unknownbrackets / ps2autotests

A set of test programs run on a PS2, with accompanying results.
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Add tests for basic UNPACK command behavior #43

Closed jpd002 closed 7 years ago

jpd002 commented 7 years ago

Here's a test that covers some of UNPACK's behavior. There's lots of stuff that could be tested here, but I wanted to get some basic cases covered first.

The testSetUnpack case is one case I encountered while doing some debugging in Kingdom Hearts 2. I thought it was interesting because it can be used to clear 4096 bytes in VU memory without supplying any data. (it was also broken in Play!)

jpd002 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for merging. Yeah, surely, there will be other tricky cases to cover. There's that Snowblind engine case that I'd like to tackle at some point because I'd like to get those games to work properly without having to activate the hack I've got in Play!.