unoplatform / Uno.Gallery

The Uno Platform Gallery application
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SVG name must not be camel-cased? #1042

Closed MartinZikmund closed 7 months ago

MartinZikmund commented 9 months ago
          @Youssef1313 So, I tested this and I can still reproduce it, when I use the `UnoLogo.svg` (with the svg code the same) I get this error:
[DOTNET] fail: Uno.UI.Svg.SvgProvider[0]
[DOTNET]       Failed to load SVG image.
[DOTNET]       System.Xml.XmlException: Invalid character in the given encoding. Line 1, position 1.
[DOTNET]          at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
[DOTNET]          at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
[DOTNET]          at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Int32 pos, String res)
[DOTNET]          at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.InvalidCharRecovery(Int32& bytesCount, Int32& charsCount)
[DOTNET]          at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.GetChars(Int32 maxCharsCount)
[DOTNET]          at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ReadData()
[DOTNET]          at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.SwitchEncoding(Encoding newEncoding)
[DOTNET]          at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.SwitchEncodingToUTF8()
[DOTNET]          at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseXmlDeclaration(Boolean isTextDecl)
[DOTNET]          at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
[DOTNET]          at System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read()
[DOTNET]          at Svg.SvgTextReader.Read() in /_/externals/SVG/Source/SvgTextReader.cs:line 66
[DOTNET]          at Svg.SvgDocument.Create[SvgDocument](XmlReader reader) in /_/externals/SVG/Source/SvgDocument.cs:line 363
[DOTNET]          at Svg.SvgDocument.Open[SvgDocument](Stream stream, Dictionary`2 entities) in /_/externals/SVG/Source/SvgDocument.cs:line 299
[DOTNET]          at Svg.Model.SvgExtensions.Open(Stream stream) in /_/src/Svg.Model/SvgExtensions.IO.cs:line 329
[DOTNET]          at Svg.Skia.SKSvg.Load(Stream stream) in /_/src/Svg.Skia/SKSvg.Model.cs:line 63
[DOTNET]          at Uno.UI.Svg.SvgProvider.<>c__DisplayClass22_0.<LoadSvgAsync>b__0()

while with Uno-logo.svg it displays correctly image

_Originally posted by @morning4coffe-dev in

MartinZikmund commented 7 months ago

Apparently Resizetizer only allows the following: lowercase, start and end with a letter character, and contain only alphanumeric characters or underscores.