unlock-protocol / unlock

Ʉnlock is a protocol for memberships built on a blockchain.
MIT License
821 stars 238 forks source link

Unlock Path #14060

Open aloe2372 opened 1 week ago

aloe2372 commented 1 week ago


Unlock Path aims to increase the adoption of the Unlock protocol by providing comprehensive, accessible, and engaging educational resources. Our program will consist of 4 detailed tutorials and 2 workshops, available in both Spanish and Portuguese, and a marketing campaign. These resources will cater to developers, entrepreneurs, and general users, helping them understand and implement Unlock's features effectively. By demystifying the protocol through clear, step-by-step guides and visual aids, we aim to lower the barrier to entry and encourage more widespread use of Unlock. Additionally, we will execute a targeted social media marketing campaign to maximize the reach and impact of these educational materials.

Website URL








Discord handle


Completion time

8 weeks (timeline explained in the Milestone section)


Mónica Talán: Founder

With over 20 years of experience leading communications in various companies, entered the crypto world in 2020 as a participant and student. In 2021, she launched CryptoConexión with a mission to create easy-to-access content in Spanish and Portuguese to help anyone - regardless of where they are in their journey - participate in the Web3 ecosystem. Since then, she has obtained certificates from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT] in blockchain and cryptocurrencies and has been certified as a crypto trader by the Blockchain Council. https://www.linkedin.com/in/monicatalan/

Ana López: Education lead

Computer Engineer with extensive experience in education, including EdTech. She is part of the founding team at CryptoConexión, building the project’s education approach and model, creating various courses more than 100 tutorials and working to build CryptoConexion's Academy. She has worked at some of the largest internet companies, including UUnet or Verizon, leading teams and overseeing some of their training programs. https://www.linkedin.com/in/analopezeiranova/

Silvia Pineda: Project manager

She is one of the founding members, leading project management at CryptoConexión. Recognized as one of the leaders in public relations and communications in Mexico, she is a co-founder of Dextera Comunicación and has played a key role in defining the strategy and development of this platform. Since starting this project and assembling the CryptoConexión team, she has become an enthusiast for crypto and blockchain. https://www.linkedin.com/in/silviapineda/

Rita Heloísa: Collaborator

She joined CryptoConexión in 2023 to help create the team’s approach in Brazil as our collaborator. She has worked for 30 years in the technology industry as a designer and UX engineer, specializing in product, branding, graphic, and packaging. Since 2020, she has been working as a researcher and strategist in blockchain, crypto, web3, NFTs, and the metaverse. https://www.linkedin.com/in/rita-helo%C3%ADsa-rabello-de-araujo/


Milestone 1: Tutorial 0: Unlock Path educational program: Objective: To provide an introductory overview of the Unlock Path Educational Program, outlining the purpose, structure, and benefits of the upcoming tutorials. Tasks:

Milestone 2: Tutorial 1: Introduction to Unlock Protocol Objective: To provide a foundational understanding of the Unlock protocol, its purpose, and basic functionalities. Tasks:

Milestone 3: Tutorial 2: Implementing Unlock Protocol in Your Project Objective: To guide users through the step-by-step process of integrating Unlock Protocol into their projects, including setting up locks and keys.. Tasks:

Milestone 4: Tutorial 3: Advanced Features and Use Cases of Unlock Protocol Objective: To explore advanced features of Unlock Protocol and demonstrate its versatility through real-world use cases. Tasks:

Milestone 5: Marketing Campaign Objective: To increase the visibility and adoption of Unlock Protocol through strategic marketing efforts. Tasks:

Milestone 6: Warpcast Frame Objective: To establish a dedicated frame on Farcaster to foster a community around Unlock Protocol, providing a platform for users to share experiences, ask questions, and collaborate on projects. Tasks:

Milestone 7: Workshops Workshop 1: Introduction to Unlock Protocol and Basic Functionalities Objective: This workshop aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the Unlock Protocol, focusing on its core functionalities and practical applications. Participants will learn how to set up and manage locks and keys, the basic units of Unlock Protocol, to create decentralized access control mechanisms. We are going to cover the following topics:


Workshop 2: Advanced Functionalities and Customization of Unlock Protocol** Objective: This workshop is designed for participants who have a basic understanding of Unlock Protocol and wish to delve deeper into its advanced functionalities. The goal is to teach how to customize and extend Unlock Protocol to meet specific use cases, including integrating with other decentralized services and creating complex access control scenarios. We are going to cover the following topics:


The estimated timeline for the completion of the Unlock Path project is 8 weeks, distributed across three milestones as follows:

Milestones 1,2,3 and 4: - Duration: 6 weeks (Weeks 1-6)

Milestone 5: Marketing and Campaign Launch - Duration: 8 weeks (Weeks 1-8)

Milestone 6: Warpcast frame - Duration: 1 week (Week 4)

Milestone 7: Worshops - Duration: 2 weeks (Weeks 7 and 8)

