unofficial-unifi / unifi-pfsense

A script that installs the UniFi Controller software on pfSense and other FreeBSD systems
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Port 8080 not available #129

Closed pundip closed 2 years ago

pundip commented 5 years ago

Unable to start the unify controller after install.
service start results in Port 8080 not available. I was able to delete the unifi directory and re run the script which started the controller but after the server rebooted the issue returned.

The issue presists on a virgin install of pf sense.

realnessy commented 5 years ago

I can confirm the problem.

I just started up my new network with pfsense and Unifi, and after installing the Controller onto the brand new pfsense, and starting the service, I see the same error. The error appears in the shell where I started the service.

The web service sie somehow running, but it shows an error only. I tried connecting on :8080 and on :8443. Both show the same error:

UniFi Controller is starting up... Connection error. Please check your controller process state.

I understand the service can take several minutes to start, however, I started the service over an hour ago, and the web interface still displays this error.

If I install a controller on my PC, it works fine on the PC.

Would be great if somebody could have a look at it!

hermanndp commented 5 years ago

I can confirm the problem.

I just started up my new network with pfsense and Unifi, and after installing the Controller onto the brand new pfsense, and starting the service, I see the same error. The error appears in the shell where I started the service.

The web service sie somehow running, but it shows an error only. I tried connecting on :8080 and on :8443. Both show the same error:

UniFi Controller is starting up... Connection error. Please check your controller process state.

I understand the service can take several minutes to start, however, I started the service over an hour ago, and the web interface still displays this error.

If I install a controller on my PC, it works fine on the PC.

Would be great if somebody could have a look at it!

Same here

Unable to start the unify controller after install. service start results in Port 8080 not available. I was able to delete the unifi directory and re run the script which started the controller but after the server rebooted the issue returned.

The issue presists on a virgin install of pf sense.

Same here. Have you the 5.6.40 install script? It was really solid. Thanks in advance

ghost commented 5 years ago

what does pfsense show is using that port?

ps aux | grep "8080"

Or even better: pkg install lsof

Then run: lsof -i

ghost commented 5 years ago

Diagnostics > Sockets will show this information too.

hermanndp commented 5 years ago

After a reinstallation I can reach it to 8443 port, but it hangs on "UniFi Controller is starting up... Please wait a moment"

hermanndp commented 5 years ago

Just like this

ghost commented 5 years ago

Have you tried it with the latest build of the unifi controller? The script should grab the latest. I noticed in another thread you were installing an older build. Plus what process is using 8080?

hermanndp commented 5 years ago

I tried latest build. It is stucked on "starting up". 8080 port is used by java. I should install a previous build. If you want i can give you direct access to verify it.

Thanks in advance for your support

ghost commented 5 years ago

And this is a default vanilla install of pfSense 2.4.4? Any other packages added? Strange. I'm pulling from the latest script and everything is a go. How much RAM is in that pfSense box?

hermanndp commented 5 years ago

I will do a clean install again. I tried to update to 2.4.5 development builds but with no luck (pfsense works great). My box has 2Gb installed. Used is around 30% .

realnessy commented 5 years ago

And this is a default vanilla install of pfSense 2.4.4? Any other packages added? Strange. I'm pulling from the latest script and everything is a go. How much RAM is in that pfSense box?

It is a fresh install, with acme and freeradius3 as packages. As newbie to pfsense, I did not install anything else yet - with the exception of the Controller, which was one of the first things I tried to get to work.

PC Engines APU2 2.4.4-RELEASE (amd64) built on Thu Sep 20 09:03:12 EDT 2018 Memory usage | 19% of 4033 MiB

realnessy commented 5 years ago

what does pfsense show is using that port?

ps aux | grep "8080"

I replace my hostname by "xxx".

