Open ljwpk opened 3 years ago
Hi, @ljwpk ,
Thank you for your interest in RELLIS3D. Your setup looks good. Could you give me more information? For example, the output of cell 35 in the Jupyter notebook, or share your prediction with me.
Thank you for your reply. This is the Jupyter notebook file and my prediction file.
Jupyter notebook: Prediction result:
Capture for jupyter notebook.
Hi, @ljwpk
Thanks for your reply. I checked the prediction files. Most of the predictions are 3. That's weird.
I saw you used salsanext_cuda10.yml. Could you try to create the python environment using this file?
Did you download the latest data from the github?
I downloaded it a few days ago.
I will try to create a new environment you gave.
LiDAR with Color Annotation PLY Format (Download 26GB) - LiDAR SemanticKITTI Format (Download 14GB) - LiDAR Annotation SemanticKITTI Format (Download 174MB) - LiDAR Scan Poses files (Download 174MB) - LiDAR Split File (75KB) -
Camera to LiDAR (Download 3KB) - Calibration Raw Data (Download 774MB)
Hi, @ljwpk,
Did you solve your problem?
Not yet. I could not solve the problem. Any guesses on this issue?
@ljwpk ,
Can you send me a part of the lidar data you are using? Maybe the smallest sequence
@maskjp I solved this issue. There was a related library version issue.
I tried to test different OS(Windows, Ubuntu).
1) I remove PyTorch and torchvision in reqirements.txt 2) Install requirements. pip install -r reqirements.txt 3) Install PyTorch. conda install pytorch==1.6.0 torchvision==0.7.0 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
Thank you, maskjp.
Great! I am glad you solved your problem and thank you for providing this important information to us!
Best wishes!
Hi, I'm trying to run the pre-trained SalsaNext model with point clouds.
I created the environment with an anaconda. All datasets for point clouds and lidar poses were downloaded and unzip.
Could you check my setup?
And then, I followed the readme file.
But outputs are weird. I attached the capture for the correlation matrix.