unlockopen / www.unlockopen.com-v4

V4 of the UnlockOpen website
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Identify custom post types and decide on custom OG Images and color schemes #26

Open madrilene opened 6 months ago

madrilene commented 6 months ago

We need to identify all post types that require unique Open Graph (OG) images, icons, and color schemes. This enhancement aims to improve branding consistency across mediums and content types (so that the audience immediately identifies content as coming from UnlockOpen/Tobie)



Already Identified Post Types

Key Considerations

  1. Video Content Handling:

    • Clarification is needed on whether videos will have dedicated URLs.
      • yes, they'll always have their own URLs, these might be using a hash (and part of something else, though)
    • Determine the relationship between videos and presentations. We need to assess if videos always originate from presentations or if they can stand alone.
  2. Color Scheme Decisions:

    • A color scheme for all pages/content types must be decided.
    • A specific color scheme for the speaking archive needs to be determined (hosts opcoming conferences, presentations -- and videos?

Action Items