unkaktus / onionize

create an onion site from a directory, file, zip or an HTTP(S) site
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could not determine kind of name for C.gtk_menu_popup_at_pointer (Part 2) #51

Closed ei8fdb closed 6 years ago

ei8fdb commented 6 years ago

Hea @nogoegst,

As mentioned in #44, I've still got this issue: I can't get onionize running.

OK, I've removed Golang which was installed from standard repositories, and replaced it with 1.9.3, but I still have the same issue as above.

OS same as above

Golang version

bernard@MACHINE:~$ go version
go version go1.9.3 linux/amd64

Attempt to install onionize

bernard@MACHINE:~$ go get -u -tags gui github.com/nogoegst/onionize/cmd/onionize
# github.com/nogoegst/onionize/vendor/github.com/gotk3/gotk3/gtk
menu_since_3_22.go:18:2: could not determine kind of name for 

This is the same issue as I had previously above.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

unkaktus commented 6 years ago

It seems that there are somehow broken/outdated GTK3+ dependencies. So I will fire up some Ubuntu/Debian to add required dependencies to the documentation.

I should really go with binary releases (#47) because reproducing build environment for non-Go code in a pain (GTK3+, especially on Windows and macOS). I am desperately looking for some really good platform-independent UI solution... #53.

In meantime you can try to figure out your GTK3+ version and pass it to build command (if I recall correctly)...

go get -u -tags "gui,gtk_3_10" github.com/nogoegst/onionize/cmd/onionize

Thank you for the report!

unkaktus commented 6 years ago

Hi again @ei8fdb,

I've spinned up an Ubuntu container and figured out that Xenial uses GTK 3.18. So the working command to build on Xenial is

go get -u -tags "gtk_3_18 gui" github.com/nogoegst/onionize/cmd/onionize

I will add Dockerfiles soon. You'll probably want to build with one because it is hell a lot of dependencies.

unkaktus commented 6 years ago

Should be solved by #58.