unlcms / project-herbie

Drupal 10 implementation at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Seeing Duplicate Images in Media Library #552

Open mhonke opened 8 months ago

mhonke commented 8 months ago


Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 10 37 53 AM
sarongebre commented 5 months ago

Hi Matt, I looked into this and just wanted to let you know that the images aren't getting duplicated in this instance. It's just that every time a node that has an image is updated, the table media view stores that information and displays it on that table view for each update. If you go to the Grid media view, you shouldn't see duplicate images of the same image. The Grid media view doesn't document the number of updates.

mhonke commented 5 months ago

Saron, Thanks for the response,

When I go to “Grid” view, I receive an Access denied message.


From: Saron Solomon Gebre @.> Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 9:21 AM To: unlcms/project-herbie @.> Cc: Matthew Honke @.>, Author @.> Subject: Re: [unlcms/project-herbie] Seeing Duplicate Images in Media Library (Issue #552) Non-NU Email

Hi Matt, I looked into this and just wanted to let you know that the images aren't getting duplicated in this instance. It's just that every time a node that has an image is updated, the table media view stores that information and displays it on that table view for each update. If you go to the Grid media view, you shouldn't see those images. The Grid video doesn't document the number of updates. image.png (view on web)https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/github.com/unlcms/project-herbie/assets/72580736/a8dc55e2-8412-4547-a0db-c9a3637a13a9__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!E-uiFazqFIDz5A6egZzSY3xoQDBEXJePCoL1mH5InHNyPy-DKu0rszP5qLmlKBVrk4VyBH7_gjrm3d9Cx2vri2LzZQ$

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