unlock-protocol / unlock

Ʉnlock is a protocol for memberships built on a blockchain.
MIT License
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No-code frame to airdrop NFT to eligible user #13366

Open Ramitphi opened 4 months ago

Ramitphi commented 4 months ago


Our idea is to build a no-code frame generator tooling which can allow any non-tech person to create the frames on the go for functionality of airdropping. We are adding the layer of engagement/participation to it, which means one people who attended the certain meeting can claim the NFT which we airdrop them using Unlock Protocol Example PoC: https://warpcast.com/ramitphi/0xa4dab4ed (around 50+ people claimed)

Website URL








Discord handle


Completion time

3 weeks


Team Details

Ayush Ranjan (CEO) : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ranjan18/ Susmit Lavania(CTO) : https://www.linkedin.com/in/susmit-lavania-4b9558107/ Daria Saji (Product Manager): https://www.linkedin.com/in/dariasaji/ Ramit Agarwal( Tech PM):https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramit-agarwal-46547316b/


Milestone 1 (200 UDT)

Milestone 2 (300UDT)

Requested grant amount

Other amount, or not requesting UDT

Anything else you think we should know, including why you've requested a particular grant amount

We are requesting for 500 UDT as we believe working with frames would require certain expertise and added dev hours with their learning curve. On the other side, we believe it will be viral product as it solves out the problem of most of the community manager to handle NFT drops. We will be also sponsoring gas fees for claim process, to provide the gas-less experience to the end user

Is your work Open Source

No, my project does not use an Open Source license

Code of Conduct

ccarfi commented 4 months ago

Love this idea! @Ramitphi, where would the image be stored? Is this using the typical Unlock-powered storage (the same as when someone creates a membership today from the Unlock Dashboard)? or something else?

Able to upload image of their choice which will be minted as NFT

Calla-Ji commented 4 months ago

Hi @Ramitphi

Thank you for putting this up! Will users/ creators be able to own the contract through which this is dropped? So, for example, I made my NFT on Unlock, and now I want to use your application to make it claimable on Warpcaster. Is that a thing?

Thank you in advance <3

Ramitphi commented 4 months ago

Love this idea! @Ramitphi, where would the image be stored? Is this using the typical Unlock-powered storage (the same as when someone creates a membership today from the Unlock Dashboard)? or something else?

Able to upload image of their choice which will be minted as NFT

I was thinking to store ipfs the way it usually happens might use pinata or so, but if any suggestion on the storage part would be happy to look into them

Ramitphi commented 4 months ago

Hi @Ramitphi

Thank you for putting this up! Will users/ creators be able to own the contract through which this is dropped? So, for example, I made my NFT on Unlock, and now I want to use your application to make it claimable on Warpcaster. Is that a thing?

Thank you in advance <3

Yes they will own the contract, we will allow the creation of lock from our webpage itself.

No hassle of collecting wallet, creating drops & gas less experience at once place, on the other hand user who wana claim just have to do single click all the checks happen in backend

Calla-Ji commented 4 months ago

Love this idea! @Ramitphi, where would the image be stored? Is this using the typical Unlock-powered storage (the same as when someone creates a membership today from the Unlock Dashboard)? or something else? Able to upload image of their choice which will be minted as NFT

I was thinking to store ipfs the way it usually happens might use pinata or so, but if any suggestion on the storage part would be happy to look into them

I have a personal preference for Arweave storage @Ramitphi if that is possible. I feel it relates a bit better to the idea of decentralized storage <3

Calla-Ji commented 4 months ago

Hi @Ramitphi Thank you for putting this up! Will users/ creators be able to own the contract through which this is dropped? So, for example, I made my NFT on Unlock, and now I want to use your application to make it claimable on Warpcaster. Is that a thing? Thank you in advance <3

Yes they will own the contract, we will allow the creation of lock from our webpage itself.

  • User deploy the lock from our frontend
  • They have the deployed lock
  • They can now select the Huddle01 meeting room for which they want to airdrop NFT
  • A frame link will be created which can be used in warpcast directly

No hassle of collecting wallet, creating drops & gas less experience at once place, on the other hand user who wana claim just have to do single click all the checks happen in backend

That's incredible and thank you for breaking it down so well! You got my support for this one <3

Ramitphi commented 4 months ago

@ccarfi just curious to know what are the next steps, once we have opened the issue

Alanatheweb3girl commented 4 months ago

@Ramitphi how about bringing it up in the DAO Call next week (cause this week is canceled) and getting a temperature check on it during the grants review section of the call? After that open your Snapshot proposal. Get it hopefully through and start building... btw. Stella here :D

Ramitphi commented 4 months ago

works with me, will bring it on table for discussion in the next DAO Call

ccarfi commented 4 months ago

@ccarfi just curious to know what are the next steps, once we have opened the issue

@ramitphi The grant process is run by the DAO, so it's really up to you all! The process in the past is outlined here


Again, however, that's a recommended process. If you think there's been sufficient conversation, and you feel there is sufficient support, you could go straight to an onchain vote (if you choose to propose it), for example.

Your work is very well known to the community, as is your ability to deliver (and the fact that this has been prototyped already) de-risks it substantially from my opinion.

Ramitphi commented 4 months ago

thanks for the revert @ccarfi.

created the proposal on snapshot for the same, once it's done will move it to on-chain voting https://snapshot.org/#/unlock-protocol.eth/proposal/0x85deb825eeb454442c505887d9c19454d4e9fd8a5005eee720b567e173ea7a98

CaptainSouthpaw commented 3 months ago

with regards to making this an open source solution, I will delegate my voting power to someone who would vote yes if the proposal is changed thusly.

Calla-Ji commented 3 months ago

Hi @Ramitphi :)

Since your proposal got defeated, I re-initiated a discussion about it today during the DAO Call as I had seen Blahkheart's comment on Snapshot, stating the following:

I love the project idea, but requesting for 500UDT for a project that is not Open Source for community benefit from learnings is a no for me

The same comments were made today during the call. Would you be willing to adjust your proposal toward an open-source contribution?

Best Stella*

Ramitphi commented 3 months ago

Hi @Calla-Ji, let me discuss it internally with the team. Will get back to it soon

Calla-Ji commented 3 months ago

Awesome, looking forward to your decision @Ramitphi <3

ccarfi commented 2 months ago

Re-opened as an OPEN-SOURCE proposal. https://snapshot.org/#/unlock-protocol.eth/proposal/0xd6b416b5b63fdcdfd915e28afc1735f4e39a5ac3eb14a85074b5ea8b5fe49e04