u0009\u0020-\u007E]/g;
    function sanitizeStatusMessage(e2 = "") {
      return e2.replace(le, "");
    function sanitizeStatusCode(e2, t2 = 200) {
      return e2 ? ("string" == typeof e2 && (e2 = Number.parseInt(e2, 10)), e2 < 100 || e2 > 999 ? t2 : e2) : t2;
    function splitCookiesString(e2) {
      if (Array.isArray(e2))
        return e2.flatMap((e3) => splitCookiesString(e3));
      if ("string" != typeof e2)
        return [];
      const t2 = [];
      let r2, n2, o2, s2, i2, a2 = 0;
      const skipWhitespace = () => {
        for (; a2 < e2.length && /\s/.test(e2.charAt(a2)); )
          a2 += 1;
        return a2 < e2.length;
      for (; a2 < e2.length; ) {
        for (r2 = a2, i2 = false; skipWhitespace(); )
          if (n2 = e2.charAt(a2), "," === n2) {
            for (o2 = a2, a2 += 1, skipWhitespace(), s2 = a2; a2 < e2.length && (n2 = e2.charAt(a2), "=" !== n2 && ";" !== n2 && "," !== n2); )
              a2 += 1;
            a2 < e2.length && "=" === e2.charAt(a2) ? (i2 = true, a2 = s2, t2.push(e2.slice(r2, o2)), r2 = a2) : a2 = o2 + 1;
          } else
            a2 += 1;
        (!i2 || a2 >= e2.length) && t2.push(e2.slice(r2, e2.length));
      return t2;
    const fe = "undefined" == typeof setImmediate ? (e2) => e2() : setImmediate;
    function send(e2, t2, r2) {
      return r2 && function(e3, t3) {
        t3 && !e3.node.res.getHeader("content-type") && e3.node.res.setHeader("content-type", t3);
      }(e2, r2), new Promise((r3) => {
        fe(() => {
          e2.handled || e2.node.res.end(t2), r3();
    function setResponseStatus(e2, t2, r2) {
      t2 && (e2.node.res.statusCode = sanitizeStatusCode(t2, e2.node.res.statusCode)), r2 && (e2.node.res.statusMessage = sanitizeStatusMessage(r2));
    const setHeaders = function(e2, t2) {
      for (const [r2, n2] of Object.entries(t2))
        e2.node.res.setHeader(r2, n2);
    function setResponseHeader(e2, t2, r2) {
      e2.node.res.setHeader(t2, r2);
    function sendStream(e2, t2) {
      if (!t2 || "object" != typeof t2)
        throw new Error("[h3] Invalid stream provided.");
      if (e2.node.res._data = t2, !e2.node.res.socket)
        return e2._handled = true, Promise.resolve();
      if (hasProp(t2, "pipeTo") && "function" == typeof t2.pipeTo)
        return t2.pipeTo(new WritableStream({ write(t3) {
        } })).then(() => {
      if (hasProp(t2, "pipe") && "function" == typeof t2.pipe)
        return new Promise((r2, n2) => {
          t2.pipe(e2.node.res), t2.on && (t2.on("end", () => {
            e2.node.res.end(), r2();
          }), t2.on("error", (e3) => {
          })), e2.node.res.on("close", () => {
            t2.abort && t2.abort();
      throw new Error("[h3] Invalid or incompatible stream provided.");
    function sendWebResponse(e2, t2) {
      for (const [r2, n2] of t2.headers)
        "set-cookie" === r2 ? e2.node.res.appendHeader(r2, splitCookiesString(n2)) : e2.node.res.setHeader(r2, n2);
      if (t2.status && (e2.node.res.statusCode = sanitizeStatusCode(t2.status, e2.node.res.statusCode)), t2.statusText && (e2.node.res.statusMessage = sanitizeStatusMessage(t2.statusText)), t2.redirected && e2.node.res.setHeader("location", t2.url), t2.body)
        return sendStream(e2, t2.body);
    const pe = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["PATCH", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]), he = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["transfer-encoding", "connection", "keep-alive", "upgrade", "expect", "host"]);
    async function proxyRequest(e2, t2, r2 = {}) {
      let n2, o2;
      pe.has(e2.method) && (r2.streamRequest ? (n2 = function(e3) {
        if (ce.includes(e3.method))
          return e3.web?.request?.body || e3._requestBody || new ReadableStream({ start: (t3) => {
            e3.node.req.on("data", (e4) => {
            }), e3.node.req.on("end", () => {
            }), e3.node.req.on("error", (e4) => {
          } });
      }(e2), o2 = "half") : n2 = await readRawBody(e2, false).catch(() => {
      const s2 = r2.fetchOptions?.method || e2.method, i2 = function(e3, ...t3) {
        const r3 = t3.filter(Boolean);
        if (0 === r3.length)
          return e3;
        const n3 = new Headers(e3);
        for (const e4 of r3)
          for (const [t4, r4] of Object.entries(e4))
            void 0 !== r4 && n3.set(t4, r4);
        return n3;
      }(getProxyRequestHeaders(e2), r2.fetchOptions?.headers, r2.headers);
      return async function(e3, t3, r3 = {}) {
        const n3 = await _getFetch(r3.fetch)(t3, { headers: r3.headers, ignoreResponseError: true, ...r3.fetchOptions });
        e3.node.res.statusCode = sanitizeStatusCode(n3.status, e3.node.res.statusCode), e3.node.res.statusMessage = sanitizeStatusMessage(n3.statusText);
        const o3 = [];
        for (const [t4, r4] of n3.headers.entries())
          "content-encoding" !== t4 && "content-length" !== t4 && ("set-cookie" !== t4 ? e3.node.res.setHeader(t4, r4) : o3.push(...splitCookiesString(r4)));
        o3.length > 0 && e3.node.res.setHeader("set-cookie", o3.map((e4) => (r3.cookieDomainRewrite && (e4 = rewriteCookieProperty(e4, r3.cookieDomainRewrite, "domain")), r3.cookiePathRewrite && (e4 = rewriteCookieProperty(e4, r3.cookiePathRewrite, "path")), e4)));
        r3.onResponse && await r3.onResponse(e3, n3);
        if (void 0 !== n3._data)
          return n3._data;
        if (e3.handled)
        if (false === r3.sendStream) {
          const t4 = new Uint8Array(await n3.arrayBuffer());
          return e3.node.res.end(t4);
        if (n3.body)
          for await (const t4 of n3.body)
        return e3.node.res.end();
      }(e2, t2, { ...r2, fetchOptions: { method: s2, body: n2, duplex: o2, ...r2.fetchOptions, headers: i2 } });
    function getProxyRequestHeaders(e2) {
      const t2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), r2 = getRequestHeaders(e2);
      for (const e3 in r2)
        he.has(e3) || (t2[e3] = r2[e3]);
      return t2;
    function fetchWithEvent(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      return _getFetch(n2?.fetch)(t2, { ...r2, context: r2?.context || e2.context, headers: { ...getProxyRequestHeaders(e2), ...r2?.headers } });
    function _getFetch(e2) {
      if (e2)
        return e2;
      if (globalThis.fetch)
        return globalThis.fetch;
      throw new Error("fetch is not available. Try importing `node-fetch-native/polyfill` for Node.js.");
    function rewriteCookieProperty(e2, t2, r2) {
      const n2 = "string" == typeof t2 ? { "*": t2 } : t2;
      return e2.replace(new RegExp(`(;\\s*${r2}=)([^;]+)`, "gi"), (e3, t3, r3) => {
        let o2;
        if (r3 in n2)
          o2 = n2[r3];
        else {
          if (!("*" in n2))
            return e3;
          o2 = n2["*"];
        return o2 ? t3 + o2 : "";
    var de = Object.defineProperty, __publicField = (e2, t2, r2) => (((e3, t3, r3) => {
      t3 in e3 ? de(e3, t3, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: r3 }) : e3[t3] = r3;
    })(e2, "symbol" != typeof t2 ? t2 + "" : t2, r2), r2);
    class H3Event {
      constructor(e2, t2) {
        __publicField(this, "__is_event__", true), __publicField(this, "node"), __publicField(this, "web"), __publicField(this, "context", {}), __publicField(this, "_method"), __publicField(this, "_path"), __publicField(this, "_headers"), __publicField(this, "_requestBody"), __publicField(this, "_handled", false), this.node = { req: e2, res: t2 };
      get method() {
        return this._method || (this._method = (this.node.req.method || "GET").toUpperCase()), this._method;
      get path() {
        return this._path || this.node.req.url || "/";
      get headers() {
        return this._headers || (this._headers = function(e2) {
          const t2 = new Headers();
          for (const [r2, n2] of Object.entries(e2))
            if (Array.isArray(n2))
              for (const e3 of n2)
                t2.append(r2, e3);
              n2 && t2.set(r2, n2);
          return t2;
        }(this.node.req.headers)), this._headers;
      get handled() {
        return this._handled || this.node.res.writableEnded || this.node.res.headersSent;
      respondWith(e2) {
        return Promise.resolve(e2).then((e3) => sendWebResponse(this, e3));
      toString() {
        return `[${this.method}] ${this.path}`;
      toJSON() {
        return this.toString();
      get req() {
        return this.node.req;
      get res() {
        return this.node.res;
    function isEvent(e2) {
      return hasProp(e2, "__is_event__");
    function createEvent(e2, t2) {
      return new H3Event(e2, t2);
    function defineEventHandler(e2) {
      if ("function" == typeof e2)
        return Object.assign(e2, { __is_handler__: true });
      const t2 = { onRequest: _normalizeArray(e2.onRequest), onBeforeResponse: _normalizeArray(e2.onBeforeResponse) };
      return Object.assign((r2) => async function(e3, t3, r3) {
        if (r3.onRequest) {
          for (const t4 of r3.onRequest)
            if (await t4(e3), e3.handled)
