unknowIfGuestInDream / tlstudio

Currently includes SWT examples, and will support jface and other examples in the future
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[KnowHow] Jenkins工作流打包 #48

Open unknowIfGuestInDream opened 1 month ago

unknowIfGuestInDream commented 1 month ago

Describe the knowHow


unknowIfGuestInDream commented 1 month ago


如何用maven tycho构建自己的Eclipse RCP应用 - Hibou - 博客园
在你写了一个Eclipse插件之后,也许你就会想如何把它变成一个P2的项目或者是一个Java App让大家可以安装到自己的Eclipse上,dangdangdang~~ 这是你就可以利用maven-tycho插件构建你的RCP应用了。 下面是Step by step的教程: Eclipse Tych
unknowIfGuestInDream commented 1 month ago


Maven Tycho for building Eclipse plug-ins, OSGi bundles and Eclipse applications with the command line - Tutorial
unknowIfGuestInDream commented 1 month ago

https://blog.csdn.net/qq_57581439/article/details/126281020 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/583812704

Just a moment...
史上最全 Jenkins Pipeline流水线详解
一、什么是流水线jenkins 有 2 种流水线分为声明式流水线与脚本化流水线,脚本化流水线是 jenkins 旧版本使用的流水线脚本,新版本 Jenkins 推荐使用声明式流水线。文档只介绍声明流水线。 1.1 声明式流水线在声明…
unknowIfGuestInDream commented 3 weeks ago
  xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
          <!--Needed for JustJ-->
unknowIfGuestInDream commented 3 weeks ago


Maven Tycho for building Eclipse plug-ins, OSGi bundles and Eclipse applications with the command line - Tutorial