[2.4.4-RELEASE][root@xxx]/root: ps aux | grep "8080"
root    66356   0.0  0.1    6564   2460  1  S+   13:28       0:00.00 grep 8080

Or even better: pkg install lsof

Then run: lsof -i

[2.4.4-RELEASE][root@xxx]/root: lsof -i
lsof: WARNING: compiled for FreeBSD release 11.2-RELEASE-p2; this is 11.2-RELEASE-p3.
php-fpm   317    root    4u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e2d020      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm   317    root    5u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e2d040      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm   317    root    6u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e3b740      0t0     RAW *:*
syslogd  5404    root    7u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e2cf60      0t0     UDP *:syslog
syslogd  5404    root    8u  IPv4 0xfffff800241d20a0      0t0     UDP *:syslog
php-fpm 11976    root    4u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e2d020      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm 11976    root    5u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e2d040      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm 11976    root    6u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e3b740      0t0     RAW *:*
php-fpm 26119    root    4u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e2d020      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm 26119    root    5u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e2d040      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm 26119    root    6u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e3b740      0t0     RAW *:*
php-fpm 28486    root    4u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e2d020      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm 28486    root    5u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e2d040      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm 28486    root    6u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e3b740      0t0     RAW *:*
radiusd 30228    root   14u  IPv4 0xfffff80024222840      0t0     UDP localhost:18127
radiusd 30228    root   15u  IPv4 0xfffff800241d2480      0t0     UDP localhost:18128
php-fpm 31259    root    4u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e2d020      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm 31259    root    5u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e2d040      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm 31259    root    6u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e3b740      0t0     RAW *:*
nginx   31446    root    5u  IPv4 0xfffff8005b1db820      0t0     TCP *:https (LISTEN)
nginx   31446    root    6u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b2b9820      0t0     TCP *:https (LISTEN)
nginx   31446    root    7u  IPv4 0xfffff8005b2ba410      0t0     TCP *:http (LISTEN)
nginx   31446    root    8u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b2ba000      0t0     TCP *:http (LISTEN)
nginx   31729    root    5u  IPv4 0xfffff8005b1db820      0t0     TCP *:https (LISTEN)
nginx   31729    root    6u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b2b9820      0t0     TCP *:https (LISTEN)
nginx   31729    root    7u  IPv4 0xfffff8005b2ba410      0t0     TCP *:http (LISTEN)
nginx   31729    root    8u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b2ba000      0t0     TCP *:http (LISTEN)
nginx   31729    root   11u  IPv4 0xfffff8005b2b8820      0t0     TCP xxx:https-> (ESTABLISHED)
nginx   31734    root    5u  IPv4 0xfffff8005b1db820      0t0     TCP *:https (LISTEN)
nginx   31734    root    6u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b2b9820      0t0     TCP *:https (LISTEN)
nginx   31734    root    7u  IPv4 0xfffff8005b2ba410      0t0     TCP *:http (LISTEN)
nginx   31734    root    8u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b2ba000      0t0     TCP *:http (LISTEN)
java    34611    root  108u  IPv6 0xfffff80024086000      0t0     TCP *:8080 (LISTEN)
java    34611    root  112u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b276820      0t0     TCP *:8880 (LISTEN)
java    34611    root  125u  IPv6 0xfffff8005bf60820      0t0     TCP *:8443 (LISTEN)
java    34611    root  126u  IPv6 0xfffff8009bfcc410      0t0     TCP localhost:43768->localhost:27117 (SYN_SENT)
java    34611    root  136u  IPv6 0xfffff800cf14d410      0t0     TCP localhost:43770->localhost:27117 (SYN_SENT)
java    34611    root  137u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b33d000      0t0     TCP *:8843 (LISTEN)
java    34611    root  155u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b6b5000      0t0     TCP localhost:43766->localhost:27117 (SYN_SENT)
java    34611    root  157u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b1db410      0t0     TCP localhost:43767->localhost:27117 (SYN_SENT)
java    34611    root  158u  IPv6 0xfffff8005bf7e820      0t0     TCP localhost:43769->localhost:27117 (SYN_SENT)
java    34611    root  161u  IPv6 0xfffff800cf14e410      0t0     TCP xxx:8080->[::]:61542 (ESTABLISHED)
php-fpm 45303    root    4u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e2d020      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm 45303    root    5u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e2d040      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm 45303    root    6u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e3b740      0t0     RAW *:*
dhcp6c  51710    root    4u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b493910      0t0  ICMPV6 *:*
dhcp6c  51710    root    6u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b493740      0t0 HOPOPTS *:*
dhcp6c  51710    root    7u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e2dda0      0t0     UDP *:dhcpv6-client
ntpd    52929    root   20u  IPv6 0xfffff800241d20c0      0t0     UDP *:ntp
ntpd    52929    root   21u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e6a0a0      0t0     UDP *:ntp
ntpd    52929    root   22u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e6a060      0t0     UDP [xxx]:ntp
ntpd    52929    root   23u  IPv4 0xfffff800241d2220      0t0     UDP
ntpd    52929    root   24u  IPv4 0xfffff800cf6bff80      0t0     UDP xxx:ntp
ntpd    52929    root   25u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e6a000      0t0     UDP [fe80:2::1:1]:ntp
ntpd    52929    root   27u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e69f60      0t0     UDP [fe80:3::1:1]:ntp
ntpd    52929    root   28u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e69f40      0t0     UDP localhost:ntp
ntpd    52929    root   29u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e69f20      0t0     UDP [fe80:5::1]:ntp
ntpd    52929    root   30u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e69f00      0t0     UDP localhost:ntp
ntpd    52929    root   32u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e2c3c0      0t0     UDP [xxx]:ntp
ntpd    52929    root   33u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e2ce00      0t0     UDP
ntpd    52929    root   34u  IPv6 0xfffff800cf6bf920      0t0     UDP [fe80:8::1:1]:ntp
ntpd    52929    root   35u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e2c1a0      0t0     UDP
ntpd    52929    root   36u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e69600      0t0     UDP [fe80:9::1:1]:ntp
ntpd    52929    root   37u  IPv4 0xfffff800cf6bfd20      0t0     UDP
ntpd    52929    root   38u  IPv6 0xfffff800241d1340      0t0     UDP [2a02:810d:fc0:1d38:20d:b9ff:fe4d:11cc]:ntp
php-fpm 55609    root    4u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e2d020      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm 55609    root    5u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e2d040      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm 55609    root    6u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e3b740      0t0     RAW *:*
sshd    56408    root    3u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b277820      0t0     TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
sshd    56408    root    4u  IPv4 0xfffff8005b1d9410      0t0     TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
dpinger 58706    root    3u  IPv4 0xfffff8005b494ae0      0t0    ICMP*
dpinger 58706    root    4u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e73570      0t0    ICMP*
dpinger 59341    root    3u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e73910      0t0  ICMPV6 [xxx]:*
dpinger 59341    root    4u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b4951d0      0t0  ICMPV6 [xxx]:*
sshd    80996    root    3u  IPv4 0xfffff800cf27b410      0t0     TCP xxx:ssh-> (ESTABLISHED)
php-fpm 84072    root    4u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e2d020      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm 84072    root    5u  IPv6 0xfffff80007e2d040      0t0     UDP *:*
php-fpm 84072    root    6u  IPv4 0xfffff80007e3b740      0t0     RAW *:*
unbound 87900 unbound    3u  IPv6 0xfffff800cf6bf020      0t0     UDP *:domain
unbound 87900 unbound    4u  IPv6 0xfffff800cf14c820      0t0     TCP *:domain (LISTEN)
unbound 87900 unbound    5u  IPv4 0xfffff800cf6bf2a0      0t0     UDP *:domain
unbound 87900 unbound    6u  IPv4 0xfffff80024086820      0t0     TCP *:domain (LISTEN)
unbound 87900 unbound    7u  IPv4 0xfffff8005b276410      0t0     TCP localhost:rndc (LISTEN)
openvpn 92389    root    6u  IPv4 0xfffff8002422fb40      0t0     UDP
dhcpd   93179   dhcpd    4u  IPv4 0xfffff8005b493cb0      0t0    ICMP *:*
dhcpd   93179   dhcpd    9u  IPv4 0xfffff800241d1840      0t0     UDP *:bootps
radvd   93422    root    4u  IPv6 0xfffff8005b493570      0t0  ICMPV6 *:*