        const n2 = await t3(e3), o2 = { body: n2 };
        if (r3.onBeforeResponse)
          for (const t4 of r3.onBeforeResponse)
            await t4(e3, o2);
        return o2.body;
      }(r2, e2.handler, t2), { __is_handler__: true });
    function _normalizeArray(e2) {
      return e2 ? Array.isArray(e2) ? e2 : [e2] : void 0;
    const me = defineEventHandler;
    function isEventHandler(e2) {
      return hasProp(e2, "__is_handler__");
    function toEventHandler(e2, t2, r2) {
      return isEventHandler(e2) || console.warn("[h3] Implicit event handler conversion is deprecated. Use `eventHandler()` or `fromNodeMiddleware()` to define event handlers.", r2 && "/" !== r2 ? `
     Route: ${r2}` : "", `
     Handler: ${e2}`), e2;
    const lazyEventHandler = function(e2) {
      let t2, r2;
      return me((n2) => r2 ? r2(n2) : (r2 ? Promise.resolve(r2) : (t2 || (t2 = Promise.resolve(e2()).then((e3) => {
        const t3 = e3.default || e3;
        if ("function" != typeof t3)
          throw new TypeError("Invalid lazy handler result. It should be a function:", t3);
        return r2 = toEventHandler(e3.default || e3), r2;
      })), t2)).then((e3) => e3(n2)));
    function createApp(e2 = {}) {
      const t2 = [], r2 = function(e3, t3) {
        const r3 = t3.debug ? 2 : void 0;
        return me(async (n3) => {
          n3.node.req.originalUrl = n3.node.req.originalUrl || n3.node.req.url || "/";
          const o2 = n3._path || n3.node.req.url || "/";
          let s2;
          t3.onRequest && await t3.onRequest(n3);
          for (const i2 of e3) {
            if (i2.route.length > 1) {
              if (!o2.startsWith(i2.route))
              s2 = o2.slice(i2.route.length) || "/";
            } else
              s2 = o2;
            if (i2.match && !i2.match(s2, n3))
            n3._path = s2, n3.node.req.url = s2;
            const e4 = await i2.handler(n3), a2 = void 0 === e4 ? void 0 : await e4;
            if (void 0 !== a2) {
              const e5 = { body: a2 };
              return t3.onBeforeResponse && await t3.onBeforeResponse(n3, e5), await handleHandlerResponse(n3, e5.body, r3), void (t3.onAfterResponse && await t3.onAfterResponse(n3, e5));
            if (n3.handled)
              return void (t3.onAfterResponse && await t3.onAfterResponse(n3, void 0));
          if (!n3.handled)
            throw createError({ statusCode: 404, statusMessage: `Cannot find any path matching ${n3.path || "/"}.` });
          t3.onAfterResponse && await t3.onAfterResponse(n3, void 0);
      }(t2, e2), n2 = { use: (e3, t3, r3) => use(n2, e3, t3, r3), handler: r2, stack: t2, options: e2 };
      return n2;
    function use(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
      if (Array.isArray(t2))
        for (const o2 of t2)
          use(e2, o2, r2, n2);
      else if (Array.isArray(r2))
        for (const o2 of r2)
          use(e2, t2, o2, n2);
        "string" == typeof t2 ? e2.stack.push(normalizeLayer({ ...n2, route: t2, handler: r2 })) : "function" == typeof t2 ? e2.stack.push(normalizeLayer({ ...r2, route: "/", handler: t2 })) : e2.stack.push(normalizeLayer({ ...t2 }));
      return e2;
    function normalizeLayer(e2) {
      let t2 = e2.handler;
      return t2.handler && (t2 = t2.handler), e2.lazy ? t2 = lazyEventHandler(t2) : isEventHandler(t2) || (t2 = toEventHandler(t2, 0, e2.route)), { route: withoutTrailingSlash(e2.route), match: e2.match, handler: t2 };
    function handleHandlerResponse(e2, t2, r2) {
      if (null === t2)
        return function(e3, t3) {
          if (e3.handled)
          t3 || 200 === e3.node.res.statusCode || (t3 = e3.node.res.statusCode);
          const r3 = sanitizeStatusCode(t3, 204);
          204 === r3 && e3.node.res.removeHeader("content-length"), e3.node.res.writeHead(r3), e3.node.res.end();
      if (t2) {
        if (n2 = t2, "undefined" != typeof Response && n2 instanceof Response)
          return sendWebResponse(e2, t2);
        if (function(e3) {
          if (!e3 || "object" != typeof e3)
            return false;
          if ("function" == typeof e3.pipe) {
            if ("function" == typeof e3._read)
              return true;
            if ("function" == typeof e3.abort)
              return true;
          return "function" == typeof e3.pipeTo;
          return sendStream(e2, t2);
        if (t2.buffer)
          return send(e2, t2);
        if (t2.arrayBuffer && "function" == typeof t2.arrayBuffer)
          return t2.arrayBuffer().then((r3) => send(e2, l.from(r3), t2.type));
        if (t2 instanceof Error)
          throw createError(t2);
        if ("function" == typeof t2.end)
          return true;
      var n2;
      const o2 = typeof t2;
      if ("string" === o2)
        return send(e2, t2, ue.html);
      if ("object" === o2 || "boolean" === o2 || "number" === o2)
        return send(e2, JSON.stringify(t2, void 0, r2), ue.json);
      if ("bigint" === o2)
        return send(e2, t2.toString(), ue.json);
      throw createError({ statusCode: 500, statusMessage: `[h3] Cannot send ${o2} as response.` });
    const ge = ["connect", "delete", "get", "head", "options", "post", "put", "trace", "patch"];
    function toNodeListener(e2) {
      return async function(t2, r2) {
        const n2 = createEvent(t2, r2);
        try {
          await e2.handler(n2);
        } catch (t3) {
          const r3 = createError(t3);
          if (isError(t3) || (r3.unhandled = true), e2.options.onError && await e2.options.onError(r3, n2), n2.handled)
          (r3.unhandled || r3.fatal) && console.error("[h3]", r3.fatal ? "[fatal]" : "[unhandled]", r3), await function(e3, t4, r4) {
            if (e3.handled)
            const n3 = isError(t4) ? t4 : createError(t4), o2 = { statusCode: n3.statusCode, statusMessage: n3.statusMessage, stack: [], data: n3.data };
            if (r4 && (o2.stack = (n3.stack || "").split("\n").map((e4) => e4.trim())), e3.handled)
            setResponseStatus(e3, Number.parseInt(n3.statusCode), n3.statusMessage), e3.node.res.setHeader("content-type", ue.json), e3.node.res.end(JSON.stringify(o2, void 0, 2));
          }(n2, r3, !!e2.options.debug);
    class FetchError extends Error {
      constructor(e2, t2) {
        super(e2, t2), this.name = "FetchError", t2?.cause && !this.cause && (this.cause = t2.cause);
    const ye = new Set(Object.freeze(["PATCH", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]));
    function isPayloadMethod(e2 = "GET") {
      return ye.has(e2.toUpperCase());
    const we = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["image/svg", "application/xml", "application/xhtml", "application/html"]), be = /^application\/(?:[\w!#$%&*.^`~-]*\+)?json(;.+)?$/i;
    function mergeFetchOptions(e2, t2, r2 = globalThis.Headers) {
      const n2 = { ...t2, ...e2 };
      if (t2?.params && e2?.params && (n2.params = { ...t2?.params, ...e2?.params }), t2?.query && e2?.query && (n2.query = { ...t2?.query, ...e2?.query }), t2?.headers && e2?.headers) {
        n2.headers = new r2(t2?.headers || {});
        for (const [t3, o2] of new r2(e2?.headers || {}))
          n2.headers.set(t3, o2);
      return n2;
    const ve = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([408, 409, 425, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504]), xe = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([101, 204, 205, 304]);
    function createFetch$1(e2 = {}) {
      const { fetch: t2 = globalThis.fetch, Headers: r2 = globalThis.Headers, AbortController: n2 = globalThis.AbortController } = e2;
      async function onError(e3) {
        const t3 = e3.error && "AbortError" === e3.error.name && !e3.options.timeout || false;
        if (false !== e3.options.retry && !t3) {
          let t4;
          t4 = "number" == typeof e3.options.retry ? e3.options.retry : isPayloadMethod(e3.options.method) ? 0 : 1;
          const r4 = e3.response && e3.response.status || 500;
          if (t4 > 0 && (Array.isArray(e3.options.retryStatusCodes) ? e3.options.retryStatusCodes.includes(r4) : ve.has(r4))) {
            const r5 = e3.options.retryDelay || 0;
            return r5 > 0 && await new Promise((e4) => setTimeout(e4, r5)), $fetchRaw(e3.request, { ...e3.options, retry: t4 - 1, timeout: e3.options.timeout });
        const r3 = function(e4) {
          const t4 = e4.error?.message || e4.error?.toString() || "", r4 = e4.request?.method || e4.options?.method || "GET", n3 = e4.request?.url || String(e4.request) || "/", o2 = `[${r4}] ${JSON.stringify(n3)}`, s2 = e4.response ? `${e4.response.status} ${e4.response.statusText}` : "<no response>", i2 = new FetchError(`${o2}: ${s2}${t4 ? ` ${t4}` : ""}`, e4.error ? { cause: e4.error } : void 0);
          for (const t5 of ["request", "options", "response"])
            Object.defineProperty(i2, t5, { get: () => e4[t5] });
          for (const [t5, r5] of [["data", "_data"], ["status", "status"], ["statusCode", "status"], ["statusText", "statusText"], ["statusMessage", "statusText"]])
            Object.defineProperty(i2, t5, { get: () => e4.response && e4.response[r5] });
