unlimitedbacon / stl-thumb

Thumbnail generator for STL files
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[Feature Add] Compiling RPM in GitHub CI #83

Open alextrical opened 6 months ago

alextrical commented 6 months ago


I have currently got the GitHub CI to compile the RPM package, but I'm not sure how to get this into a state ready to be able to generate Both the existing .DEB and the new .RPM Please can you look over the workflow found here https://github.com/alextrical/stl-thumb/blob/master/.github/workflows/build-ci.yml And let me know how you feel about this. I suppose the best fix may be to add the X86_64 RPM generation to a new Step in the Workflow

The compiled binaries can be found at https://github.com/alextrical/stl-thumb/releases/tag/release

unlimitedbacon commented 6 months ago

Thanks. It would be very nice to get this going.

The current CI script cross compiles Debian packages for several different processor architectures. Specifically, armhf and arm64 for use on a Raspberry Pi or other embedded systems.

Do you think there is value in doing RPM builds for all these architectures as well? Or is x86_64 the only one that is really necessary? As far as I know, RedHat based distros are not commonly used on embedded systems.

alextrical commented 6 months ago

Awesome, I can look into getting the workflow into a format more acceptable for merging into the main repo then. Now it's shown that it's possible to compile a RPM in a Ubuntu based workflow ^_^

I'm not familiar with using Redhat/Fedora on anything other than x86_64, but depending on the difficulty it may be worth compiling for the other architectures too. (That's going to be a bit of a learning curve for me to work out how that loop logic works)

Give me a few days and I will try and have something ready to review for merge

alextrical commented 6 months ago

It seems one of the biggest issues with the workflow was getting it to actually run. Ubuntu 18.04 doesn't seem to be in the roster anymore, so the workflow wouldn't run. After updating the script to make use of 22.04 and getting it working as intended, I've started work on getting the RPM build added into the workflow, though i've got some bugs to iron out of that it seems (specifically Asset file not found: ./target/release/stl-thumb that cargo generate-rpm seems to love to throw.

Edit: A bit of an ugly fix is to copy the files to the needed location, after cargo deb completes its build of the required files with cp -r ./target/${{ matrix.target }}/release ./target It feels wrong that cargo deb compiles its required files/folder structure, but cargo generate-rpm doesn't

alextrical commented 6 months ago

From what i can tell the Build action is outputting into ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/stl-thumb but the cargo generate-rpm expects the files to be at ./target/release/stl-thumb Now to work out how to get it to take the --target variable

alextrical commented 6 months ago

PR related to this feature has been submitted #84 Now to take a look at the requirements to get the KDE plugin working reliably on Fedora Atomic/Kinoite