unlock-protocol / unlock

Ʉnlock is a protocol for memberships built on a blockchain.
MIT License
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EVM network support #9304

Open julien51 opened 1 year ago

julien51 commented 1 year ago

As of January 2024, Unlock Protocol has been deployed to 14 production networks and a few test networks.

Before we consider deploying on any network, we need at least the following:

This is the "bare" minimum for us to deploy the smart contracts. For the front end to work we also need the following:

Nice to have:

Want to get started yourself?

Because the core team is very busy it's not always easy for us to prioritize new chains... but everything about Unlock is open source so you should be able to do it yourself!

There are a "How to deploy the Protocol on a new network" section in the README .

Then you can look at past pull-requests such as Palm Network or Base Goerli

If you want the protocol deployed on more networks, please add them as comments to this issue, or upvote existing ones (no duplicates please!)

julien51 commented 1 year ago

Related issues https://github.com/unlock-protocol/unlock/issues/7924

thelogicaldude commented 1 year ago

EVMOS please! This could be an awesome way to integrate with the Cosmos ecosystem!

zheng115 commented 1 year ago


omahik79 commented 1 year ago


omokingsman commented 1 year ago


nethernodexyz commented 1 year ago

EVMOS, please!

Abir2021 commented 1 year ago

I am waiting to see Evmos!

21-Hidetaka-Ko commented 1 year ago

I would also ask to expand to the next chain.

Aaron-TheCreator commented 1 year ago

Please add support for Near Protocol !

ArtAndMagic commented 1 year ago

Yes please

russlive215 commented 1 year ago

Yes please we need some intergration with aurora evm asap!

SheenaMonique commented 1 year ago

We're looking for some integrations compatible with aurora evm support. Can anyone help us out?

clemsos commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone, thanks for the feedbacks !

The best way to get the Unlock protocol on your favourite chain is to go ahead and deploy the contracts.

One main limitation to use our apps across chains is the deployment of a subgraph to index on-chain data - (see the list of supported networks). Looks like Aurora is supported - but not EVMos :/

Here are a "How to deploy the Protocol on a new network" section in the README . You can send us the addresses when the contracts are deployed and we will add them to our networks list.

LivingDuality commented 1 year ago

Hey all. Look forward to working with everyone and Unlock in the near future. Would love to add Skale network to the list of supported networks if at all possible.

MaxPolarys commented 1 year ago

Hi !

Would you consider adding Metis ?


TheGreatAxios commented 1 year ago


Would love to see an integration with the Calypso NFT Hub, a community chain that is fully EVM compatible on the SKALE Network. It is designed to be owned by the community and to offer a variety of NFT utilities for dApps building on SKALE.

I am one of the community leaders and have had a few requests to see Unlock expand to a network where usage can be handled on-chain without any gas fees.

sherajr commented 1 year ago

Would love to see integration with Harmony and Findora <3

nestorbonilla commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

Unlock is already deployed on Celo Mainnet, but to allow developers building on Celo to experiment with the protocol without changing from chains, I would also ask for the protocol to be deployed on Celo Alfajores (testnet), please.


julien51 commented 1 year ago

Please add support for Near Protocol !

Near is not EVM, so that's unlikely to happen without a significant effort from the Near community itself.

Aeroxander commented 1 year ago

I'd like to vouch for zkSync Era support, we are dependent on it for our Web3 Patreon named Creaton, we use Superfluid Protocol for the on-subscription and mint/burn Unlock NFTs upon the start/end of the subscription.

ZkSync is the biggest & fastest EVM-compatible chain and has a very nice UX with Native Account Abstraction so I'd would certainly be worth it to deploy on there!

julien51 commented 1 year ago

@Aeroxander Please join our discord and tell us more about your work! This helps prioritize!

balive commented 1 year ago

Please add the new Pulsechain.com EVM compatible.

Network Name: PulseChain New RPC URL: https://rpc.pulsechain.com Chain ID: 369 Currency Symbol: PLS Block Explorer: https://otter.pulsechain.com/ DEX: https://pulsex.com Bridge swap from ETH to get PLS: https://bridge.pulsechain.com/ Buying PLS token (which is used for gas): https://plsburn.com Buying PLS token on the CEX: https://www.okx.com/

I'd be happy to help provide some PLS gas, to get the contracts approved.

PJijin commented 1 year ago

Ronin Network (EVM Compatible)

Network Name: Ronin mainnet New RPC URL: https://api.roninchain.com/rpc Chain ID: 2020 Currency Symbol: RON Block Explorer: https://app.roninchain.com/ DEX: https://katana.roninchain.com/ Bridge swap from ETH to get RON: https://bridge.roninchain.com/ Buying RON token (which is used for gas): https://purchase.roninchain.com/ Buying RON token on the CEX: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ronin/markets/

titibuild commented 12 months ago

I'd like to vouch for zkSync Era support, we are dependent on it for our Web3 Patreon named Creaton, we use Superfluid Protocol for the on-subscription and mint/burn Unlock NFTs upon the start/end of the subscription.

ZkSync is the biggest & fastest EVM-compatible chain and has a very nice UX with Native Account Abstraction so I'd would certainly be worth it to deploy on there!


julien51 commented 7 months ago

@PJijin It looks like we cannot use existing EVM wallets like MetaMask on Ronin. We are not able to add support for chains that require the use of a specific wallet.

julien51 commented 7 months ago

@Aeroxander Do you think you could help us deploy on zkSync? Can you use the checklist at the top of this issue and confirm everything exists?

Aeroxander commented 7 months ago

@Aeroxander Do you think you could help us deploy on zkSync? Can you use the checklist at the top of this issue and confirm everything exists?

I'm not sure if my project will go live on zkSync, I am also looking at creating a hyperchain with zk stack or polygon cdk.

ZkSync is least EVM equivalent but still compatible mostly, Polygon zkEVM shouldn't be much of a problem I think. ZkSync has Gnosis Safe on it now and it looks like the deployment is in hardhat only? ZkSync has a hardhat plugin so high chance it will work through there.

ZkSync has everything you need, RPC endpoint, block explorer, The Graph, so it looks like it should work like any other chain, hopefully this helps!

julien51 commented 7 months ago

@Aeroxander Fantastic! We will look at zkSync and zkEvm then! Do you have pointers for the RPC endpoints and co?

Aeroxander commented 7 months ago

@julien51 https://era.zksync.io/docs/api/api.html#testnet should be enough hopefully but Alchemy also has an endpoint if you need a higher limit

bufo24 commented 2 months ago

Core | EVM

RPC: https://1rpc.io/core explorer: https://scan.coredao.org/

Tguntenaar commented 2 months ago

The how to deploy on a new network docs have been moved to his README.md for those who are wondering.

kojirohirate commented 1 week ago


RPC: https://evm-rpc.sei-apis.com/ Explorer: https://seitrace.com/ Docs: https://www.docs.sei.io/

The Graph is now supporting Sei too.