          return i2;
        throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(r3, $fetchRaw), r3;
      const $fetchRaw = async function(o2, s2 = {}) {
        const i2 = { request: o2, options: mergeFetchOptions(s2, e2.defaults, r2), response: void 0, error: void 0 };
        if (i2.options.method = i2.options.method?.toUpperCase(), i2.options.onRequest && await i2.options.onRequest(i2), "string" == typeof i2.request && (i2.options.baseURL && (i2.request = function(e3, t3) {
          if (isEmptyURL(t3) || hasProtocol(e3))
            return e3;
          const r3 = withoutTrailingSlash(t3);
          return e3.startsWith(r3) ? e3 : joinURL(r3, e3);
        }(i2.request, i2.options.baseURL)), (i2.options.query || i2.options.params) && (i2.request = withQuery(i2.request, { ...i2.options.params, ...i2.options.query }))), i2.options.body && isPayloadMethod(i2.options.method) && (!function(e3) {
          if (void 0 === e3)
            return false;
          const t3 = typeof e3;
          return "string" === t3 || "number" === t3 || "boolean" === t3 || null === t3 || "object" === t3 && (!!Array.isArray(e3) || !e3.buffer && (e3.constructor && "Object" === e3.constructor.name || "function" == typeof e3.toJSON));
        }(i2.options.body) ? ("pipeTo" in i2.options.body && "function" == typeof i2.options.body.pipeTo || "function" == typeof i2.options.body.pipe) && ("duplex" in i2.options || (i2.options.duplex = "half")) : (i2.options.body = "string" == typeof i2.options.body ? i2.options.body : JSON.stringify(i2.options.body), i2.options.headers = new r2(i2.options.headers || {}), i2.options.headers.has("content-type") || i2.options.headers.set("content-type", "application/json"), i2.options.headers.has("accept") || i2.options.headers.set("accept", "application/json"))), !i2.options.signal && i2.options.timeout) {
          const e3 = new n2();
          setTimeout(() => e3.abort(), i2.options.timeout), i2.options.signal = e3.signal;
        try {
          i2.response = await t2(i2.request, i2.options);
        } catch (e3) {
          return i2.error = e3, i2.options.onRequestError && await i2.options.onRequestError(i2), await onError(i2);
        if (i2.response.body && !xe.has(i2.response.status) && "HEAD" !== i2.options.method) {
          const e3 = (i2.options.parseResponse ? "json" : i2.options.responseType) || function(e4 = "") {
            if (!e4)
              return "json";
            const t3 = e4.split(";").shift() || "";
            return be.test(t3) ? "json" : we.has(t3) || t3.startsWith("text/") ? "text" : "blob";
          }(i2.response.headers.get("content-type") || "");
          switch (e3) {
            case "json": {
              const e4 = await i2.response.text(), t3 = i2.options.parseResponse || destr;
              i2.response._data = t3(e4);
            case "stream":
              i2.response._data = i2.response.body;
              i2.response._data = await i2.response[e3]();
        return i2.options.onResponse && await i2.options.onResponse(i2), !i2.options.ignoreResponseError && i2.response.status >= 400 && i2.response.status < 600 ? (i2.options.onResponseError && await i2.options.onResponseError(i2), await onError(i2)) : i2.response;
      }, $fetch2 = async function(e3, t3) {
        return (await $fetchRaw(e3, t3))._data;
      return $fetch2.raw = $fetchRaw, $fetch2.native = (...e3) => t2(...e3), $fetch2.create = (t3 = {}) => createFetch$1({ ...e2, defaults: { ...e2.defaults, ...t3 } }), $fetch2;
    const _e = function() {
      if ("undefined" != typeof globalThis)
        return globalThis;
      if ("undefined" != typeof self)
        return self;
      if ("undefined" != typeof global)
        return global;
      throw new Error("unable to locate global object");
    }(), Ee = _e.fetch || (() => Promise.reject(new Error("[ofetch] global.fetch is not supported!"))), Be = _e.Headers, ke = _e.AbortController;
    createFetch$1({ fetch: Ee, Headers: Be, AbortController: ke });
    const Ie = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([101, 204, 205, 304]);
    function flatHooks(e2, t2 = {}, r2) {
      for (const n2 in e2) {
        const o2 = e2[n2], s2 = r2 ? `${r2}:${n2}` : n2;
        "object" == typeof o2 && null !== o2 ? flatHooks(o2, t2, s2) : "function" == typeof o2 && (t2[s2] = o2);
      return t2;
    const Re = { run: (e2) => e2() }, Ae = void 0 !== console.createTask ? console.createTask : () => Re;
    function serialTaskCaller(e2, t2) {
      const r2 = t2.shift(), n2 = Ae(r2);
      return e2.reduce((e3, r3) => e3.then(() => n2.run(() => r3(...t2))), Promise.resolve());
    function parallelTaskCaller(e2, t2) {
      const r2 = t2.shift(), n2 = Ae(r2);
      return Promise.all(e2.map((e3) => n2.run(() => e3(...t2))));
    function callEachWith(e2, t2) {
      for (const r2 of [...e2])
    class Hookable {
      constructor() {
        this._hooks = {}, this._before = void 0, this._after = void 0, this._deprecatedMessages = void 0, this._deprecatedHooks = {}, this.hook = this.hook.bind(this), this.callHook = this.callHook.bind(this), this.callHookWith = this.callHookWith.bind(this);
      hook(e2, t2, r2 = {}) {
        if (!e2 || "function" != typeof t2)
          return () => {
        const n2 = e2;
        let o2;
        for (; this._deprecatedHooks[e2]; )
          o2 = this._deprecatedHooks[e2], e2 = o2.to;
        if (o2 && !r2.allowDeprecated) {
          let e3 = o2.message;
          e3 || (e3 = `${n2} hook has been deprecated` + (o2.to ? `, please use ${o2.to}` : "")), this._deprecatedMessages || (this._deprecatedMessages = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), this._deprecatedMessages.has(e3) || (console.warn(e3), this._deprecatedMessages.add(e3));
        if (!t2.name)
          try {
            Object.defineProperty(t2, "name", { get: () => "_" + e2.replace(/\W+/g, "_") + "_hook_cb", configurable: true });
          } catch {
        return this._hooks[e2] = this._hooks[e2] || [], this._hooks[e2].push(t2), () => {
          t2 && (this.removeHook(e2, t2), t2 = void 0);
      hookOnce(e2, t2) {
        let r2, _function = (...e3) => ("function" == typeof r2 && r2(), r2 = void 0, _function = void 0, t2(...e3));
        return r2 = this.hook(e2, _function), r2;
      removeHook(e2, t2) {
        if (this._hooks[e2]) {
          const r2 = this._hooks[e2].indexOf(t2);
          -1 !== r2 && this._hooks[e2].splice(r2, 1), 0 === this._hooks[e2].length && delete this._hooks[e2];
      deprecateHook(e2, t2) {
        this._deprecatedHooks[e2] = "string" == typeof t2 ? { to: t2 } : t2;
        const r2 = this._hooks[e2] || [];
        delete this._hooks[e2];
        for (const t3 of r2)
          this.hook(e2, t3);
      deprecateHooks(e2) {
        Object.assign(this._deprecatedHooks, e2);
        for (const t2 in e2)
          this.deprecateHook(t2, e2[t2]);
      addHooks(e2) {
        const t2 = flatHooks(e2), r2 = Object.keys(t2).map((e3) => this.hook(e3, t2[e3]));
        return () => {
          for (const e3 of r2.splice(0, r2.length))
      removeHooks(e2) {
        const t2 = flatHooks(e2);
        for (const e3 in t2)
          this.removeHook(e3, t2[e3]);
      removeAllHooks() {
        for (const e2 in this._hooks)
          delete this._hooks[e2];
      callHook(e2, ...t2) {
        return t2.unshift(e2), this.callHookWith(serialTaskCaller, e2, ...t2);
      callHookParallel(e2, ...t2) {
        return t2.unshift(e2), this.callHookWith(parallelTaskCaller, e2, ...t2);
      callHookWith(e2, t2, ...r2) {
        const n2 = this._before || this._after ? { name: t2, args: r2, context: {} } : void 0;
        this._before && callEachWith(this._before, n2);
        const o2 = e2(t2 in this._hooks ? [...this._hooks[t2]] : [], r2);
        return o2 instanceof Promise ? o2.finally(() => {
          this._after && n2 && callEachWith(this._after, n2);
        }) : (this._after && n2 && callEachWith(this._after, n2), o2);
      beforeEach(e2) {
        return this._before = this._before || [], this._before.push(e2), () => {
          if (void 0 !== this._before) {
            const t2 = this._before.indexOf(e2);
            -1 !== t2 && this._before.splice(t2, 1);
      afterEach(e2) {
        return this._after = this._after || [], this._after.push(e2), () => {
          if (void 0 !== this._after) {
            const t2 = this._after.indexOf(e2);
            -1 !== t2 && this._after.splice(t2, 1);
    const Te = /\d/, $e = ["-", "_", "/", "."];
    function isUppercase(e2 = "") {
      if (!Te.test(e2))
        return e2.toUpperCase() === e2;
    function kebabCase(e2, t2) {
      return e2 ? (Array.isArray(e2) ? e2 : function(e3, t3) {
        const r2 = t3 ?? $e, n2 = [];
        if (!e3 || "string" != typeof e3)
          return n2;
        let o2, s2, i2 = "";
        for (const t4 of e3) {
          const e4 = r2.includes(t4);
          if (true === e4) {
            n2.push(i2), i2 = "", o2 = void 0;
          const a2 = isUppercase(t4);
          if (false === s2) {
            if (false === o2 && true === a2) {