Then I did:

[2.4.4-RELEASE][root@xxx]/root: ps -ef | grep 34611
34611  0- I    66:45.05 JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/openjdk8 PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin PWD=/ HOME=/ RC_PID=34060 /usr/local/openjdk8/bin/java -jar /usr/local/UniFi/li
realnessy commented 5 years ago

Diagnostics > Sockets will show this information too.

It shows something similar, but here you can see that I have IPv4 and IPv6 as well (having Internet from a German cable TV provider who is using IPv6 by default, and after some whining they gave me additionally IPv4, as having IPv4 only is really a mess if you want to reach your home by VPN). Just want to mention that, in case this "double 8080 entry" (IPv4 and IPv6) causes the problem. I show you the output of the diagnostics page:

IPv4 System Socket Information
dhcpd   dhcpd   93179   9   udp4    *:67    *:*
unbound     unbound     87900   5   udp4    *:53    *:*
unbound     unbound     87900   6   tcp4    *:53    *:*
unbound     unbound     87900   7   tcp4   *:*
root    radiusd     30228   14  udp4     *:*
root    radiusd     30228   15  udp4     *:*
root    openvpn     92389   6   udp4    *:*
root    php-fpm     84072   4   udp4    *:*     *:*
root    php-fpm     31259   4   udp4    *:*     *:*
root    php-fpm     55609   4   udp4    *:*     *:*
root    php-fpm     11976   4   udp4    *:*     *:*
root    php-fpm     28486   4   udp4    *:*     *:*
root    php-fpm     45303   4   udp4    *:*     *:*
root    php-fpm     26119   4   udp4    *:*     *:*
root    java    34611   108     tcp46   *:8080  *:*
root    java    34611   112     tcp46   *:8880  *:*
root    java    34611   125     tcp46   *:8443  *:*
root    java    34611   137     tcp46   *:8843  *:*
root    sshd    56408   4   tcp4    *:22    *:*
root    nginx   31734   5   tcp4    *:443   *:*
root    nginx   31734   7   tcp4    *:80    *:*
root    nginx   31729   5   tcp4    *:443   *:*
root    nginx   31729   7   tcp4    *:80    *:*
root    nginx   31446   5   tcp4    *:443   *:*
root    nginx   31446   7   tcp4    *:80    *:*
root    syslogd     5404    8   udp4    *:514   *:*
root    ntpd    52929   21  udp4    *:123   *:*
root    ntpd    52929   23  udp4     *:*
root    ntpd    52929   24  udp4    *:*
root    ntpd    52929   30  udp4   *:*
root    ntpd    52929   33  udp4   *:*
root    ntpd    52929   35  udp4   *:*
root    ntpd    52929   37  udp4    *:*
root    php-fpm     317     4   udp4    *:*     *:*
IPv6 System Socket Information
unbound     unbound     87900   3   udp6    *:53    *:*
unbound     unbound     87900   4   tcp6    *:53    *:*
root    dhcp6c  51710   7   udp6    *:546   *:*
root    php-fpm     84072   5   udp6    *:*     *:*
root    php-fpm     31259   5   udp6    *:*     *:*
root    php-fpm     55609   5   udp6    *:*     *:*
root    php-fpm     11976   5   udp6    *:*     *:*
root    php-fpm     28486   5   udp6    *:*     *:*
root    php-fpm     45303   5   udp6    *:*     *:*
root    php-fpm     26119   5   udp6    *:*     *:*
root    java    34611   108     tcp46   *:8080  *:*
root    java    34611   112     tcp46   *:8880  *:*
root    java    34611   125     tcp46   *:8443  *:*
root    java    34611   137     tcp46   *:8843  *:*
root    sshd    56408   3   tcp6    *:22    *:*
root    nginx   31734   6   tcp6    *:443   *:*
root    nginx   31734   8   tcp6    *:80    *:*
root    nginx   31729   6   tcp6    *:443   *:*
root    nginx   31729   8   tcp6    *:80    *:*
root    nginx   31446   6   tcp6    *:443   *:*
root    nginx   31446   8   tcp6    *:80    *:*
root    syslogd     5404    7   udp6    *:514   *:*
root    ntpd    52929   20  udp6    *:123   *:*
root    ntpd    52929   22  udp6    xxx%igb0:123    *:*
root    ntpd    52929   25  udp6    xxx%igb1:123    *:*
root    ntpd    52929   27  udp6    xxx%igb2:123    *:*
root    ntpd    52929   28  udp6    ::1:123     *:*
root    ntpd    52929   29  udp6    fe80::1%lo0:123     *:*
root    ntpd    52929   32  udp6    xxx%ovpns1:123  *:*
root    ntpd    52929   34  udp6    fe80::1:1%igb1.210:123  *:*
root    ntpd    52929   36  udp6    fe80::1:1%igb1.220:123  *:*
root    ntpd    52929   38  udp6    xxx:123     *:*
root    php-fpm     317     5   udp6    *:*     *:*
realnessy commented 5 years ago

