unkaktus / onionize

create an onion site from a directory, file, zip or an HTTP(S) site
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Why seperate file selection in dropdown? #45

Closed ei8fdb closed 6 years ago

ei8fdb commented 6 years ago


I'm looking at the GUI on an OS X computer. I see in the file selection drop-down options for a "zip file" (link to GUI screenshot), and for non-zip file "file"(link to GUI screenshot).

Why is there an option for these 2? A zipfile, is a file.

Is there some technical constraint?


unkaktus commented 6 years ago

The "zip file" option (now called "contents of zip") is the option to serve contents of a zip file and not the file itself. It was fixed in 2f061bb. You can update onionize via

go get -u -tags gui github.com/nogoegst/onionize/cmd/onionize

Also thanks for the reminder of #37 - screenshots do not reflect real interface anymore and should be updated.

ei8fdb commented 6 years ago

Thanks @nogoegst.

unkaktus commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the report! :beers: