[!IMPORTANT] Samples with a status of ⏸️ (On hold), which require migration to the single project structure, are not a priority to be updated or worked on at the moment. The complete list of samples is included in the matrix below to provide an overview of all current samples in the Uno.Samples repo and their statuses between release updates.
Steps to follow for each sample you are updating:
Assign your name in the table below before starting work to ensure no duplication of effort.
Perform a quick sanity check by testing the sample app on all supported platforms.
If a README is missing at the root of the sample, please create one.
Use the WindowingSample README.md or the Counter README.md as references for format and folder organization.
If the sample is not listed in samples.md, ensure it is added.
Adjust the status and the last current Uno.Sdk version used by the sample in the table below when changes are merged
Now that Uno.Sdk version 5.5 has been released, we need to update the samples to the latest stable Uno.Sdk 5.5.
Steps to follow for each sample you are updating:
, remove them. They are no longer necessary with Uno.Sdk 5.3 and above.Status Legend:
ReadMe.md/Samples.md Legend: