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[Feature request] Alternative word delete keybinding? #10

Open benhoh opened 1 month ago

benhoh commented 1 month ago

Could you include an option to map alt-backspace to the delete word function, rather than double backspace? This would make it similar to Freewrite and Pomera devices.

My muscle memory is to hit backspace multiple times if I realise I’ve made a typo right after typing a word. With the current editor behaviour, I always end up deleting multiple words accidentally.

I hope it’s okay to make feature requests here. Let me know if there’s a more appropriate place.

Also, a question about your roadmap: is your plan to follow the old Freewrite “strictly no editing” approach, or will you be aiming for document navigation and cut/copy/paste? I respect both approaches — just curious.

unkyulee commented 1 month ago

I have recently made an update for alt delete, and also multiple files.

Can't really say that I have a roadmap. Some communications are done in writerDeck subreddit.


and flicker forum https://www.flickr.com/groups/alphasmart/discuss/72157721921183163

Trying to add cursor navigation and some edit features in the future. Un Kyu Lee

benhoh commented 1 month ago

I was outpaced by your rapid development! It’s really taking shape quickly, and the multiple files are a godsend.