              n2.push(i2), i2 = t4, o2 = a2;
            if (true === o2 && false === a2 && i2.length > 1) {
              const e5 = i2.at(-1);
              n2.push(i2.slice(0, Math.max(0, i2.length - 1))), i2 = e5 + t4, o2 = a2;
          i2 += t4, o2 = a2, s2 = e4;
        return n2.push(i2), n2;
      }(e2)).map((e3) => e3.toLowerCase()).join(t2 ?? "-") : "";
    function klona(e2) {
      if ("object" != typeof e2)
        return e2;
      var t2, r2, n2 = Object.prototype.toString.call(e2);
      if ("[object Object]" === n2) {
        if (e2.constructor !== Object && "function" == typeof e2.constructor)
          for (t2 in r2 = new e2.constructor(), e2)
            e2.hasOwnProperty(t2) && r2[t2] !== e2[t2] && (r2[t2] = klona(e2[t2]));
          for (t2 in r2 = {}, e2)
            "__proto__" === t2 ? Object.defineProperty(r2, t2, { value: klona(e2[t2]), configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }) : r2[t2] = klona(e2[t2]);
        return r2;
      if ("[object Array]" === n2) {
        for (t2 = e2.length, r2 = Array(t2); t2--; )
          r2[t2] = klona(e2[t2]);
        return r2;
      return "[object Set]" === n2 ? (r2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), e2.forEach(function(e3) {
      }), r2) : "[object Map]" === n2 ? (r2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), e2.forEach(function(e3, t3) {
        r2.set(klona(t3), klona(e3));
      }), r2) : "[object Date]" === n2 ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(+e2) : "[object RegExp]" === n2 ? ((r2 = new RegExp(e2.source, e2.flags)).lastIndex = e2.lastIndex, r2) : "[object DataView]" === n2 ? new e2.constructor(klona(e2.buffer)) : "[object ArrayBuffer]" === n2 ? e2.slice(0) : "Array]" === n2.slice(-6) ? new e2.constructor(e2) : e2;
    const Ce = G({}), Se = { app: { baseURL: "/" }, nitro: { routeRules: { "/**": { cors: true, headers: { "access-control-allow-origin": "https://google.com", "access-control-allow-methods": "GET", "access-control-allow-headers": "*", "access-control-max-age": "0" } } } } }, je = "NITRO_", Oe = Se.nitro.envPrefix ?? _.env.NITRO_ENV_PREFIX ?? "_", Ne = _deepFreeze(_applyEnv(klona(Se)));
    function useRuntimeConfig(e2) {
      if (!e2)
        return Ne;
      if (e2.context.nitro.runtimeConfig)
        return e2.context.nitro.runtimeConfig;
      const t2 = klona(Se);
      return _applyEnv(t2), e2.context.nitro.runtimeConfig = t2, t2;
    function _getEnv(e2) {
      const t2 = (r2 = e2, kebabCase(r2 || "", "_")).toUpperCase();
      var r2;
      return destr(_.env[je + t2] ?? _.env[Oe + t2]);
    function _isObject(e2) {
      return "object" == typeof e2 && !Array.isArray(e2);
    function _applyEnv(e2, t2 = "") {
      for (const r2 in e2) {
        const n2 = t2 ? `${t2}_${r2}` : r2, o2 = _getEnv(n2);
        _isObject(e2[r2]) ? (_isObject(o2) && (e2[r2] = { ...e2[r2], ...o2 }), _applyEnv(e2[r2], n2)) : e2[r2] = o2 ?? e2[r2];
      return e2;
    function _deepFreeze(e2) {
      const t2 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e2);
      for (const r2 of t2) {
        const t3 = e2[r2];
        t3 && "object" == typeof t3 && _deepFreeze(t3);
      return Object.freeze(e2);
    _deepFreeze(klona(Ce)), new Proxy(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), { get: (e2, t2) => {
      console.warn("Please use `useRuntimeConfig()` instead of accessing config directly.");
      const r2 = useRuntimeConfig();
      if (t2 in r2)
        return r2[t2];
    } });
    const Le = Object.freeze({ ignoreUnknown: false, respectType: false, respectFunctionNames: false, respectFunctionProperties: false, unorderedObjects: true, unorderedArrays: false, unorderedSets: false, excludeKeys: void 0, excludeValues: void 0, replacer: void 0 });
    function objectHash(e2, t2) {
      const r2 = createHasher(t2 = t2 ? { ...Le, ...t2 } : Le);
      return r2.dispatch(e2), r2.toString();
    const Me = Object.freeze(["prototype", "__proto__", "constructor"]);
    function createHasher(e2) {
      let t2 = "", r2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
      const write2 = (e3) => {
        t2 += e3;
      return { toString: () => t2, getContext: () => r2, dispatch(t3) {
        e2.replacer && (t3 = e2.replacer(t3));
        return this[null === t3 ? "null" : typeof t3](t3);
      }, object(t3) {
        if (t3 && "function" == typeof t3.toJSON)
          return this.object(t3.toJSON());
        const n2 = Object.prototype.toString.call(t3);
        let o2 = "";
        const s2 = n2.length;
        o2 = s2 < 10 ? "unknown:[" + n2 + "]" : n2.slice(8, s2 - 1), o2 = o2.toLowerCase();
        let i2 = null;
        if (void 0 !== (i2 = r2.get(t3)))
          return this.dispatch("[CIRCULAR:" + i2 + "]");
        if (r2.set(t3, r2.size), void 0 !== l && l.isBuffer && l.isBuffer(t3))
          return write2("buffer:"), write2(t3.toString("utf8"));
        if ("object" !== o2 && "function" !== o2 && "asyncfunction" !== o2)
          this[o2] ? this[o2](t3) : e2.ignoreUnknown || this.unkown(t3, o2);
        else {
          let r3 = Object.keys(t3);
          e2.unorderedObjects && (r3 = r3.sort());
          let n3 = [];
          false === e2.respectType || isNativeFunction(t3) || (n3 = Me), e2.excludeKeys && (r3 = r3.filter((t4) => !e2.excludeKeys(t4)), n3 = n3.filter((t4) => !e2.excludeKeys(t4))), write2("object:" + (r3.length + n3.length) + ":");
          const dispatchForKey = (r4) => {
            this.dispatch(r4), write2(":"), e2.excludeValues || this.dispatch(t3[r4]), write2(",");
          for (const e3 of r3)
          for (const e3 of n3)
      }, array(t3, n2) {
        if (n2 = void 0 === n2 ? false !== e2.unorderedArrays : n2, write2("array:" + t3.length + ":"), !n2 || t3.length <= 1) {
          for (const e3 of t3)
        const o2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), s2 = t3.map((t4) => {
          const r3 = createHasher(e2);
          for (const [e3, t5] of r3.getContext())
            o2.set(e3, t5);
          return r3.toString();
        return r2 = o2, s2.sort(), this.array(s2, false);
      }, date: (e3) => write2("date:" + e3.toJSON()), symbol: (e3) => write2("symbol:" + e3.toString()), unkown(e3, t3) {
        if (write2(t3), e3)
          return write2(":"), e3 && "function" == typeof e3.entries ? this.array(Array.from(e3.entries()), true) : void 0;
      }, error: (e3) => write2("error:" + e3.toString()), boolean: (e3) => write2("bool:" + e3), string(e3) {
        write2("string:" + e3.length + ":"), write2(e3);
      }, function(t3) {
        write2("fn:"), isNativeFunction(t3) ? this.dispatch("[native]") : this.dispatch(t3.toString()), false !== e2.respectFunctionNames && this.dispatch("function-name:" + String(t3.name)), e2.respectFunctionProperties && this.object(t3);
      }, number: (e3) => write2("number:" + e3), xml: (e3) => write2("xml:" + e3.toString()), null: () => write2("Null"), undefined: () => write2("Undefined"), regexp: (e3) => write2("regex:" + e3.toString()), uint8array(e3) {
        return write2("uint8array:"), this.dispatch(Array.prototype.slice.call(e3));
      }, uint8clampedarray(e3) {
        return write2("uint8clampedarray:"), this.dispatch(Array.prototype.slice.call(e3));
      }, int8array(e3) {
        return write2("int8array:"), this.dispatch(Array.prototype.slice.call(e3));
      }, uint16array(e3) {
        return write2("uint16array:"), this.dispatch(Array.prototype.slice.call(e3));
      }, int16array(e3) {
        return write2("int16array:"), this.dispatch(Array.prototype.slice.call(e3));
      }, uint32array(e3) {
        return write2("uint32array:"), this.dispatch(Array.prototype.slice.call(e3));
      }, int32array(e3) {
        return write2("int32array:"), this.dispatch(Array.prototype.slice.call(e3));
      }, float32array(e3) {
        return write2("float32array:"), this.dispatch(Array.prototype.slice.call(e3));
      }, float64array(e3) {
        return write2("float64array:"), this.dispatch(Array.prototype.slice.call(e3));
      }, arraybuffer(e3) {
        return write2("arraybuffer:"), this.dispatch(new Uint8Array(e3));
      }, url: (e3) => write2("url:" + e3.toString()), map(t3) {
        const r3 = [...t3];
        return this.array(r3, false !== e2.unorderedSets);
      }, set(t3) {
        const r3 = [...t3];
        return this.array(r3, false !== e2.unorderedSets);
      }, file(e3) {
        return write2("file:"), this.dispatch([e3.name, e3.size, e3.type, e3.lastModfied]);
      }, blob() {
        if (e2.ignoreUnknown)
          return write2("[blob]");
        throw new Error('Hashing Blob objects is currently not supported\nUse "options.replacer" or "options.ignoreUnknown"\n');