Requested grant amount

Other amount, or not requesting UDT

Anything else you think we should know, including why you've requested a particular grant amount

Requested grant amount : Milestone 1,2,3 and 4: 351 UDT.
Milestone 5: Marketing Campaign: 141 UDT. Milestone 6: Warpcast Frame: 71 UDT Milestone 7: Workshops: 141 UDT


We believe our educational program is crucial for increasing the adoption of Unlock Protocol. By creating comprehensive tutorials in both Spanish and Portuguese, and workshops, we aim to make the protocol accessible to a wider audience. The requested grant amount is necessary to cover the costs of content creation, translation and marketing. These resources will ensure high-quality educational materials and an effective outreach campaign, ultimately driving more users to adopt and implement Unlock Protocol in their projects. Additionally, our team has extensive experience in educational content development and marketing, ensuring the success of this initiative.

CryptoConexión, launched on October 31, 2021, has been a vital educational platform for Spanish and Portuguese speakers. Our mission: Ensure that communities in Latin America have access to easy to understand content about Web 3 and blockchain. We are working to provide access via easy to understand information in these languages.

Our focus is to onboard leaders, support them in their journey and protect individuals from fraud. Our impact to date includes reaching more than 100,000 users across platforms, including our more than 74,000 users on CryptoConexión, in 2023. The top three countries from where we receive traffic are Mexico, Spain and Argentina.

Here are the metrics related to our work to date:

Captura de pantalla 2024-06-17 a las 17 27 04 Captura de pantalla 2024-06-17 a las 17 28 14

Our primary goal is to educate and drive end-users towards new Web3 ecosystems, thereby fostering adoption and engagement. We are a top of the funnel project, driving awareness, engagement and leading to connecting with different events and initiatives to drive adoption.

1. Free Educational Content - our public goods contribution:

  1. Herramientas para construir en Farcaster
  2. Mujeres en Farcaster - Taller para sumar nuestras voces](https://youtu.be/ZCrB-Lx69WE?si=09u_1ZHCfFjbPufy)
  3. Reto Farcaser Frames LATAM - sesión 1](https://youtu.be/aSqZQOlWj3o?si=QQ5cJmX2YlfzsKLq)
  4. Reto Farcaser Frames LATAM - sesión ](https://youtu.be/RsRiwkbhLC4?si=6QgsWJ0gfwt2dlyD)2
  5. Espacio Latino Innovation Hub (SWSX)
  6. DeFi Bootcamp (6 sessions on our YouTube channel)
  7. Much more on our YouTube channel

2. Social Media Outreach: We leverage our social media platforms to drive engagement - we have more than 8,000 followers across platforms and more than 400 subscribers to our newsletter. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CryptoConexion Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cryptoconexion/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/cryptoconexion/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/76621542/admin/feed/posts/ Warpcast: https://warpcast.com/cryptoconexion Newsletter: https://us5.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=11fbae9d2e7289538db1c1ae6&id=d147549db0 Telegram: @comunidadcryptoconexion

3. Community Events: Bitday: Organized in partnership with LAET, SANEG, and the MORE community, BIT Day Morelos was a day-long event focused on Blockchain and Web3 technology. The event’s goal was to foster connections between students, professionals, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts in these emerging technologies. More than 100 students attended and Bricia Guzman provided a session, an introduction to Optimism. Writing in Web3 Cohort: A pioneering 7-week program in Spanish that involved 12 women from communities like WomenBiz, CriptoCuriosas, Metagals, and ETH Venezuela. We created an Optimism NFT and offered it to everyone in the program. Grl Pow3r: Hosted two women-focused events, one in Mexico City and one in Bogota, Colombia, these events included workshops and panels. In Mexico CIty we had 58 attendees, and 43 in Bogota.

4. Mini Case Study: Onchain Lotería Overview: Onchain Lotería, a project by CryptoConexión, seamlessly blends the realms of public goods and degen culture. With more than 800 mints and a growing community of 386 followers, it has garnered attention and support. Onchain Lotería is not merely a game; it serves as a nexus for community engagement, creativity, and the advancement of Web3 initiatives. Game Dynamics Onchain Lotería modernizes the traditional Mexican game of Lotería, merging trivia, bingo, and impact-driven activities. Each board features dynamic Web3 characters, blending tradition with innovation to educate and engage players. Metrics

Onchain Lotería reimagines the traditional game for the Web3 generation, fostering community engagement, supporting public goods, and contributing to the culture of innovation. Its unique blend of gaming and education positions it as a pioneering project in the decentralized landscape.

Is your work Open Source

Yes, my project will use an Open Source license such as MIT

Code of Conduct

wonderwomancode commented 5 days ago

I appreciate your proposal and would be in favor.

  1. We don't already have any significant education in anything other than English.
  2. The reach of this looks significant.
  3. I appreciate you've broken everything down in clear milestones.
Calla-Ji commented 2 days ago

Same, glad you put it already on Snapshot. Already voted on it as well :)