Have you tried it with the latest build of the unifi controller? The script should grab the latest. I noticed in another thread you were installing an older build. Plus what process is using 8080?

I was using the version with the shortcut. I did not save the output of the install script.

I now used the following line to try again:

fetch -o - | sh -s

I saw some problem with mongodb, but when the script was finished, my 2000 line buffer was not enough and the mongodb line was gone.

I started the above line again. This time, there were java exceptions that aborted the script. Looked like maybe the service was not yet fully up, when the re-start tried to kill the process. So I waited a bit, checked if there are processes left, and started the script another time.

The 3rd try, there was no problem with mongodb, and there was no java exception. The script finished and after starting the service, the "Port 8080 not available" re-appeard.

Even though I received that error again, I checked the web interface, and this time the Unifi user interface came up. I will now try to connect my devices. Maybe my problem is solved by running the script without the shortcut 3 more times...

Edit one hour later: the two devices were connected with a Laptop, because I wanted to be able to configure them.

I now sshed them and used command "set-inform". The IP is the IP of my pfsense (LAN). There was no error, it seemed to work.

They appeared in gray on the interface (saying anderweitig verwalted" with means something like "otherwise managed"). I tried to connect them, and after trying some options (which port, which of the two passwords to enter), I was able to connect one of them. The other one does not like me - maybe I had to many false tries...? At least, it seems to work in general... I have not tried yet if it still works after a reboot.

Edit later: it turned out that the switch port that gave power to my WLAN access point became powerless through that change. After reconfiguring everything, I was able to connect the 2nd device.

I did not yet try if this survives a reboot. I hope so... If it does not, I will write again...

SMIncBrett commented 5 years ago

^^Same as this. I've installed it on a couple devices successfully by running the install script provided on the main page, and then stopping the service, running "rm -R /usr/local/UniFi" and then reinstalling.

I have to do this 2 or 3 times to get it to install UniFi where it works properly, but that's the jist.

realnessy commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately my "solution" did not survive power cycle. Web interface shows the error again, and starting the process shows the error message about port 8080.