      }, domwindow: () => write2("domwindow"), bigint: (e3) => write2("bigint:" + e3.toString()), process: () => write2("process"), timer: () => write2("timer"), pipe: () => write2("pipe"), tcp: () => write2("tcp"), udp: () => write2("udp"), tty: () => write2("tty"), statwatcher: () => write2("statwatcher"), securecontext: () => write2("securecontext"), connection: () => write2("connection"), zlib: () => write2("zlib"), context: () => write2("context"), nodescript: () => write2("nodescript"), httpparser: () => write2("httpparser"), dataview: () => write2("dataview"), signal: () => write2("signal"), fsevent: () => write2("fsevent"), tlswrap: () => write2("tlswrap") };
    const Pe = "[native code] }", Ue = Pe.length;
    function isNativeFunction(e2) {
      return "function" == typeof e2 && Function.prototype.toString.call(e2).slice(-Ue) === Pe;
    class WordArray {
      constructor(e2, t2) {
        e2 = this.words = e2 || [], this.sigBytes = void 0 === t2 ? 4 * e2.length : t2;
      toString(e2) {
        return (e2 || He).stringify(this);
      concat(e2) {
        if (this.clamp(), this.sigBytes % 4)
          for (let t2 = 0; t2 < e2.sigBytes; t2++) {
            const r2 = e2.words[t2 >>> 2] >>> 24 - t2 % 4 * 8 & 255;
            this.words[this.sigBytes + t2 >>> 2] |= r2 << 24 - (this.sigBytes + t2) % 4 * 8;
          for (let t2 = 0; t2 < e2.sigBytes; t2 += 4)
            this.words[this.sigBytes + t2 >>> 2] = e2.words[t2 >>> 2];
        return this.sigBytes += e2.sigBytes, this;
      clamp() {
        this.words[this.sigBytes >>> 2] &= 4294967295 << 32 - this.sigBytes % 4 * 8, this.words.length = Math.ceil(this.sigBytes / 4);
      clone() {
        return new WordArray([...this.words]);
    const He = { stringify(e2) {
      const t2 = [];
      for (let r2 = 0; r2 < e2.sigBytes; r2++) {
        const n2 = e2.words[r2 >>> 2] >>> 24 - r2 % 4 * 8 & 255;
        t2.push((n2 >>> 4).toString(16), (15 & n2).toString(16));
      return t2.join("");
    } }, qe = { stringify(e2) {
      const t2 = [];
      for (let r2 = 0; r2 < e2.sigBytes; r2 += 3) {
        const n2 = (e2.words[r2 >>> 2] >>> 24 - r2 % 4 * 8 & 255) << 16 | (e2.words[r2 + 1 >>> 2] >>> 24 - (r2 + 1) % 4 * 8 & 255) << 8 | e2.words[r2 + 2 >>> 2] >>> 24 - (r2 + 2) % 4 * 8 & 255;
        for (let o2 = 0; o2 < 4 && 8 * r2 + 6 * o2 < 8 * e2.sigBytes; o2++)
          t2.push("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789".charAt(n2 >>> 6 * (3 - o2) & 63));
      return t2.join("");
    } }, ze = { parse(e2) {
      const t2 = e2.length, r2 = [];
      for (let n2 = 0; n2 < t2; n2++)
        r2[n2 >>> 2] |= (255 & e2.charCodeAt(n2)) << 24 - n2 % 4 * 8;
      return new WordArray(r2, t2);
    } }, We = { parse: (e2) => ze.parse(unescape(encodeURIComponent(e2))) };
    class BufferedBlockAlgorithm {
      constructor() {
        this._data = new WordArray(), this._nDataBytes = 0, this._minBufferSize = 0, this.blockSize = 16;
      reset() {
        this._data = new WordArray(), this._nDataBytes = 0;
      _append(e2) {
        "string" == typeof e2 && (e2 = We.parse(e2)), this._data.concat(e2), this._nDataBytes += e2.sigBytes;
      _doProcessBlock(e2, t2) {
      _process(e2) {
        let t2, r2 = this._data.sigBytes / (4 * this.blockSize);
        r2 = e2 ? Math.ceil(r2) : Math.max((0 | r2) - this._minBufferSize, 0);
        const n2 = r2 * this.blockSize, o2 = Math.min(4 * n2, this._data.sigBytes);
        if (n2) {
          for (let e3 = 0; e3 < n2; e3 += this.blockSize)
            this._doProcessBlock(this._data.words, e3);
          t2 = this._data.words.splice(0, n2), this._data.sigBytes -= o2;
        return new WordArray(t2, o2);
    class Hasher extends BufferedBlockAlgorithm {
      update(e2) {
        return this._append(e2), this._process(), this;
      finalize(e2) {
        e2 && this._append(e2);
    const Fe = [1779033703, -1150833019, 1013904242, -1521486534, 1359893119, -1694144372, 528734635, 1541459225], De = [1116352408, 1899447441, -1245643825, -373957723, 961987163, 1508970993, -1841331548, -1424204075, -670586216, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, -2132889090, -1680079193, -1046744716, -459576895, -272742522, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, -1740746414, -1473132947, -1341970488, -1084653625, -958395405, -710438585, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, -2117940946, -1838011259, -1564481375, -1474664885, -1035236496, -949202525, -778901479, -694614492, -200395387, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, -2067236844, -1933114872, -1866530822, -1538233109, -1090935817, -965641998], Ke = [];
    class SHA256 extends Hasher {
      constructor() {
        super(...arguments), this._hash = new WordArray([...Fe]);
      reset() {
        super.reset(), this._hash = new WordArray([...Fe]);
      _doProcessBlock(e2, t2) {
        const r2 = this._hash.words;
        let n2 = r2[0], o2 = r2[1], s2 = r2[2], i2 = r2[3], a2 = r2[4], c2 = r2[5], u2 = r2[6], l2 = r2[7];
        for (let r3 = 0; r3 < 64; r3++) {
          if (r3 < 16)
            Ke[r3] = 0 | e2[t2 + r3];
          else {
            const e3 = Ke[r3 - 15], t3 = (e3 << 25 | e3 >>> 7) ^ (e3 << 14 | e3 >>> 18) ^ e3 >>> 3, n3 = Ke[r3 - 2], o3 = (n3 << 15 | n3 >>> 17) ^ (n3 << 13 | n3 >>> 19) ^ n3 >>> 10;
            Ke[r3] = t3 + Ke[r3 - 7] + o3 + Ke[r3 - 16];
          const f2 = n2 & o2 ^ n2 & s2 ^ o2 & s2, p2 = (n2 << 30 | n2 >>> 2) ^ (n2 << 19 | n2 >>> 13) ^ (n2 << 10 | n2 >>> 22), h2 = l2 + ((a2 << 26 | a2 >>> 6) ^ (a2 << 21 | a2 >>> 11) ^ (a2 << 7 | a2 >>> 25)) + (a2 & c2 ^ ~a2 & u2) + De[r3] + Ke[r3];
          l2 = u2, u2 = c2, c2 = a2, a2 = i2 + h2 | 0, i2 = s2, s2 = o2, o2 = n2, n2 = h2 + (p2 + f2) | 0;
        r2[0] = r2[0] + n2 | 0, r2[1] = r2[1] + o2 | 0, r2[2] = r2[2] + s2 | 0, r2[3] = r2[3] + i2 | 0, r2[4] = r2[4] + a2 | 0, r2[5] = r2[5] + c2 | 0, r2[6] = r2[6] + u2 | 0, r2[7] = r2[7] + l2 | 0;
      finalize(e2) {
        const t2 = 8 * this._nDataBytes, r2 = 8 * this._data.sigBytes;
        return this._data.words[r2 >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - r2 % 32, this._data.words[14 + (r2 + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = Math.floor(t2 / 4294967296), this._data.words[15 + (r2 + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = t2, this._data.sigBytes = 4 * this._data.words.length, this._process(), this._hash;
    function hash(e2, t2 = {}) {
      const r2 = "string" == typeof e2 ? e2 : objectHash(e2, t2);
      return (n2 = r2, new SHA256().finalize(n2).toString(qe)).slice(0, 10);
      var n2;
    function asyncCall(e2, ...t2) {
      try {
        return (r2 = e2(...t2)) && "function" == typeof r2.then ? r2 : Promise.resolve(r2);
      } catch (e3) {
        return Promise.reject(e3);
      var r2;
    function stringify(e2) {
      if (function(e3) {
        const t2 = typeof e3;
        return null === e3 || "object" !== t2 && "function" !== t2;
        return String(e2);
      if (function(e3) {
        const t2 = Object.getPrototypeOf(e3);
        return !t2 || t2.isPrototypeOf(Object);
      }(e2) || Array.isArray(e2))
        return JSON.stringify(e2);
      if ("function" == typeof e2.toJSON)
        return stringify(e2.toJSON());
      throw new Error("[unstorage] Cannot stringify value!");
    function checkBufferSupport() {
      if (void 0 === typeof l)
        throw new TypeError("[unstorage] Buffer is not supported!");
    const Ve = "base64:";
    const Je = ["hasItem", "getItem", "getItemRaw", "setItem", "setItemRaw", "removeItem", "getMeta", "setMeta", "removeMeta", "getKeys", "clear", "mount", "unmount"];
    function normalizeKey$1(e2) {
      return e2 ? e2.split("?")[0].replace(/[/\\]/g, ":").replace(/:+/g, ":").replace(/^:|:$/g, "") : "";
    function joinKeys(...e2) {
      return normalizeKey$1(e2.join(":"));
    function normalizeBaseKey(e2) {
      return (e2 = normalizeKey$1(e2)) ? e2 + ":" : "";
    const memory = () => {
      const e2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
      return { name: "memory", options: {}, hasItem: (t2) => e2.has(t2), getItem: (t2) => e2.get(t2) ?? null, getItemRaw: (t2) => e2.get(t2) ?? null, setItem(t2, r2) {
        e2.set(t2, r2);
      }, setItemRaw(t2, r2) {
        e2.set(t2, r2);
      }, removeItem(t2) {
      }, getKeys: () => Array.from(e2.keys()), clear() {
      }, dispose() {
      } };
    function watch(e2, t2, r2) {
      return e2.watch ? e2.watch((e3, n2) => t2(e3, r2 + n2)) : () => {
    async function dispose(e2) {
      "function" == typeof e2.dispose && await asyncCall(e2.dispose);
    const Qe = {}, normalizeKey = function(e2) {
      return e2 ? e2.split("?")[0].replace(/[/\\]/g, ":").replace(/:+/g, ":").replace(/^:|:$/g, "") : "";
    }, Ge = { getKeys: () => Promise.resolve(Object.keys(Qe)), hasItem: (e2) => (e2 = normalizeKey(e2), Promise.resolve(e2 in Qe)), getItem: (e2) => (e2 = normalizeKey(e2), Promise.resolve(Qe[e2] ? Qe[e2].import() : null)), getMeta: (e2) => (e2 = normalizeKey(e2), Promise.resolve(Qe[e2] ? Qe[e2].meta : {})) }, Ye = function(e2 = {}) {
      const t2 = { mounts: { "": e2.driver || memory() }, mountpoints: [""], watching: false, watchListeners: [], unwatch: {} }, getMount = (e3) => {
        for (const r3 of t2.mountpoints)
          if (e3.startsWith(r3))
            return { base: r3, relativeKey: e3.slice(r3.length), driver: t2.mounts[r3] };
