unl / UNL_Directory

The UNL Directory
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Directory Suggestion #186

Open jsturek opened 3 years ago

jsturek commented 3 years ago

Request made via Footprints support system:

02/24/2021 09:06 AM | Suzan Lund Good morning,

I use UNL’s website search function and the “yellow pages” directory a lot. I’ve had trouble with it for quite a while and decided today is the day to mention it.

Often Google searches get quicker and more accurate search results. However, the directory, showing a unit’s HR Organization Chart hierarchy, is useful to my work and doesn’t come up in a Google search.

The issues I experience:

Search Function – requires clicking search, then clicking into another search bar before you actually enter your search text. It would be excellent if the first search link was all you needed. If it still required another text box to type the search into, at least having your cursor already there would save another click.

Directory – I often need to look up UNL org units. What used to be called the Centrex Directory (I think) now shows up as Yellow Pages, but it takes even more steps to get there in Firefox, and Chrome won’t open it at all. For example, I searched for Global Strategies. In both Firefox and Chrome I get a message about Shib.unl.edu preventing access.

Firefox has more info on the error and requires that I click a link to open in another window. -Firefox Can’t Open This Page -To protect your security, shib.unl.edu will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see this page, you need to open it in a new window. -Learn more… -{link to open site in new window} Sometimes that link doesn’t work at all. For the Global Strategies search I did get to the details I needed. The link is: https://directory.unl.edu/departments/5182 . At the very bottom is a helpful roll-up listing I use.

Chrome just gave me this error with a sad face: shib.unl.edu refused to connect.

Since my search is from a UNL page to another UNL page, I’m not sure why this error comes up. Appreciate any more info or fix for this.

Thanks, Suzan

[https://ucomm.unl.edu/images/email-signature/Nebraska_N_RGB_small_on_white.gif] Suzan Lund Associate Director Sponsored Programs 4024721930

The Office of Sponsored Programs is open for business with most staff working remotely. Email sent by:slund2@unl.edu