unofficial-uoregon-dissertation-formats / unofficial-uoregon-grad-school-dissertation-latex-markdown-apa-format

A dissertation LaTeX stylesheet with Markdown support for the University of Oregon using APA format (This repository is not officially associated with the University of Oregon).
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Approved not working well with natbib package #18

Closed adrianhelmlingcornell closed 3 weeks ago

adrianhelmlingcornell commented 3 weeks ago

Hi all, thanks for your hard work. I am trying to compile the document for the first time in a Gitlab CI/CD environment, I find that I get the following error ! LaTeX Error: Unknown option 'approved' for package 'natbib'. when I compile. Here is the yaml file that I am using for the pipeline

  LATEX_IMAGE: listx/texlive:2020
  image: $LATEX_IMAGE
    - latexmk -shell-escape -pdf latex_files/main.tex
    - latexmk -bibtex -pdf -pdflatex="pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode"
    - latexmk -shell-escape -pdf latex_files/main.tex
    - latexmk -shell-escape -pdf latex_files/main.tex
    - latexmk -shell-escape -pdf latex_files/main.tex
      - "*.pdf"

I find that I can reach further in the compilation if I comment out the first documentclass line and uncomment the next.

adrianhelmlingcornell commented 3 weeks ago

Duh, duh, duh

You need to usepackage natbib...

adrianhelmlingcornell commented 3 weeks ago

marking as closed