        return { base: "", relativeKey: e3, driver: t2.mounts[""] };
      }, getMounts = (e3, r3) => t2.mountpoints.filter((t3) => t3.startsWith(e3) || r3 && e3.startsWith(t3)).map((r4) => ({ relativeBase: e3.length > r4.length ? e3.slice(r4.length) : void 0, mountpoint: r4, driver: t2.mounts[r4] })), onChange = (e3, r3) => {
        if (t2.watching) {
          r3 = normalizeKey$1(r3);
          for (const n2 of t2.watchListeners)
            n2(e3, r3);
      }, stopWatch = async () => {
        if (t2.watching) {
          for (const e3 in t2.unwatch)
            await t2.unwatch[e3]();
          t2.unwatch = {}, t2.watching = false;
      }, runBatch = (e3, t3, r3) => {
        const n2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), getBatch = (e4) => {
          let t4 = n2.get(e4.base);
          return t4 || (t4 = { driver: e4.driver, base: e4.base, items: [] }, n2.set(e4.base, t4)), t4;
        for (const r4 of e3) {
          const e4 = "string" == typeof r4, n3 = normalizeKey$1(e4 ? r4 : r4.key), o2 = e4 ? void 0 : r4.value, s2 = e4 || !r4.options ? t3 : { ...t3, ...r4.options }, i2 = getMount(n3);
          getBatch(i2).items.push({ key: n3, value: o2, relativeKey: i2.relativeKey, options: s2 });
        return Promise.all([...n2.values()].map((e4) => r3(e4))).then((e4) => e4.flat());
      }, r2 = { hasItem(e3, t3 = {}) {
        e3 = normalizeKey$1(e3);
        const { relativeKey: r3, driver: n2 } = getMount(e3);
        return asyncCall(n2.hasItem, r3, t3);
      }, getItem(e3, t3 = {}) {
        e3 = normalizeKey$1(e3);
        const { relativeKey: r3, driver: n2 } = getMount(e3);
        return asyncCall(n2.getItem, r3, t3).then((e4) => destr(e4));
      }, getItems: (e3, t3) => runBatch(e3, t3, (e4) => e4.driver.getItems ? asyncCall(e4.driver.getItems, e4.items.map((e5) => ({ key: e5.relativeKey, options: e5.options })), t3).then((t4) => t4.map((t5) => ({ key: joinKeys(e4.base, t5.key), value: destr(t5.value) }))) : Promise.all(e4.items.map((t4) => asyncCall(e4.driver.getItem, t4.relativeKey, t4.options).then((e5) => ({ key: t4.key, value: destr(e5) }))))), getItemRaw(e3, t3 = {}) {
        e3 = normalizeKey$1(e3);
        const { relativeKey: r3, driver: n2 } = getMount(e3);
        return n2.getItemRaw ? asyncCall(n2.getItemRaw, r3, t3) : asyncCall(n2.getItem, r3, t3).then((e4) => function(e5) {
          return "string" != typeof e5 ? e5 : e5.startsWith(Ve) ? (checkBufferSupport(), l.from(e5.slice(Ve.length), "base64")) : e5;
      }, async setItem(e3, t3, n2 = {}) {
        if (void 0 === t3)
          return r2.removeItem(e3);
        e3 = normalizeKey$1(e3);
        const { relativeKey: o2, driver: s2 } = getMount(e3);
        s2.setItem && (await asyncCall(s2.setItem, o2, stringify(t3), n2), s2.watch || onChange("update", e3));
      }, async setItems(e3, t3) {
        await runBatch(e3, t3, async (e4) => {
          e4.driver.setItems && await asyncCall(e4.driver.setItems, e4.items.map((e5) => ({ key: e5.relativeKey, value: stringify(e5.value), options: e5.options })), t3), e4.driver.setItem && await Promise.all(e4.items.map((t4) => asyncCall(e4.driver.setItem, t4.relativeKey, stringify(t4.value), t4.options)));
      }, async setItemRaw(e3, t3, n2 = {}) {
        if (void 0 === t3)
          return r2.removeItem(e3, n2);
        e3 = normalizeKey$1(e3);
        const { relativeKey: o2, driver: s2 } = getMount(e3);
        if (s2.setItemRaw)
          await asyncCall(s2.setItemRaw, o2, t3, n2);
        else {
          if (!s2.setItem)
          await asyncCall(s2.setItem, o2, function(e4) {
            if ("string" == typeof e4)
              return e4;
            const t4 = l.from(e4).toString("base64");
            return Ve + t4;
          }(t3), n2);
        s2.watch || onChange("update", e3);
      }, async removeItem(e3, t3 = {}) {
        "boolean" == typeof t3 && (t3 = { removeMeta: t3 }), e3 = normalizeKey$1(e3);
        const { relativeKey: r3, driver: n2 } = getMount(e3);
        n2.removeItem && (await asyncCall(n2.removeItem, r3, t3), (t3.removeMeta || t3.removeMata) && await asyncCall(n2.removeItem, r3 + "$", t3), n2.watch || onChange("remove", e3));
      }, async getMeta(e3, t3 = {}) {
        "boolean" == typeof t3 && (t3 = { nativeOnly: t3 }), e3 = normalizeKey$1(e3);
        const { relativeKey: r3, driver: n2 } = getMount(e3), o2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
        if (n2.getMeta && Object.assign(o2, await asyncCall(n2.getMeta, r3, t3)), !t3.nativeOnly) {
          const e4 = await asyncCall(n2.getItem, r3 + "$", t3).then((e5) => destr(e5));
          e4 && "object" == typeof e4 && ("string" == typeof e4.atime && (e4.atime = new Date(e4.atime)), "string" == typeof e4.mtime && (e4.mtime = new Date(e4.mtime)), Object.assign(o2, e4));
        return o2;
      }, setMeta(e3, t3, r3 = {}) {
        return this.setItem(e3 + "$", t3, r3);
      }, removeMeta(e3, t3 = {}) {
        return this.removeItem(e3 + "$", t3);
      }, async getKeys(e3, t3 = {}) {
        e3 = normalizeBaseKey(e3);
        const r3 = getMounts(e3, true);
        let n2 = [];
        const o2 = [];
        for (const e4 of r3) {
          const r4 = (await asyncCall(e4.driver.getKeys, e4.relativeBase, t3)).map((t4) => e4.mountpoint + normalizeKey$1(t4)).filter((e5) => !n2.some((t4) => e5.startsWith(t4)));
          o2.push(...r4), n2 = [e4.mountpoint, ...n2.filter((t4) => !t4.startsWith(e4.mountpoint))];
        return e3 ? o2.filter((t4) => t4.startsWith(e3) && !t4.endsWith("$")) : o2.filter((e4) => !e4.endsWith("$"));
      }, async clear(e3, t3 = {}) {
        e3 = normalizeBaseKey(e3), await Promise.all(getMounts(e3, false).map(async (e4) => {
          if (e4.driver.clear)
            return asyncCall(e4.driver.clear, e4.relativeBase, t3);
          if (e4.driver.removeItem) {
            const r3 = await e4.driver.getKeys(e4.relativeBase || "", t3);
            return Promise.all(r3.map((r4) => e4.driver.removeItem(r4, t3)));
      }, async dispose() {
        await Promise.all(Object.values(t2.mounts).map((e3) => dispose(e3)));
      }, watch: async (e3) => (await (async () => {
        if (!t2.watching) {
          t2.watching = true;
          for (const e4 in t2.mounts)
            t2.unwatch[e4] = await watch(t2.mounts[e4], onChange, e4);
      })(), t2.watchListeners.push(e3), async () => {
        t2.watchListeners = t2.watchListeners.filter((t3) => t3 !== e3), 0 === t2.watchListeners.length && await stopWatch();
      }), async unwatch() {
        t2.watchListeners = [], await stopWatch();
      }, mount(e3, n2) {
        if ((e3 = normalizeBaseKey(e3)) && t2.mounts[e3])
          throw new Error(`already mounted at ${e3}`);
        return e3 && (t2.mountpoints.push(e3), t2.mountpoints.sort((e4, t3) => t3.length - e4.length)), t2.mounts[e3] = n2, t2.watching && Promise.resolve(watch(n2, onChange, e3)).then((r3) => {
          t2.unwatch[e3] = r3;
        }).catch(console.error), r2;
      }, async unmount(e3, r3 = true) {
        (e3 = normalizeBaseKey(e3)) && t2.mounts[e3] && (t2.watching && e3 in t2.unwatch && (t2.unwatch[e3](), delete t2.unwatch[e3]), r3 && await dispose(t2.mounts[e3]), t2.mountpoints = t2.mountpoints.filter((t3) => t3 !== e3), delete t2.mounts[e3]);
      }, getMount(e3 = "") {
        e3 = normalizeKey$1(e3) + ":";
        const t3 = getMount(e3);
        return { driver: t3.driver, base: t3.base };
      }, getMounts(e3 = "", t3 = {}) {
        e3 = normalizeKey$1(e3);
        return getMounts(e3, t3.parents).map((e4) => ({ driver: e4.driver, base: e4.mountpoint }));
      } };
      return r2;
    function useStorage(e2 = "") {
      return e2 ? function(e3, t2) {
        if (!(t2 = normalizeBaseKey(t2)))
          return e3;
        const r2 = { ...e3 };
        for (const n2 of Je)
          r2[n2] = (r3 = "", ...o2) => e3[n2](t2 + r3, ...o2);
        return r2.getKeys = (r3 = "", ...n2) => e3.getKeys(t2 + r3, ...n2).then((e4) => e4.map((e5) => e5.slice(t2.length))), r2;
      }(Ye, e2) : Ye;
    Ye.mount("/assets", Ge);
    const Xe = { name: "_", base: "/cache", swr: true, maxAge: 1 };
    const cachedFunction = function(e2, t2 = {}) {
      t2 = { ...Xe, ...t2 };
      const r2 = {}, n2 = t2.group || "nitro/functions", o2 = t2.name || e2.name || "_", s2 = t2.integrity || hash([e2, t2]), i2 = t2.validate || ((e3) => void 0 !== e3.value);
      return async (...a2) => {
        const c2 = t2.shouldBypassCache?.(...a2);
        if (c2)
          return e2(...a2);
        const u2 = await (t2.getKey || getKey)(...a2), l2 = t2.shouldInvalidateCache?.(...a2), f2 = await async function(e3, a3, c3, u3) {
          const l3 = [t2.base, n2, o2, e3 + ".json"].filter(Boolean).join(":").replace(/:\/$/, ":index"), f3 = await useStorage().getItem(l3) || {}, p3 = 1e3 * (t2.maxAge ?? t2.maxAge ?? 0);
          p3 && (f3.expires = Date.now() + p3);
          const h2 = c3 || f3.integrity !== s2 || p3 && Date.now() - (f3.mtime || 0) > p3 || false === i2(f3), d2 = h2 ? (async () => {
            const n3 = r2[e3];
            n3 || (void 0 !== f3.value && (t2.staleMaxAge || 0) >= 0 && false === t2.swr && (f3.value = void 0, f3.integrity = void 0, f3.mtime = void 0, f3.expires = void 0), r2[e3] = Promise.resolve(a3()));
            try {
              f3.value = await r2[e3];
            } catch (t3) {
              throw n3 || delete r2[e3], t3;
            if (!n3 && (f3.mtime = Date.now(), f3.integrity = s2, delete r2[e3], false !== i2(f3))) {
              const e4 = useStorage().setItem(l3, f3).catch((e5) => {
                console.error("[nitro] [cache] Cache write error.", e5), useNitroApp().captureError(e5, { event: u3, tags: ["cache"] });
              u3 && u3.waitUntil && u3.waitUntil(e4);
          })() : Promise.resolve();
          return void 0 === f3.value ? await d2 : h2 && u3 && u3.waitUntil && u3.waitUntil(d2), t2.swr && false !== i2(f3) ? (d2.catch((e4) => {
            console.error("[nitro] [cache] SWR handler error.", e4), useNitroApp().captureError(e4, { event: u3, tags: ["cache"] });
          }), f3) : d2.then(() => f3);
        }(u2, () => e2(...a2), l2, a2[0] && isEvent(a2[0]) ? a2[0] : void 0);
        let p2 = f2.value;
        return t2.transform && (p2 = await t2.transform(f2, ...a2) || p2), p2;
    function getKey(...e2) {
      return e2.length > 0 ? hash(e2, {}) : "";
    function escapeKey(e2) {
      return String(e2).replace(/\W/g, "");
    function cloneWithProxy(e2, t2) {
      return new Proxy(e2, { get: (e3, r2, n2) => r2 in t2 ? t2[r2] : Reflect.get(e3, r2, n2), set: (e3, r2, n2, o2) => r2 in t2 ? (t2[r2] = n2, true) : Reflect.set(e3, r2, n2, o2) });
    const cachedEventHandler = function(e2, t2 = Xe) {
      const r2 = (t2.varies || []).filter(Boolean).map((e3) => e3.toLowerCase()).sort(), n2 = { ...t2, getKey: async (e3) => {
        const n3 = await t2.getKey?.(e3);
        if (n3)
          return escapeKey(n3);
        const o3 = e3.node.req.originalUrl || e3.node.req.url || e3.path;
        return [`${escapeKey(decodeURI(parseURL(o3).pathname)).slice(0, 16) || "index"}.${hash(o3)}`, ...r2.map((t3) => [t3, e3.node.req.headers[t3]]).map(([e4, t3]) => `${escapeKey(e4)}.${hash(t3)}`)].join(":");
      }, validate: (e3) => !!e3.value && (!(e3.value.code >= 400) && (void 0 !== e3.value.body && ("undefined" !== e3.value.headers.etag && "undefined" !== e3.value.headers["last-modified"]))), group: t2.group || "nitro/handlers", integrity: t2.integrity || hash([e2, t2]) }, o2 = cachedFunction(async (n3) => {
        const o3 = {};
        for (const e3 of r2)
          o3[e3] = n3.node.req.headers[e3];
        const s2 = cloneWithProxy(n3.node.req, { headers: o3 }), i2 = {};
        let a2;
        const c2 = createEvent(s2, cloneWithProxy(n3.node.res, { statusCode: 200, writableEnded: false, writableFinished: false, headersSent: false, closed: false, getHeader: (e3) => i2[e3], setHeader(e3, t3) {
          return i2[e3] = t3, this;
        }, getHeaderNames: () => Object.keys(i2), hasHeader: (e3) => e3 in i2, removeHeader(e3) {
          delete i2[e3];
        }, getHeaders: () => i2, end(e3, t3, r3) {
          return "string" == typeof e3 && (a2 = e3), "function" == typeof t3 && t3(), "function" == typeof r3 && r3(), this;
        }, write(e3, t3, r3) {
          return "string" == typeof e3 && (a2 = e3), "function" == typeof t3 && t3(), "function" == typeof r3 && r3(), this;
        }, writeHead(e3, t3) {
          if (this.statusCode = e3, t3)
            for (const e4 in t3)
              this.setHeader(e4, t3[e4]);
          return this;
        } }));
        c2.context = n3.context;
        const u2 = await e2(c2) || a2, l2 = c2.node.res.getHeaders();
        l2.etag = String(l2.Etag || l2.etag || `W/"${hash(u2)}"`), l2["last-modified"] = String(l2["Last-Modified"] || l2["last-modified"] || (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toUTCString());
        const f2 = [];
        t2.swr ? (t2.maxAge && f2.push(`s-maxage=${t2.maxAge}`), t2.staleMaxAge ? f2.push(`stale-while-revalidate=${t2.staleMaxAge}`) : f2.push("stale-while-revalidate")) : t2.maxAge && f2.push(`max-age=${t2.maxAge}`), f2.length > 0 && (l2["cache-control"] = f2.join(", "));
        return { code: c2.node.res.statusCode, headers: l2, body: u2 };
      }, n2);
      return defineEventHandler(async (r3) => {
        if (t2.headersOnly) {
          if (handleCacheHeaders(r3, { maxAge: t2.maxAge }))
          return e2(r3);
        const n3 = await o2(r3);
        if (r3.node.res.headersSent || r3.node.res.writableEnded)
          return n3.body;
        if (!handleCacheHeaders(r3, { modifiedTime: new Date(n3.headers["last-modified"]), etag: n3.headers.etag, maxAge: t2.maxAge })) {
          r3.node.res.statusCode = n3.code;
          for (const e3 in n3.headers) {
            const t3 = n3.headers[e3];
            "set-cookie" === e3 ? r3.node.res.appendHeader(e3, splitCookiesString(t3)) : r3.node.res.setHeader(e3, t3);
          return n3.body;
    }, Ze = toRouteMatcher(createRouter$1({ routes: useRuntimeConfig().nitro.routeRules }));
    function createRouteRulesHandler(e2) {
      return me((t2) => {
        const r2 = function(e3) {
          e3.context._nitro = e3.context._nitro || {}, e3.context._nitro.routeRules || (e3.context._nitro.routeRules = getRouteRulesForPath(withoutBase(e3.path.split("?")[0], useRuntimeConfig().app.baseURL)));
          return e3.context._nitro.routeRules;
        if (r2.headers && setHeaders(t2, r2.headers), r2.redirect)
          return function(e3, t3, r3 = 302) {
            return e3.node.res.statusCode = sanitizeStatusCode(r3, e3.node.res.statusCode), e3.node.res.setHeader("location", t3), send(e3, `<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=${t3.replace(/"/g, "%22")}"></head></html>`, ue.html);
          }(t2, r2.redirect.to, r2.redirect.statusCode);
        if (r2.proxy) {
          let n2 = r2.proxy.to;
          if (n2.endsWith("/**")) {
            let e3 = t2.path;
            const o2 = r2.proxy._proxyStripBase;
            o2 && (e3 = withoutBase(e3, o2)), n2 = joinURL(n2.slice(0, -3), e3);
          } else if (t2.path.includes("?")) {
            n2 = withQuery(n2, parseQuery(parseURL(t2.path).search));
          return proxyRequest(t2, n2, { fetch: e2.localFetch, ...r2.proxy });
    function getRouteRulesForPath(e2) {
      return Q({}, ...Ze.matchAll(e2).reverse());
    const et = [];
    const errorHandler = function(e2, t2) {
      const { stack: r2, statusCode: n2, statusMessage: o2, message: s2 } = function(e3) {
        const t3 = "function" == typeof _.cwd ? _.cwd() : "/", r3 = (e3.stack || "").split("\n").splice(1).filter((e4) => e4.includes("at ")).map((e4) => ({ text: e4.replace(t3 + "/", "./").replace("webpack:/", "").replace("file://", "").trim(), internal: e4.includes("node_modules") && !e4.includes(".cache") || e4.includes("internal") || e4.includes("new Promise") })), n3 = e3.statusCode || 500, o3 = e3.statusMessage ?? (404 === n3 ? "Not Found" : ""), s3 = e3.message || e3.toString();
        return { stack: r3, statusCode: n3, statusMessage: o3, message: s3 };
      }(e2), i2 = { url: t2.path || "", statusCode: n2, statusMessage: o2, message: s2, stack: void 0 };
      if (e2.unhandled || e2.fatal) {
        const t3 = ["[nitro]", "[request error]", e2.unhandled && "[unhandled]", e2.fatal && "[fatal]"].filter(Boolean).join(" ");
        console.error(t3, e2.message + "\n" + r2.map((e3) => "  " + e3.text).join("  \n"));
      return setResponseStatus(t2, n2, o2), function(e3) {
        if (hasReqHeader(e3, "accept", "text/html"))
          return false;
        return hasReqHeader(e3, "accept", "application/json") || hasReqHeader(e3, "user-agent", "curl/") || hasReqHeader(e3, "user-agent", "httpie/") || hasReqHeader(e3, "sec-fetch-mode", "cors") || e3.path.startsWith("/api/") || e3.path.endsWith(".json");
      }(t2) ? (setResponseHeader(t2, "Content-Type", "application/json"), send(t2, JSON.stringify(i2))) : (setResponseHeader(t2, "Content-Type", "text/html"), send(t2, function(e3) {
        const t3 = e3.statusCode || 500, r3 = e3.statusMessage || "Request Error";
        return `<!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>${t3} ${r3}</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@picocss/pico/css/pico.min.css">
    <main class="container">
      <dialog open>
            <h2>${t3} ${r3}</h2>
            ${"\n" + (e3.stack || []).map((e4) => `&nbsp;&nbsp;${e4}`).join("<br>")}
            <a href="/" onclick="event.preventDefault();history.back();">Go Back</a>
    const tt = [{ route: "/api/topic/**:topic", handler: () => Promise.resolve().then(function() {
      return it;
    }), lazy: true, middleware: false, method: "post" }];
    const rt = function() {
      const e2 = useRuntimeConfig(), t2 = new Hookable(), captureError = (e3, r3 = {}) => {
        const n3 = t2.callHookParallel("error", e3, r3).catch((e4) => {
          console.error("Error while capturing another error", e4);
        if (r3.event && isEvent(r3.event)) {
          const t3 = r3.event.context.nitro?.errors;
