unknowner / CAGE

CAGE - Castle Age Game Enhancer - Chrome Extension
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Army Cleaner #112

Closed unknowner closed 11 years ago

unknowner commented 12 years ago

The Cage Settings - Army Cleaner option clears out all iOS only members as they don't have facebook accounts, the keep link for an iOS only player looks like http://apps.facebook.com/castle_age/keep.php?casuser=4000000xxxxxxxx, so not removing 15 digit id's starting with 4000000 would be good.

elandal commented 12 years ago

The new FB ID's (since the change from old simple incremental count) are 15 digits and all seem to start with 100 000 as the first two triplets. However, I wouldn't depend on all the zeroes, as that'd support less than 10⁹ accounts, which FB certainly will surpass soon (if it hasn't already). For now, it seems safe to assume 15 digits with first digit anything but 1 is a non-facebook account.

unknowner commented 12 years ago

I think for CA itself its enough to add a option to keep the 15 digit nums that start with 40000....

unknowner commented 12 years ago

added an option (default: true) to keep iPhone players. This is untested as I seem not to have anyone in my army