unoplatform / Uno.Gallery

The Uno Platform Gallery application
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Gallery does not complete it's loading on Safari #1066

Closed NVLudwig closed 6 months ago

NVLudwig commented 6 months ago

Gallery hangs on splash screen when loading from safari, work fine in Chrome

Current behavior


fail: Uno.UI.Dispatching.CoreDispatcher[0] Dispatcher unhandled exception System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Arg_TargetInvocationException ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot locate resource from 'ms-resource:///Files/m:-appx:///Microsoft.UI.Xaml/Themes/themeresources_v2.xaml' at Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.XamlControlsResourcesV2..ctor() at Uno.Gallery.Wasm.__Resources._SamplePageLayout_763a1a6ef7aae7f96058cffc4fe315b1_SamplePageLayoutRDSC1.Build(Object __ResourceOwner_1) at Uno.Gallery.Wasm.GlobalStaticResources.ResourceDictionarySingleton__SamplePageLayout_763a1a6ef7aae7f96058cffc4fe315b1.<>c.<Get_5>b__9_1(Object __owner) at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithNoArgs(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr) Exception_EndOfInnerExceptionStack at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithNoArgs(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr) at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic) at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type) at Uno.Gallery.App.ShellNavigateTo(Sample sample, Boolean trySynchronizeCurrentItem) at Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Application.Initialize() at Uno.UI.Dispatching.CoreDispatcher.InvokeOperationSafe(UIAsyncOperation operation)

Expected behavior

load and run normally


Safari Version 16.6 (18615.

Nuget Package:

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Affected platform(s):

Visual Studio:

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Anything else we need to know?

NVLudwig commented 6 months ago

@agneszitte reports it works for her in version (16.5.2)

jeromelaban commented 6 months ago

@NVLudwig macOS Sonoma is required when running on M1/arm64 devices (Safari 17.2.1)

NVLudwig commented 6 months ago

@jeromelaban Thanks so much for this info, Should we implement some kind of message in the UI for this?

jeromelaban commented 6 months ago

I'm not sure if we can, because we need to detect that we're running on arm64. Safari does not report this in a reliable way, for what I can tell...

NVLudwig commented 6 months ago

BTW the Figma plugin was not working on Safari either so I tried an upgrade to Sonoma thanks to you and now the plugin works as well. IDK how you do it Jerome there is no way I would have guessed it was because of my Processor+OS combo as everything was working on Chrome. Is this documented somewhere?

jeromelaban commented 6 months ago

You're welcome ;)

It's not explicitly documented at this time, aside from, but we have to build some status page for that kind of issues.