          t3 && t3.push({ error: e3, context: r3 }), r3.event.waitUntil && r3.event.waitUntil(n3);
      }, r2 = createApp({ debug: destr(false), onError: (e3, t3) => (captureError(e3, { event: t3, tags: ["request"] }), errorHandler(e3, t3)), onRequest: async (e3) => {
        await rt.hooks.callHook("request", e3).catch((t3) => {
          captureError(t3, { event: e3, tags: ["request"] });
      }, onBeforeResponse: async (e3, t3) => {
        await rt.hooks.callHook("beforeResponse", e3, t3).catch((t4) => {
          captureError(t4, { event: e3, tags: ["request", "response"] });
      }, onAfterResponse: async (e3, t3) => {
        await rt.hooks.callHook("afterResponse", e3, t3).catch((t4) => {
          captureError(t4, { event: e3, tags: ["request", "response"] });
      } }), n2 = function(e3 = {}) {
        const t3 = createRouter$1({}), r3 = {};
        let n3;
        const o3 = {}, addRoute = (e4, n4, s3) => {
          let i3 = r3[e4];
          if (i3 || (r3[e4] = i3 = { path: e4, handlers: {} }, t3.insert(e4, i3)), Array.isArray(s3))
            for (const t4 of s3)
              addRoute(e4, n4, t4);
            i3.handlers[s3] = toEventHandler(n4, 0, e4);
          return o3;
        o3.use = o3.add = (e4, t4, r4) => addRoute(e4, t4, r4 || "all");
        for (const e4 of ge)
          o3[e4] = (t4, r4) => o3.add(t4, r4, e4);
        return o3.handler = me((r4) => {
          let o4 = r4.path || "/";
          const s3 = o4.indexOf("?");
          -1 !== s3 && (o4 = o4.slice(0, Math.max(0, s3)));
          const i3 = t3.lookup(o4);
          if (!i3 || !i3.handlers) {
            if (e3.preemptive || e3.preemtive)
              throw createError({ statusCode: 404, name: "Not Found", statusMessage: `Cannot find any route matching ${r4.path || "/"}.` });
          const a3 = (r4.node.req.method || "get").toLowerCase();
          let c3 = i3.handlers[a3] || i3.handlers.all;
          if (!c3) {
            n3 || (n3 = toRouteMatcher(t3));
            const e4 = n3.matchAll(o4).reverse();
            for (const t4 of e4) {
              if (t4.handlers[a3]) {
                c3 = t4.handlers[a3], i3.handlers[a3] = i3.handlers[a3] || c3;
              if (t4.handlers.all) {
                c3 = t4.handlers.all, i3.handlers.all = i3.handlers.all || c3;
          if (!c3) {
            if (e3.preemptive || e3.preemtive)
              throw createError({ statusCode: 405, name: "Method Not Allowed", statusMessage: `Method ${a3} is not allowed on this route.` });
          r4.context.matchedRoute = i3;
          const u2 = i3.params || {};
          return r4.context.params = u2, Promise.resolve(c3(r4)).then((t4) => void 0 === t4 && (e3.preemptive || e3.preemtive) ? null : t4);
        }), o3;
      }({ preemptive: true }), o2 = (s2 = toNodeListener(r2), function(e3) {
        const t3 = new IncomingMessage(), r3 = new ServerResponse(t3);
        if (t3.url = e3.url || "/", t3.method = e3.method || "GET", t3.headers = {}, e3.headers) {
          const r4 = "function" == typeof e3.headers.entries ? e3.headers.entries() : Object.entries(e3.headers);
          for (const [e4, n3] of r4)
            n3 && (t3.headers[e4.toLowerCase()] = n3);
        return t3.headers.host = t3.headers.host || e3.host || "localhost", t3.connection.encrypted = t3.connection.encrypted || "https" === e3.protocol, t3.body = e3.body || null, t3.__unenv__ = e3.context, s2(t3, r3).then(() => {
          let e4 = r3._data;
          (Ie.has(r3.statusCode) || "HEAD" === t3.method.toUpperCase()) && (e4 = null, delete r3._headers["content-length"]);
          const n3 = { body: e4, headers: r3._headers, status: r3.statusCode, statusText: r3.statusMessage };
          return t3.destroy(), r3.destroy(), n3;
      var s2;
      const i2 = function(e3, t3 = global.fetch) {
        return async function(r3, n3) {
          const o3 = r3.toString();
          if (!o3.startsWith("/"))
            return t3(o3, n3);
          try {
            const t4 = await e3({ url: o3, ...n3 });
            return new Response(t4.body, { status: t4.status, statusText: t4.statusText, headers: Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(t4.headers).map(([e4, t5]) => [e4, Array.isArray(t5) ? t5.join(",") : String(t5) || ""])) });
          } catch (e4) {
            return new Response(e4.toString(), { status: Number.parseInt(e4.statusCode || e4.code) || 500, statusText: e4.statusText });
      }(o2, globalThis.fetch), localFetch = (e3, t3) => i2(e3, t3).then((e4) => function(e5) {
        if (!e5.headers.has("set-cookie"))
          return e5;
        return new Response(e5.body, { status: e5.status, statusText: e5.statusText, headers: normalizeCookieHeaders(e5.headers) });
      }(e4)), a2 = createFetch$1({ fetch: localFetch, Headers: Be, defaults: { baseURL: e2.app.baseURL } });
      globalThis.$fetch = a2, r2.use(createRouteRulesHandler({ localFetch })), r2.use(me((e3) => {
        e3.context.nitro = e3.context.nitro || { errors: [] };
        const t3 = e3.node.req?.__unenv__;
        t3 && Object.assign(e3.context, t3), e3.fetch = (t4, r3) => fetchWithEvent(e3, t4, r3, { fetch: localFetch }), e3.$fetch = (t4, r3) => fetchWithEvent(e3, t4, r3, { fetch: a2 }), e3.waitUntil = (r3) => {
          e3.context.nitro._waitUntilPromises || (e3.context.nitro._waitUntilPromises = []), e3.context.nitro._waitUntilPromises.push(r3), t3?.waitUntil && t3.waitUntil(r3);
        }, e3.captureError = (t4, r3) => {
          captureError(t4, { event: e3, ...r3 });
      for (const t3 of tt) {
        let o3 = t3.lazy ? lazyEventHandler(t3.handler) : t3.handler;
        if (t3.middleware || !t3.route) {
          const n3 = (e2.app.baseURL + (t3.route || "/")).replace(/\/+/g, "/");
          r2.use(n3, o3);
        } else {
          const e3 = getRouteRulesForPath(t3.route.replace(/:\w+|\*\*/g, "_"));
          e3.cache && (o3 = cachedEventHandler(o3, { group: "nitro/routes", ...e3.cache })), n2.use(t3.route, o3, t3.method);
      r2.use(e2.app.baseURL, n2.handler);
      const c2 = { hooks: t2, h3App: r2, router: n2, localCall: o2, localFetch, captureError };
      for (const e3 of et)
        try {
        } catch (e4) {
          throw captureError(e4, { tags: ["plugin"] }), e4;
      return c2;
    }(), useNitroApp = () => rt, nt = /post|put|patch/i;
    function hasReqHeader(e2, t2, r2) {
      const n2 = function(e3, t3) {
        return getRequestHeaders(e3)[t3.toLowerCase()];
      }(e2, t2);
      return n2 && "string" == typeof n2 && n2.toLowerCase().includes(r2);
    function joinHeaders(e2) {
      return Array.isArray(e2) ? e2.join(", ") : String(e2);
    function normalizeCookieHeader(e2 = "") {
      return splitCookiesString(joinHeaders(e2));
    function normalizeCookieHeaders(e2) {
      const t2 = new Headers();
      for (const [r2, n2] of e2)
        if ("set-cookie" === r2)
          for (const e3 of normalizeCookieHeader(n2))
            t2.append("set-cookie", e3);
          t2.set(r2, joinHeaders(n2));
      return t2;
    const ot = {};
    function assetsCacheControl(e2) {
      const t2 = function(e3 = "") {
        for (const t3 in ot)
          if (e3.startsWith(t3))
            return ot[t3];
        return {};
      }(new URL(e2.url).pathname);
      return t2.maxAge ? { browserTTL: t2.maxAge, edgeTTL: t2.maxAge } : {};
    addEventListener("fetch", (e2) => {
      e2.respondWith(async function(e3) {
        try {
          return await B.getAssetFromKV(e3, { cacheControl: assetsCacheControl, mapRequestToAsset: baseURLModifier });
        } catch {
        const t2 = new URL(e3.request.url);
        let r2;
        n2 = e3.request, nt.test(n2.method) && (r2 = l.from(await e3.request.arrayBuffer()));
        var n2;
        return rt.localFetch(t2.pathname + t2.search, { context: { cf: e3.request.cf, waitUntil: (t3) => e3.waitUntil(t3), cloudflare: { event: e3 } }, host: t2.hostname, protocol: t2.protocol, headers: e3.request.headers, method: e3.request.method, redirect: e3.request.redirect, body: r2 });
    const baseURLModifier = (e2) => {
      const t2 = withoutBase(e2.url, useRuntimeConfig().app.baseURL);
      return B.mapRequestToAsset(new Request(t2, e2));
    const st = defineEventHandler(async (e2) => {
      const t2 = e2.context.params.topic, r2 = await readBody(e2), n2 = await async function(e3, t3) {
        if (!["finance"].includes(e3))
          throw new Error("You can't do this.");
        return await $fetch(`/api/${e3}`, { baseURL: "http:localhost", query: { message: t3 } });
      }(t2, r2);
      return { response: n2 };
    }), it = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: st }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }));
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
itpropro commented 8 months ago

The code you shared is hard to use for troubleshooting, as it is a already compiled/bundled package for a specific platform. I was not able to reproduce that with a stock instance of Nitro. Feel free to reopen, if you can share a stackblitz/codesandbox/repo reproduction.