unoplatform / Uno.Themes

This library is designed to help you use the Material, Fluent or Cupertino design system with the Uno Platform
Apache License 2.0
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Clarify Uno.Material x Google Material Design #1305

Open iurycarlos opened 4 months ago

iurycarlos commented 4 months ago

I think it is not that clear for new users the difference between Uno.Material and Material Design itself.

Here: We have:

` The Uno.Material library is available as NuGet packages that can be added to any new or existing Uno solution. Uno Material lets you apply Material Design 3 styling to your application with just a few lines of code.


And Here: We have:

` Uno.Material v3 (not to be confused with Material Design 3 from Google) introduces support for Lightweight Styling as well as some breaking changes to the default style keys for some controls. Refer to the tables below for the changes that have been made within Uno.Material.


Maybe would be nice to clarify to user that we have an Uno Version of the Material Design or a Design System specific for Uno, based on Material Design, or any other text which could ilustrate the real scenario.

On which page?

What's wrong?

Any feedback?

kazo0 commented 4 months ago

@iurycarlos yes good catch, I'll be addressing that as part of