However, I found something new in the logs:

Nov 13 20:44:14 | kernel |   | pid 57480 (mongod), uid 0: exited on signal 6 (core dumped)
Nov 13 20:44:20 | kernel |   | pid 85520 (mongod), uid 0: exited on signal 6 (core dumped)
Nov 13 20:44:26 | kernel |   | pid 13066 (mongod), uid 0: exited on signal 6 (core dumped)
Nov 13 20:44:31 | kernel |   | pid 13447 (mongod), uid 0: exited on signal 6 (core dumped)
Nov 13 20:44:37 | kernel |   | pid 13767 (mongod), uid 0: exited on signal 6 (core dumped)

There are tons of more such entries...

Does anybody have an idea how to solve this...?

Remember, 2 days ago I already mentioned a problem with mongod. I would assume that this is the reason for the problem.

realnessy commented 5 years ago

I am playing around again, trying to get it to work again. When I was running the Unifi install script again, I found the following error, next to mongodb. Can this explain my problems? How can I fix it?

Fetching mongodb34-3.4.16.txz: 100%    4 MiB 121.9kB/s    00:34    
pkg: Operation timed out
pkg: Not Found
pkg: Not Found
pkg: Not Found
pkg: Not Found
pkg: Not Found
pkg: Not Found
pkg: Not Found
Fetching snappy-1.1.6.txz: 100%   61 KiB  62.0kB/s    00:01    

Kind regards,

9r00t-z commented 5 years ago

I can confirm the same issue.. anyone have a solution?

SMIncBrett commented 5 years ago

My best guess from experience running this recently and what others have posted is that some of the pkg repos are a little slow/glitchy (see the timeout in realnessy's posted error) and the install script may need a longer wait threshold.

I've installed it on a couple devices successfully by running the install script provided on the main page, and then stopping the service, running "rm -R /usr/local/UniFi" and then reinstalling. May need to do multiple times to get a good result, I think that has to do with timeouts during installation of dependencies.

So far so good on having the controller survive a reboot, but your mileage may vary.

SMIncBrett commented 5 years ago

Ran into "not running after reboot" on a new installation yesterday. Try manually starting the controller with the "service start" command from the shell, fixed it for me. Might be something with the rc.d script that needs to be looked it at, I'll see if I can recreate it in a lab and post any findings.

SMIncBrett commented 5 years ago

OK, some observations:

Ran into this again upgrading an existing box to the latest controller. Firstly got this:

pkg: Not Found pkg: Not Found pkg: Not Found pkg: Not Found pkg: Not Found pkg: Not Found pkg: Not Found

So I went to the mirror, and sure enough those files aren't there.

So then I checked the Fresh Ports page:

And found this:

No installation instructions: this port has been deleted.

Switch to xorgproto instead of individual packages

Upstream used to distribute protocol headers as separate packages, but has decided to merge those to a common package, named xorgproto. This update tracks that change.

PR: 230023 Submitted by: zeising Approved by: portmgr (antoine) exp-run by: antoine

So they've been deprecated and the installer script already installs xorgproto, a little further down in the script if you look at it. Non-issue.

Tried and tried on this box which was running 2.4.3-RELEASE based on FreeBSD 11.0 to fix with UniFi dir delete and luck.

Upgraded pfSense to 2.4.4-RELEASE based on FreeBSD 11.2, stopped the service, did "rm -r /usr/local/UniFi", re-ran the installer. It works again! :)

Just passing that along, something in the dependencies when using FreeBSD 11.0 from what I can tell. Upgrade to 11.2 fixed it.

dustinduse commented 5 years ago

Those of you getting the Port 8080 issue, and are deleting everything and reinstalling to get the app to work. Next time you have an issue please check the Mongo log located at /usr/local/UniFi/logs/mongo.log I almost bet it will look like this

2019-04-25T21:38:57.403+0600 I CONTROL  [main] ***** SERVER RESTARTED *****
2019-04-25T21:38:57.414+0600 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=81733 port=27117 dbpath=/usr/local/UniFi/data/db 64-bit
2019-04-25T21:38:57.415+0600 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] db version v3.4.20
2019-04-25T21:38:57.415+0600 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] git version: 447847d93d6e0a21b018d5df45528e815c7c13d8
2019-04-25T21:38:57.415+0600 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2o-freebsd  27 Mar 2018
2019-04-25T21:38:57.415+0600 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] allocator: system
2019-04-25T21:38:57.415+0600 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] modules: none
2019-04-25T21:38:57.415+0600 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] build environment:
2019-04-25T21:38:57.415+0600 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]     distarch: x86_64
2019-04-25T21:38:57.415+0600 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]     target_arch: x86_64
2019-04-25T21:38:57.415+0600 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] options: { net: { bindIp: "", port: 27117, unixDomainSocket: { pathPrefix: "/usr/local/UniFi/run" } }, storage: { dbPath: "/usr/local/UniFi/data/db" }, systemLog: { destination: "file", logAppend: true, path: "/usr/local/UniFi/logs/mongod.log" } }
2019-04-25T21:38:57.415+0600 I -        [initandlisten] Detected data files in /usr/local/UniFi/data/db created by the 'wiredTiger' storage engine, so setting the active storage engine to 'wiredTiger'.
2019-04-25T21:38:57.415+0600 I STORAGE  [initandlisten] wiredtiger_open config: create,cache_size=3276M,session_max=20000,eviction=(threads_min=4,threads_max=4),config_base=false,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),file_manager=(close_idle_time=100000),checkpoint=(wait=60,log_size=2GB),statistics_log=(wait=0),verbose=(recovery_progress),
2019-04-25T21:38:57.419+0600 E STORAGE  [initandlisten] WiredTiger error (0) [1556206737:419171][81733:0x808c16000], file:WiredTiger.wt, connection: WiredTiger.turtle: encountered an illegal file format or internal value
2019-04-25T21:38:57.419+0600 E STORAGE  [initandlisten] WiredTiger error (-31804) [1556206737:419317][81733:0x808c16000], file:WiredTiger.wt, connection: the process must exit and restart: WT_PANIC: WiredTiger library panic
2019-04-25T21:38:57.419+0600 I -        [initandlisten] Fatal Assertion 28558 at src/mongo/db/storage/wiredtiger/wiredtiger_util.cpp 365
2019-04-25T21:38:57.419+0600 I -        [initandlisten]

***aborting after fassert() failure

2019-04-25T21:38:57.420+0600 F -        [initandlisten] Got signal: 6 (Abort trap).

This appears to be some form of corrupted Unifi database. Unknown cause but it will cause both, the Mongo error logs issue reported, the Port 8080 issue reported, and the Unifi controller is starting issue.

gruffogre commented 5 years ago

Not sure if this is useful for anyone having the 8080 in use issue but I got the same error right after installing darkstat which also looks like it uses MongoDB. Removing both and reinstalling unifi again from the script put it right.

cypherstream commented 4 years ago

I also see this error if updating or installing any other pfsense package, mongodb incorrectly gets removed by the pkg command.

Same as

JamesValero commented 4 years ago

Note: Make sure 8443/8080 aren't already in use by other services like pfBlockerNG which defaults to 8081/8443. I ended up changing pfBlockerNG's 8443 to 8444.

If you need to get up and running quickly (at least this worked for me without having to reinstall)

Install lsof (if you haven't done so already) pkg install lsof

Find the PID holding up 8080/8443 and kill the PID kill -9 $(lsof -i | grep -E "8443|8080" | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u | tr "\n" " ")

Startup UniFi service start

Watch the logs (optional; Ctrl+C to break out) tail -f /usr/local/UniFi/logs/mongod.log

Try to log back into the UniFi Web Ui

cypherstream commented 4 years ago

That’s a great one liner that should work as long as the problem is not FreeBSD package manager pkg forcefully removing mongodb.

tong2x commented 2 years ago

no more updates, closing